Web Forms :: Get All HTML SPAN Tags Having Particular Class Name Using Regular Expressions

Aug 10, 2012

Code to read the span having the particular class name and assign to match collection.

I am having a set of html tags.

<span><a href="asb.aspx">Dummy</a></span>

<span class="active"><a href="abc.aspx">Hi thi is titile</a></span>

I need to get the span having the class name ="active".That is i need the result

<span class="active"><a href="abc.aspx">Hi thi is titile</a></span>

It will be fine if i get the text in the a tag that is with in the span having the class name "active".

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Use C# Regular Expressions To Emulate Forum Tags?

Feb 5, 2011

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C# - Regular Expression To Replace Quotation Marks In HTML Tags Only?

Mar 15, 2010

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I want to use regular expressions to return the following:

<div id='mydiv'>This is a "div" with quotation marks</div>

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How can I do this with a regular expression?

Edit: I'm not looking for a magic bullet to handle every edge case in every situation. We should all be weary of using regex to parse HTML but, in this particular case and for my particular need, regex IS the solution.

Edit #2: Jens Ameskamp helped to find a solution for me but anyone randomly coming to this page should think long and very hard about using this solution. In my case it works because I am very confident of the type of strings that I'll be dealing with. I know the dangers and the risks and make sure you do to. If you're not sure if you know then it probably indicates that you don't know and shouldn't use this method.

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Web Forms :: How To Place Two Regular Expressions

Jan 27, 2010

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^(([01]?dd?|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).){3}([01]?dd?|25[0-5]|2[0-4]d)$ - Validation Expression For IP Address
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I applied regular expression validator on date of birth and Missing date for a missing person.  the missing date should be greater than the date of birth . I applied compare vallidator but it is not working properly. it comparing day of date of birth with day of missing date, both months and years...

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Missing date: 1/2/1981

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Feb 21, 2011

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Remove Class Id Attributes Of All Tags In Given Html Posted

Dec 18, 2010

I have a fck editor in which the user enters some text. And in the code i want to strip the class,id attributes of the text posted. I know this can be done through regular expressions And i have written some code to do so but unfortunately it's not working.

private string RemoveScripts(string input)
string re1 = "(.*?"; // Non-greedy match on filler
string re2 = "(class)"; // Word 1
string re3 = "(=)"; // Any Single Character 1
string re4 = "(".*?"))"; // Double Quote String 1
string re5 = "(id)";
Regex regClass = new Regex(re1 + re2 + re3 + re4, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Regex regID = new Regex(re1 + re5 + re3 + re4, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

input = regClass.Replace(input, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceClassID));
input = regID.Replace(input, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceID));
return input;
private string ReplaceClassID(Match m)
{ return ""; }

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Web Forms :: Regular Expressions - Limit The Inputs On A Webpage To A Variety Of Different Sequences

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to find a way to limit the inputs on a webpage to a variety of different sequences, and although I have worked through the regular expression library, I am still confused on how to allow decimal places and a maximum value. I initially used rangevalidators, but as you know, these only limit the inputs to a range, and have no control over the decimal places entered. A variety of limits i have been asked to implement are:

1. Range 0-45, 0 decimal places
2. Range 0-20, 2 decimal places
3. Range 16-65, 0 decimal places
4. Range 0-99, 2 decimal places
5. Range 0-1500000, 0 decimal places
6 Range 0-200, 1 decimal place

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but want to be sure that I have understood the pattern correctly. How do I then go about creating a pattern for the other examples?

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I am trying to search titles in this pattern a text. the titles are unknown and sometimes it contains special characters '(' and ')'.... when this is happens the only way to make the match correct is by replace ')' by ')' . is there a way ignoring this replacment? and if not, what are the complete meta(special) characters?

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Regular Expressions In C# To Detect More Than One Space Between Words?

Dec 24, 2010

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more that ONE space between words, considering also beginning and end of the string


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Dec 4, 2010

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<asp:DataList ID="MyDataList" runat="server" RepeatLayout="Flow" RepeatDirection="Horizontal">

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AJAX :: Getting Html Tags Output Instead Of Executed Html Tags

Mar 27, 2010

i'm doing ajax website using PostWebRequest() function, when i call any .aspx page to the target html element the output is coming fine in IE but in FF(FireFox) is coming in html format(html tags) IE output : [URL] FF output : [URL]

javascript functions :
function PostWebRequest(postPage, HTMLTarget, parameter) {
displayElement = $get(HTMLTarget);
displayElement.innerHTML = "<div style='text-align:center;'><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><img src='images/ajax-loader.gif' algin='center' /></div>";
var wRequest = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
var body = parameter;
wRequest.get_headers()["Content-Length"] = body.length;
function onWebRequestCompleted(executor, eventArgs) {
if (executor.get_responseAvailable()) {
if (document.all) {
displayElement.innerHTML = executor.get_responseData();
else {
displayElement.textContent = executor.get_responseData();
else {
if (executor.get_timeOut()) {
alert("Timed Out");
else {
if (executor.get_aborted())

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Visual Studio :: Add Values To Standard Expressions List In Regular Expression Editor Dialog

Apr 25, 2010

In the "Regular Expression Editor" dialog in VS 2008 ( or 2005 for this matter ) ,

there is a list of "standard expressions" like :

"French phone number" , "French postal code" etc..

And of course there is an option to select a "Custom" and then enter your own regular expression.

Well.. I want to add a predefined expressions to that list . Like : "Israeli phone number" .

I don't want to enter it every time by selecting a custom value .

I want my developers in the team available items for them to choose.

Anyone knows how to alter that list ?

I've found some question about it on the web - and the answer given is that it's not possible .

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C# - What Is The Life Span Of A Field In A Static Class

Feb 2, 2011

I have a simple web service, in it i have a static class which has a static collection to remember alive tokens.

I just want to make sure that the token collection lives until the next iisreset or the application pool recycles.

And what is the difference between remembering states in Application bag and static class?

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C# - Regular Expression To Remove Default ID's From .NET Tags

Feb 16, 2011

We have a custom set of custom control tags, eg:<ourTag:OurControl runat="server" />Throughout our project we have discovered Visual Studio's marvelous(sarcasm) helper which automatically pastes an ID with the tags name followed by a counter number. I am now trying to remove them globally.

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Regular Expression That Removes Attributes From Tags?

Jun 22, 2010

What I'm interested in is a regular expression that will accept HTML input and remove all attributes inside the tag while leaving the tag intact. For example I want this...

<p class="test" id="TestParagraph">This is some test text right here.</p>

To become this...

<p>This is some test text right here.</p>

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