Web Forms :: HttpPostedFile.SaveAs - Save To Fixed Directory Path?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a standard FileUpload control, which calls a class library, where the file becomes HttpPostedFile. In beta versions of my page, I've been able to successfully use HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(filename)to save the file. The class library does various functions, including saving the image into /uploads and a thumbnail into/thumbs.

But now, after tidying up the layout of the site, the upload aspx page has moved to a subdirectory 'members'. I had assumed (wrongly) that calling the upload function would act as normal. However, now I receive an error because of where the page is originating from: The code wants to save the file in the non-existant folder /members/uploads and /members/thumbs

My question is: Apart from hard-coding the directory structure of my hosting provider, is there any way to use an equivilent to server.mappath which will recognise the root path of the website, and ignore sub-folders?

One method which solves my problem is to append "../" to the start of the file location, eg HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../" & filename) ...However, as many pages will be able to call the upload class library (and not all of them in a sub-folder) I want to make sure I'm not always back-tracking on the subfolders.

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Session["File"] = FileUpload1.PostedFile;

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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>Upload Image</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">


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So for example, if the photo_file_name is Jellyfish.jpg I want it, the ImageUrl to be ~/uploads/Jellyfish.jpg without having to change the photo_file_name in the DB.

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May 4, 2010

I'm using five FileUpload controls on a single web form. Besides allowing the user to upload a file I also am collecting user data. Problem I run into is during the server side validation if any of the user data is invalid on a post back when content it redisplayed the FileUpload controls loose the client url that was selected when browsing. How can I keep that path or set the pathing on the control so they do not have to keep rebrowsing for the files on data validation errors? Right now breaking up the two form sets user data and file upload into two pages is being frowned upon and requirments would like it to be on all one page.

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At present i am able to persist that using session InProc mode. except that i cant use either stateserver or sql server as the HTTPPostedFile is not serilizable. i can't use viewstate either for the same reason. Is there any work around to persist that httppostedfile across postbacks for session modes other than inProc or viewstate?

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I use code like this:


It works good with "standard" properties.

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Jan 15, 2010

In my project i am uploding images and videos using file upload control

My problem is that suppose two users upload two files with same name on the system then how should i distinguish them

and whether I should first save fle or first make its entry in database.

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Jun 1, 2010

I need to save the selected File in my this location.My Actual path is this \zdcprojectCCHIS_NCHS_NVSSDEVNDI.When I add actula path its not accepting. I am getting this message 'unrecognized escape sequence'.So I replaced with with '\' . When I am executing its returing this path 'Failed to map the path '/zdc/project/CCHIS_NCHS_NVSS/DEV/NDI/'.How can I save my actula path.


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Web Forms :: Save The File Name With The Extension Alone In Table (without The Full Path)?

Apr 30, 2010

am a newbie to programming so please bare with me!I introduced a file upload control on one of my pages. There is a button click event for the upload which triggers not only the upload but also an insert into a table in my database.Every aspect of the button click event for this upload is working as expected; however I do have a couple of queries because the results are not quite as I would like them. I am using asp.net 3.5 and C# in code behind page.

I have a simple table with 3 columns in my database: Username, PhotoTitle and PhotoUrl. In the button click event I grab the PhotoUrl like such -string photoUrl = FileUpload1.PostedFile.Filename; (I am using the photo url from my images folder in the application to show photos in Gridviews etc. I prefer this to storing the actual image in the database for the moment until i am a bit more experienced since i don't know much about varbinary dbtype.). When the button is clicked for the upload, the details of the photo are saved in the database table, but it's the full path of the file on my laptop which is store (C:/Documents/.../filename.jpg) opposed to "Filename.jpg" for example, which i obviously would prefer because in the application photos are displayed using the"~/images/Filename.jpg" path. How can I save the file name with the extension alone in my table (without the full path)?

The second problem is basically regarding the actual photos being uploaded. They are"saved as" inside folder for the solution as anticipated, but only on the laptop harddrive, which means that I have to manually drag each photo uploaded into the images folder within Solution Explorer, from a Windows Explorer window, in order to be able to display them in Gridviews etc (with the "~/images/Filename.jpg" call in the .aspx code). This is not acceptable of course since the site users would expect to see their photo after the upload, and they would not be able to drag the file into the ~/images/ folder. How can I get round this second slight problem; i.e. is there a way to upload photos directly in the folder so that they show directly on the solution explorer?I hope my explanations of those two little problems I have didn't confuse you all?

