Web Forms :: Expand A Particular Node On Treeview

Jun 22, 2010

What I am acheiving is a simple treeview which will have a tree structure

-- xx
Simple stuff !. Here is the code

TreeNode tree1 = new TreeNode("dir1", "", "", "dir1", "");
TreeNode node = new TreeNode("xx", "xx");
TreeNode tree2 = new TreeNode("dir2", "", "", "dir2", "");

Now I want to do is collapse all the tree and find a particular node e.g dir1xx
I have put the code

tree.FindNode("dir1").Select(); <-- falls over

but it falls over on the 2nd line with object not set

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Web Forms :: Treeview: Click Node Text To Expand/collapse?

Mar 10, 2011

On a treeview, you can collapse/expand the nodes by clicking the +/- icon.

I would like to know how I can also click the node text to achieve the same results.

I want to be able to click the node text to expand/collapse the node.

How can I do this in ASP.NET/C# ?

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Web Forms :: TreeView Expand/collapse Images Aren't Aligned With Node Text

Jul 16, 2010

I've built a TreeView in ASP.NET 3.5 and it works great, except the expand and collapse images (which are 20px by 20px) do not align properly with the text in the nodes. Below is a screen shot of the applicable tree, with all items selected to allow you to see where the items are lined up. I need the text to be vertically centered (by one means or another) so it lines up with the center of its expand/collapse image.

I've tried numerous tricks to make this happen, including CSS, but can't seem to find the right technique.

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Jan 12, 2011

I've been using hardcoded hyperlinks for my web app navigation, but the app has grown since and managing it is becoming a real pain. I've decided to replace what I have with the TreeView control, however I want to make several changes to the way it looks. Is there any property that needs to be set, that would allow user to expand the TreeView node by clicking its text instead of +/- ? I've already set ShowExpandColapse to 'false'. I want my final result to end up as something similar to the TreeView on the left of the MSDN site.

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I have an example here of what I am trying to accomplish:


I am using asp.net with VB.

I have been scouring the internet looking for a solution, but so far haven't found anything that works.

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Web Forms :: Treeview .each Node In A Treeview Will Need To Display Different Page?

Nov 15, 2010

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I created a sitemap with a treeview navigation in my aspx site. I am hoping someone can show me the code to put in a Masterpage so that when I expand a child node, all other nodes collapse, and when I expand another node, the previous expanded node collapses.

I have an example here of what I am trying to accomplish:


I am using asp.net with VB.

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Web Forms :: Expand Tree View Nodes By Click Parent Node?

Jan 22, 2010

I have bounded a treeview with an xml file. It bounded perfectly. you can have a view of my xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<submenu submenuname="Tracker">
<submenu1 submenu1name="NBD" url="View.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="EOI" url="EoitTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Proposal" url="ProposalTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Project" url="ContractTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Sub Contract" url="SubContractTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu submenuname="Reports">
<submenu1 submenu1name="NBD" url="#" picurl1="Images/report.gif" >
<submenu2 submenu2name="By Status" url="Nbdbystatus.aspx" picurl="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu2 submenu2name="By Date" url="NbdbyDate.aspx" picurl="Images/report.gif"/>


MainMenu is the Parent node and Tracker, Reports ... are subodes. I want that if I click the node Tracker the all it's parent nodes(NBD, EOI, Proposal, Project, Sub Contract) should expand the remaining treevew remain same.

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Web Forms :: How To Expand TreeView

Mar 22, 2010

I am using Tree view to display Categories & SubCategories under it. It's working fine. to create a Tree View I had used,

Problem is that I want my TreeView to be expanded. How can one do that? Moreover, From another page when I click a Product, I want that in treeView that Category(under which Product falls), should be expanded & node(ie selected Product) should be highlighted.

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Web Forms :: Expand And Collapse Treeview Control?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to use a treeview control in my application. From the begining I had one parentnode and several childnodes for each parentnode. I wanted to be able to close an opened node when I click on a new one and I maneged that with OnTreeNodeExpanded method.

My problem is that I now need to expand my treeview so it will look something like this:


What I want now is:

1. to be able to close an opened parentNode if i click on some other parentNode,

2. if i click on childNode i want to expand it so I can see grandchild,

3. if i click on another childNode for the same parentNode I want that the allready expanded childNode collapses and that the childNode I clicked on to expand.

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Oct 23, 2010

how's it possible to expand or collapse only one parent node at time. i am using Xmldatasource.

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Web Forms :: How To Expand And Collapsed Treeview Nodes

May 18, 2010

I m using Teeview control for displaying Family tree structure.its having around 500 members.

now, i would like to add search functionality inside a tree,after finding appropriate node,a whole tree should be expanded from that node only.

any one have idea? how can it possible?

i found one property called "ExpandDepth" but still its not proper for my requirements.

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Web Forms :: TreeView Expand Area Border - Turn It Off?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a TreeView that has a border around the expand/contract area (where the plus or minus icons live). I'm looking for how to turn it off. I'm guessing that this is begin inherited from some CSS somewhere, but it fails even if I put it inside a border-free div, like this:


I was hoping to find a <ExpandContractAreaStyle> construct, like <NodeStyle>, but I must be missing something.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Expand/collapse All Nodes Client Side?

Mar 26, 2010

This is so frustrating...that such a simple feature should not be included in the design of this control. I am using the cssfriendly adapters and the rendered code is shown below.

I thought I might be able to use the adapter's treeview JS function ExpandCollapse__AspNetTreeView(this) since this is what is called when I click on the node that causes it to expand/contract. But that did not work.

I have seen other code posted but it seemed to imply the treeview was a table not a ul.

Does anyone know how to simply expand or collapse all nodes from a link button without doing the postback. Of course the postback works but what a waste to have to postback to do such a simple action.

Why doesn' t MS consider the users and developers when creating these controls and tools? Stupid!


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Mar 16, 2010

How do I get the value of a treeview's selected node and it's children's values?

TextBox1.Text = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; doesn't do it.

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Web Forms :: Add Two Chechboxes To Treeview Node?

Mar 8, 2010

I created a tree view and and added nodes from database. following is the code.



Bydefault I'm diplaying checkbox to each node. But I also need to add one more check box with text as "Is View" to each node, how is this possible.

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Dec 9, 2010

How can I set spacing between each node in treeview? the spacing is not the same for all the nodes. I want to manually add different spacing between leaf node and parent node.

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Web Forms :: How To Attach Javascript With Treeview Node

Feb 3, 2011

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Web Forms :: Add A Link On Root Node Of The Treeview?

May 12, 2010

I am binding a treeview through a xml file.

my xml file's code.


I want to add a link of my default.aspx to <MainMenu> tag.

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Web Forms :: How To Remove A Parent Node In Treeview

Oct 18, 2010

My Tree View Conain the All Department




but i require the Remove the Parent Node( All Department) not child node




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Web Forms :: Remove Spaces In TreeView Node

Feb 2, 2011

At webform I have TreeView whith adding nodes from code:


as you can see, I want make space formatting in node, but after show it node to browser, all redundant spaces was removed. How I can deny removing spaces in treeview?

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Jan 14, 2010

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