Web Forms :: How To Change Themes In 2.0

Sep 30, 2010

Change themes in asp.net 2.0

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Similar Messages:

How To Change Themes Asynchronously

Dec 25, 2010

I have a portfolio website I am building for fun, I am graduating about this time next year. I have added ASP.NET themes to this portfolio website, and I have added themes to other ASP.NET sites before. I really love the feature! I have been noticing though that other sites (not asp.net that I've seen) change "Themes" without the page refreshing and I understand its probably just changing which CSS the site is using. Is there a way to do something like this in ASP.NET 4.0?

I am just setting the default theme in the web.config, and then setting a session variable through a couple asp:ImageButton's, then in the Page_PagePrePreInit setting the page.theme to the session variable. This is my first time taking that route, I usually use "profiles" to save the theme info.

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Themes - How To Change Whole UI On A Website

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on asp.net website and i want to implement themes on my site. If i select any theme then it will change whole UI not only colors. After Change it will show a new User interface. Like change in div size, width and location same for controls and same all html tag that is used in page.

I got lot of example of themes where it it changing only UI color.

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MVC :: Change The Themes Using Image Button In Dynamically?

Nov 12, 2010

how to change the themes using image button in dynamically

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Web Forms :: What Are The Benefits Of Using Themes

Feb 8, 2010

I think i understand the benefit of using themes but I want to be sure I understand correctly. I have previously used css to style my pages. I'm thinking about using themes in my next project. It provides a way to switch between the visual style of web controls and html elements. This could be done by allowing the user to choose a theme that is to their liking.

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Web Forms :: How To Refer To The External Themes

Jun 4, 2010

We have multiple themes and based on the employee login we need to set the themes. And my themes folder including images, style sheets etc resides outside my application ie inside my master page project.When i refer the theme to it i am receiving an error stating its not valid theme.Cant we refer the external themes and set it page.theme?Any idea on this?

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Themes For Media Player

Feb 1, 2011

i am using Media Player in my site its working fine..but if i want to use themes where should i get those thems(professional xaml.,,et.,) ..is it possible to download..if yes provide the link

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Web Forms :: Themes Or Master Pages?

Jun 21, 2010

I have been working on a fun little project just to build my skills as an ASP.Net developer. I have learned quite a bit thus far, and don't normally post questions in forums. Google and the books I own generally do the trick for me. But for this question I would like some community input.

I am developing a simple blog platform in ASP.Net / C#. Eventually I hope it will basically be a clone of how Wordpress works. Again, this is mostly a learning project for myself and I realize there are many projects out there doing what I am doing in .Net.

Anyways, the question I want some input on is whether I should use themes or master pages to customize the look and feel of the site. As I understand it, a theme mostly just changes colors and such, but CAN do much more. Whereas a master page can easily change the look and feel of an entire site.

What are the pro's and con's of either route, and what would y'all recommend? I'm not really looking for code examples here, just input on what y'all would think is the best route to pursue.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Make Dynamic Themes In CSS

Feb 22, 2010

I have new task..

I'm work with asp.net to make website..

how to make dynamic theme in CSS?

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Web Forms :: Read All Available Themes Under In A Solution

Feb 8, 2010

What i have is a number of themes in a solution under the App_Themes directory. How can i read all these and bind them to a list so that when the user selects on it applies that theme to the web page ?

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Web Forms :: Applying Themes To Profiles?

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to apply themes to my site using profiles. So in my web.config file I need to write the code so that once that user logs in, then the theme of the site changes. Right now I just have color themes; yellow, blue, and orange.

If this isn't in the right section feel free to move it.

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Web Forms :: Create Themes For Htmlcontrols?

Sep 25, 2010

Is there any way to create themes for htmlcontrols?if yes How to create themes for html controls like

<label runat="server" forecolor="red">

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Web Forms :: Add Own Theme To The Collection Of Themes?

Dec 11, 2010

I am an ASP.Net developer, and I use the data controls quite frequently. One of the things that Microsoft, unfortunately, hasn't spent much time on, are the themes. (i.e. "Professional, Colorful, etc...) No offense to the designers that came up with them, but I don't use them because they're not all that pleasant to look at. I've been designing my own "App_Themes".

Is there a gallery of themes that you can download or buy to plug into ASP.Net controls. It would be really cool if someone has figured out how to add themes to the "tasks", where all the stock themes are. I also use Developer Express, so I'm aware that there are control libraries out there, and have used them, I just haven't seen themes that were designed specifically for use with ASP.Net controls in a manner that made them seamless with the "out of the box" themes.

Does anyone know how to either add your own theme to the collection of themes ASP comes with, or is there a good set of themes for purchase or free? Links would be much appreciated. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about control libraries, just ASP.Net themes.

