I want to hide the link button if the status (value 1 or 0) of the form is set to 1. Here is the code I am trying to use.
Protected Sub gv1_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
'get the cell cell value
Dim status As Integer
I think my mistake lies in getting the status value (as it ouputs 0 for every application).
I have one asp.net gridivew where i have written some code and bind it.. itz working fine now my requirment is when ever any gridview row which conatin column 3rd zero(0) i want to hide tht row ..
In my asp.net+vb web I am using the below code to highlight the row...
If e.Row.DataItem("Auth") Is System.DBNull.Value <> True AndAlso e.Row.DataItem("Auth") > e.Row.DataItem("Held") Then e.Row.BackColor = Drawing.Color.LightCoral
I want now only to give colour to the cell in the field and not the entire row ....
I am adding two button in gridview here I populate gridview on page load this work fine problem is that  when my status value are  check  or peending then my two button are show.
But I want when my status value are check then check  button should be hide
And view button show in which row where staus value  are check But when my status value are peending here show check button and view button should be hide. I want follwing type .
I am using a dropdownlist in a gridview which contains 3 valuesappleorangebanana
apple will be displayed as default valueif i select orange and banana the dropdownlist list should be disable or hidden but the selected value must be displayed
protected void btnsubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (GridViewRow gr in GridView1.Rows) {
i am using template field display image based on condition in table field. i have field name verify i used to store yes or no value if it is yes then display image else noting to display in gridview
I have a tab container with 10 tabs each with unique id on a hyperlink click i need to make some tabs visible true false,in hyperlink I am passing a query string param
if the param="Y" param = Request.QueryString["type"]; if  (param == "Y") { for (int tc = 0; tc <= TabContainer1.Tabs.Count - 1; tc++) { if (TabContainer1.Tabs[tc].ID == "Y") { TabContainer1.Tabs[tc].Visible = true;              } else {                TabContainer1.Tabs[tc].Visible = false: } } }
I have the above condition but on this click the tab container is not at all visible but without any parameter passing the tab container is visible.
I have following criteria in my gridview control.I have a parent gridview control (gvParent) which has 8columns in it. and i have gvchild within gvParent.And i want to show/hide the (gvChild) based on some condition in rowdatabound event of the gvParent. i need to display the child grid at the end of each row in gvParent .Also Child Grid should start from 3 rd column of the gvParent and should end at 8th column.How to bring the child grid after each row ?
i m displaying an image in gridview based on condition from sql table. That is if the colum named "availabillity" is A the image will be red n if the value is "NA" the image will be green. i am using RowDataBound event.
but i am getting error as "Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlRowType' to 'bool'".
I have a situation where i need to update my Dropdownlist templatefield inside a GridView....but only for a specific cell. I have seen codes like this to loop through the whole GridView and update every rows in a specific column, but how do i do it if i only want to update one specific cell ? (If i know the index information of the cell, for example, I know i want to update the dropdownlist on Column 3 and Row 2)
I am banging my head with gridview at the moment. There's a problem I just can't get my head around. I'd be very greatful for any advice given. I have a function that creates a DataTable with three columns and four rows. In each of the cells I set the text to a random number through RowDataBound event. I would like to just make the cell clickable and have a code-behind function that gets the position of the cell (column, row) and the value of the cell when the user clicks it.
I have four textbox fields for ItemName, ItemDescription, Length and Quantity.
One radiobuttonlist and its listitems are FixedLength and Random Length.
One button field called Submit and one gridview.
In the GridView I have 4 bound columns and 1 template column such as ItemName, ItemDescription, Length, Quantity and IsFixed_f(flag field). I have added one checkbox in the GridView's Template column for the IsFixed_f field.
After entering all textbox fields, I have to select either one listitem in the radiobuttonlist(FixedLength or RandomLength). After completing these things. If I enter the Submit button, all the values in the textbox to be displayed under the GridView's corresponding column name and checkbox to be checked if FixedLength listitem is selected otherwise the checkbox.checked should be false. How to do this?
I have a gridview which i bind to DataView. I need to manipulate text on cell[2] of each row. I was wondering if i could do it in the OnRowCreated event? cell[0] in asp looks like this