Web Forms :: How To Change Images In Website Dynamically Through Admin Panel

Sep 18, 2013

i have designed a website in that i have image tool but the image must change  dynamically the changes is made in admin page.. by which tool we cn obtain that......

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Creating 4 Website With Same Database And Admin Panel?

Jun 24, 2010

I am planning to develop around 4 product catalogue websites. The functionality of all the websites would be same. however the design, images and css would be different.

All the 4 websites will use the same admin panel, forums and database(MS Access) also.

How should I create such a system.

I dont understand what kind of folder structure should I create.

I would like to create following kind of folder structure.

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----> Website 2 (subfolder)
----> Website 3 (subfolder)
----> Website 4 (subfolder)

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How can I dynamically change the font size of the labels in the second panel (or the panel as a whole) so that the text (remember it has verying lengths) is contained within the margins of the stationary panel?

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Jan 7, 2011

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Is there any alternatives of doing that. Separate projects for admin and website will come up with many other challenges. So I would like to avoid that.

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My objective is to use an Admin page to

1. change the theme of the site permanently for all users, including anonymous visitors.

2. change the masterpage for all pages permanently for all users, including anonymous visitors.

So when I log off after changing the settings, the new settings are retained.

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