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Web Forms :: How To Create Themes For Htmlcontrols

Feb 8, 2010

Is there any way to create themes for htmlcontrols?if yes How to create themes for html controls like

<label runat="server" forecolor="red">

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Load Themes And Skins

Sep 9, 2010

I would like to know how can I change the themes and skins or (CSS) dynamically and what are the basic requirements for it. Is there any design structure must be same..? Following are my requirements. E.g. we have 3 themes. Theme1, Theme2 and Theme3. Designations are. Employee, Manager and Sen.Manager And I want to assign Theme1 to Employee and Theme2 to Manager and Theme3 to Sen.Manager. After Employee gets promoted to Manager the Theme2 must be assign to him. And when they login there Theme and skin must be change according to his designation. Hope you can understand.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Themes/UserControls Via A Second Web Project / DLL To An Existing One

Jan 28, 2011

I was trying to add a Theme and some UserControls to a existing ASP.NET Web Project (nopCommerce) via a Second Web Project (which is added as an virtual Directory). But this did not work in my Configuration and I did not know if this is even possible.

The Reason why I want to seperate my Code from the nopCommerce project is for easyer upgrading to a new Version, and to handle adaptations for different shops efficient.

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Web Forms :: Nested Master Pages And Themes?

Aug 12, 2010

to a vb code resource/tutorial that explains how you can change a theme from a dropdown list on a content page derived from a nested master page, not the main master page.

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Web Forms :: Where Shall I Store User Selected Themes

Jan 23, 2010

I have a simple ASP.NET web site with membership (using SqlMemberShipProvider). I allow users to select a theme to setup a design of the pages they like.

Now the question is: Where shall I store this selected theme per user?

My initial idea was to use profiles. So I have defined a profile property called "Theme" in the web.config file. All this works so far as long as the user has logged in to the web site.

But there remains one open point:If the user isn't logged in and enters the login page how can I make sure that he sees the login page with the theme he has selected before?

Obviously (at least I think it's obvious) I cannot pull the theme of the login page from the profile of that user as long as he hasn't logged in.

So how can I overcome this issue? Is it perhaps the wrong place to store the theme in the user profile table? Should it be better stored somewhere on the client PC of the user?

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Web Forms :: Setting Global Themes To Master Pages?

Jun 28, 2010

We have a nested master page which we have made it as a seperate class library.(Becoz many projects use the same master page) Initially we had all our css files,skin files, images inside the Master page project itself. But now we wanted the themes to be global and moved it out to wwwroot as mentioned in the below link.


The Masterpage has user controls out of which one user control has the telerik menu. The css is not getting set for that particular user control. We use relative path for setting the style sheet link. But it is not getting set. Its still referring to the old path. But all the skin files, images are pointing to the new global location. Except for the telerik menu rest all is aligned according to the style sheet.

When i do view source, the link to style sheet is pointing to the old location. I dunno why this happening. Is this a telerik issue or i am going wrong somewhere.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Dynamic Css Files Selection While Applying Themes?

May 19, 2010

In my project, I have two themes applied to suite the two customers based on their username.

My structure is like these:

Theme1: -> xyz.css, xyz_blue.css, xyz_green.css, xyz_red.css
Theme2: -> xyz.css, xyz_blue.css, xyz_green.css, xyz_red.css

If I apply Theme1 or Theme2 to my project, since the common style definition names in the css files are same, it's not applying properly.

For kind information, before I start applying Themes, I was using "Link" to link the css file at run-time by enabling it using the "ID" property like

<link href="..." id="xyz"/>

It was working fine. AFter applying themes, it got confused like what css files to be loaded and what style definitions to be run as it is duplicated or a-needy-one for my approach in project.

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Web Forms :: Implement Themes With Transparent Background Images In C#?

May 11, 2010

I have a master page and I need to give user a option of selecting color like red , blue or green. Once it selected the Background color of an image should be changed from transparent to selected color. How to do it?

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Web Forms :: Master Page And Css Themes Does Postback Each Time?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a master page which contains a treeview and a linkbutton. i have used 3 different stylesheets for the same page and those are listed in dropdownlist on the same master page. on dropdownlist change() event stylesheet of the master page change, i have 1 default style sheet which will come as master page loads.

now the problem is when i changed stylesheet from dropdown list, stylesheet changes the master page , but after that when if i clicked on treeview or linkbutton the stylesheet is restored to default one.

i have written following code

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

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Web Forms :: Apply Different Default Themes To Different Sections In Website?

Apr 30, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET 2.0 website project. It has the frontend part for end-users and an admin part for administrators. I have created two themes for each of them. What I want to do is apply one theme to frontend pages and another theme to admin pages without having to specify the theme on each page.

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Web Forms :: Create Color And Style Themes In Website?

Nov 26, 2012

How to use themesin my website so that user can select whatever he likes.

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Web Forms :: User Selectable Themes Using Master Pages Working ?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to set profiles/themes using a basepage to allow the colour of my site to change for users. I can do this on a single page but I'm trying to do this site wide and am getting an error.

I've been watching http://www.asp.net/general/videos/how-do-i-create-user-selectable-themes-for-a-web-site this tutorial

but I'm getting errors at the final step...

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Source="App_Code.gflsvdcc" StackTrace: at BasePage.OnPreInit(EventArgs e) in D:WebsitesBalticQuarter19.01.11App_CodeBasePage.vb:line
9 at System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) InnerException:

is the error, The error occurs because of the line 9 =

9 - Me.Theme = Request.Form(Me.Master.FindControl("DropDownList1").UniqueID)

If I insert this instead of the text above the colours change on the site.

Me.Theme = Request.Form("ctl00$DropDownList1")[code].....

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