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Web Forms :: Getting Error - The Save As Method Is Configured To Require A Rooted Path

Jan 24, 2011

i have uploadfile and image control,. i wnt to upload an image and displayit in the image

but i face error message that said:" The Save As method is configured to require a rooted path, and the path '~ImagesfileName.jpg' is not rooted."

this is my code:


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MVC :: How To Get Current Directory Path

Jan 30, 2010

I used Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); and got the following path:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0Common7IDE

But where I am realy at is c:c#mvcmyProject

How do I get the current directory in a controller not in c:Program Files...?

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Web Forms :: Save File On DataBase Or On Directory On Server?

Apr 24, 2010

i believe That Saving Files In DataBase is good for Security Issue , But in My Scenario i didnt Care about Secrurity Issue,

i want to ask U guys which Better Save Files into DataBase or save it on Directory on Server, where This Issue Required:

1-(Reduce Load on Server and didnt affect server Memory).

2- Security not important.

if they have the same result i will move to DataBase Saving.

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Virtual Directory In IIS To Physical Path

Mar 1, 2010

My basic question is, can a virtual directory in IIS point to a physical path that's not on the local machine? For instance, right now I have a virtual path /NaturalGasReport/NYMEX which points to physical path C:Program Files (x86)NymexSettleNATGAS_REPORTNYMEX, but I want it to point to a physical path on a difference PC on the same network. Is this possible? (I know I can just try it out so I apologize for asking but I thought it would be best to get an explanation along with "yes" or "no"). If you want more detail, this is what I need to do. To make a long story short, because of a vendor product we are using that won't run on a 64-bit operating system, I have to run a program called Generate_NGReportData.vbs (it's a vbscript program) on a PC I will call 28. It uses a vendor product which produces jpg files which are graphs of the Natural Gas market. The machine where I wish it could run is called RTEST01 but this machine runs a 64-bit OS and the components won't work there. RTEST01 has the databases. So, I created a datasource on 28 which points to RTEST01's database. The vbs program will read the data, generate the reports, and write one row to a database table on RTEST01. RTEST01 has to run the complimentary program which sends these reports (via email). 28 is not an email server so it can't email the reports. So on RTEST01 I will run Send_NaturalGasReport.vbs. This program creates an email body of html. The html references [URL]NaturalGasReport/NYMEX/" & Day(nymex_update_dt) & ".jpg which is a virtual directory pointing to C:Program Files (x86)NymexSettleNATGAS_REPORTNYMEX. I need it to point to the folder and files on 28.So if my initial question has a simple yes answer then I am all set. If not, examine my architecture and propose an alternative solution.

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Configuration :: Why Is The Directory Only Seen When Outside The Root Path

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to deploy my web project to my local IIS server (C:inetpubwwwrootlunchbox). By default the in is created inside the project directory - i.e lunchboxin. This setup, however, gives me the following error when I try to open the site:

When I move the in directory outside the project root (i.e C:inetpubwwwrootin), the site opens up just fine. I'm also able to test the web project from Visual Studio without any issues.

Can someone tell me why I have to move the in directory outside the project root to make the site work? What can I do to not have to do this?

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VB - Simple Directory Path Parsing

Jan 21, 2010

i have a asp.net web application and i need to take a full Directory path (for ex: http:\<server><websitename>folder1 est.lst) and parse the name of the folder that has test.lst file. The directory tree can vary and i just need a generic way to parse this path and find the directory name which has the file.

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Get The Path To File Using Directory Info?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a page where im listing out the files within a directory. How can i get the path to the files that are listed?

in other words, i want the path to the file to be like this:


but using this string url = Request.RawUrl.ToString(); returns [ http://server.com/files/pdfs/default.aspxMYPDF.PDF ]

That file is actually within a sub directory of the pdfs folder. So the link is obvisously not correct. Ive tried other suggestions found online, but those return the link like this [ http://server.com/files/pdfs/MYPDF.PDF ] again missing the subdirectory it actually belongs to.

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Web Forms :: Show Save As Dialog On Server Side Directory

Jan 7, 2010

is there an equivalent code to show the save as dialog on server side rather on client side (Response.AddHeader)?

I need to provide the same functionality as Response.AddHeader to show the save as dialog but instead of browsing the client, I need to browse the server side directory.

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