Web Forms :: Get Directory Or Folder Name From Path Using C#

Aug 8, 2012

I am using File upload control to upload image and store images in database

When i browse the image

My file path is D:sampleSlide1.JPG

How to i get the folder name  ie 'sample' from above path?

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Is there any control which has to browse folder path alone instead of selecting folder path + file ?any server side or client side control ?

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Web Forms :: Show Directory List - Url Path is Missing The Directory Name?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a page that shows a list of the files in an upload directory. ie: My customer uploads a file through my web page and the file ends up in the proper directory. When I click on a file name, the url path is missing the directory name. It's as if my customer uploaded directly to my root. Interestingly, when I upload a file through the same web page, the path remains intact and I am able to click on the link and download the file. How can I get the proper path in my url name. Here is my code .


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AJAX :: Display Directory (Folder) Structure For Folder Outside Project In TreeView Control

Nov 22, 2015

[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

When I put folder outside the project it didn't work. What type of changes I need to made to acces the folder outside the poject. & How can I show other details of files which are including in folders Like. Last Modified Created Date, Modified Date etc..

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Web Forms :: Adding Image Directory Path To The ImageUrl

Nov 18, 2010

I have an image ItemTemplate within a FormView, where the ImageUrl is the photo_file_name. However, I want to add "~/uploads/" at the begining of the photo_file_name.

Below is the code:


So for example, if the photo_file_name is Jellyfish.jpg I want it, the ImageUrl to be ~/uploads/Jellyfish.jpg without having to change the photo_file_name in the DB.

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Web Forms :: Getting Directory Path Of EXE File Of Console Application?

Aug 16, 2012

I have folder in my system.

How to get folder path from my C# console application?

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Path Of The Image Upload Folder

Jul 8, 2010

I am editing a code to change the path of the image uplod folder,

There is a form for uploading an banner to the site, which has table of all the banners uploaded with image path and file path for downloads.

The form has 2 parts, one for the image uploading and the other for banner link updating.

The banner link updating has a dropdownlist of all the images available in the folder. The imagepath is uploaded via sql

I have changed the sql imagepath, but can find where is the code for uploading to a folder, so that i can change, also, how to change the dropdownlist to read from the new folder.

the below is the codes:


and its cs:


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Web Forms :: Retrieve Image From Folder And Set To FileUpload Path

Jun 29, 2010

I got creating album feature, it require user to enter data of new album name, description, and upload a profile picture. I can do everthing perfectly fine, but wat i wan to do is, if the user did not select any file to upload, which means they do not wan to put a profile pic for that album, i wan to take the "noimage.gif" from the folder and set it to the FileUpload path, because i wanted to store that image into database, therefore i need to retrieve that image first and then convert it into bitmap and then to bytes with a method im using now

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Web Forms :: How To Get Folder Path In Text Box On Button Click

Jul 26, 2010

1) I have a text box and a button. When i chick the buttonn i need to get the browse option so that i can browse all folders in my system, after that if i select the folder the folder path should be displayed in TextBox. like C:/Users/Tom/ in textbox.

2) Now i have a list box it should display all the .docx files present in the folder.

I am using WebForms (not Winforms) ..

I have read many articles on FileUploadControl but it does not solve mine... mine is a little different task...

how to get the folder path on button click..

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Jan 9, 2013

I have created one windows form application and I want to get file path which is present in debug folder,How to get that.from the application i am calling another Windows form aplication by exiting first aplication using Application.exit.And in second aplication i want to get the file path present in debug folder of that aplication.

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Web Forms :: Delete Folder Or Directory Using C#?

Apr 3, 2013

I want to delete a folder in asp.netTo create the folder Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Docs/"), idtxt.Text)); But how I can delete it?

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Web Forms :: HttpPostedFile.SaveAs - Save To Fixed Directory Path?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a standard FileUpload control, which calls a class library, where the file becomes HttpPostedFile. In beta versions of my page, I've been able to successfully use HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filename)to save the file. The class library does various functions, including saving the image into /uploads and a thumbnail into/thumbs.

But now, after tidying up the layout of the site, the upload aspx page has moved to a subdirectory 'members'. I had assumed (wrongly) that calling the upload function would act as normal. However, now I receive an error because of where the page is originating from: The code wants to save the file in the non-existant folder /members/uploads and /members/thumbs

My question is: Apart from hard-coding the directory structure of my hosting provider, is there any way to use an equivilent to server.mappath which will recognise the root path of the website, and ignore sub-folders?

One method which solves my problem is to append "../" to the start of the file location, eg HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../" & filename) ...However, as many pages will be able to call the upload class library (and not all of them in a sub-folder) I want to make sure I'm not always back-tracking on the subfolders.

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Web Forms :: Image File Path Breaks When Folder Involved?

Jan 25, 2011

I am building a Web Forms application, it involves a database, so I have some sort of login.

I have put all the webforms to do with Account Login and Update into their own separate folder. The folder is called { Account } in the application root.

My Site.Master is also at the application root, along with other files (e.g. Default.aspx .. etc).

This image file path breaks when I view the pages inside the Account Folder:


I understand why it is happening, but I can't figure out how to avoid this problem, unless I put the Master page along with all the other files into a folder too.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Folder Path When Select File By FileUpload Control

Jul 29, 2010

i have some problem here, i am working in web page, there is some required for folder path when select file in fileupload control,

like in IE FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName, i can get full path

but not in chrome and Mozilla browsers,

any one know how to do it...

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Oct 5, 2013

 i am sending mail message using smtp,,,i want to send mail message with attachments....but i do not know how to set path.

below is code :

   System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;    attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment("how to set path here");     message.Attachments.Add(attachment);

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Web Forms :: Use Theme Folder In Current Directory

Jul 1, 2010

I have a root directory in which I have many sub directories. Each of those subdirectories has its own project, webconfig.ini file, etc. I added a Theme directory to each of the projects in the subfolders. This worked correctly until recently when my webhost changed something with my websites because of a malisious attack on them. I don't know what they changed (nor will they tell me) but it no longer picks up the themes in the sub-folders rather it use the theme directory in the main root. How can I tell my app to use the theme directory in the same directory that it lives in rather than using the one from the parent directory?

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Web Forms :: Get Website Local Folder Directory?

Oct 6, 2010

upload files to my website, but I won't to save it to the same folder where my website is on any given server. I also want to read these files with code.How do I get the directory of the local folder in which my website files are?

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Web Forms :: Delete All Files From Folder Or Directory

Aug 8, 2012

I want delete all the datas in server side folder 'documents' when the page load.I am using following code 

string filePath = Server.MapPath("documents");                        System.IO.File.Delete(filePath);  

when i run the following error occur.Access to the path 'D:Librarydocuments' is denied.How to delete server side folder either it has data or not?

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Nov 9, 2010

How to give absolute path, that working with virtual directory and localhost

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/Image/Icon.jpg - It is not working on Virtual directory

I want absolute path solution which is working on both virtual and localhost directory

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control - How To Maintain Client Directory Path On Postback

May 4, 2010

I'm using five FileUpload controls on a single web form. Besides allowing the user to upload a file I also am collecting user data. Problem I run into is during the server side validation if any of the user data is invalid on a post back when content it redisplayed the FileUpload controls loose the client url that was selected when browsing. How can I keep that path or set the pathing on the control so they do not have to keep rebrowsing for the files on data validation errors? Right now breaking up the two form sets user data and file upload into two pages is being frowned upon and requirments would like it to be on all one page.

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Web Forms :: Images Are Not Uploaded Correctly To Server Path Of The Application Folder?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a task to upload multiple images to server path of the application folder . I have used the File Upload control in order to Upload the Images to server path but some images of about 778 kb are not supposed to be uploaded correctly. And while displaying the Images I am using Datalist control.

While I have tried to upload from Application in my system all files got uploaded but while acessing the link some files are not getting uploaded.

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Web Forms :: NavigationURL Is Referring To The Correct Path Whether Aspx In Root Or In Sub Folder?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a main_menu.ascx web control placed in my root and contains my website navigation menu with NavigationURL to the pages

I have my root files and I included the ascx file there Until here, I have no issue Now!

I have sub folders in my root and I want to include same ascx file because I don't want more than one main_menu file!

But the problem here is with the NavigationURL because it will be different when the aspx file is in sub folder

How can make sure my NavigationURL is referring to the correct path whether aspx in root or in sub folder?

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Web Forms :: Access To The Path Xxx Is Denied Error When Writing XML File To Folder?

May 23, 2013

 i have a folder in soultion explore that in folder there are some xml file but when write data in c# in xml file,error Access to the path 'E:YavariTCMS-v3TCMSTCMSMDFXMLXMLFile1.xml' is denied. every i remove propertice readeonly from xml or folder that contain xml file ,next tim reade onl true

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Web Forms :: Browse Client Folder Directory Using Application?

Jul 16, 2013

Browse client folder directory using asp.net application.

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