Web Forms :: How To Build Amortization Calculator For Loan Repayment And Mortgage

Mar 21, 2014

I want to create amortization calculator in asp.net.and in that the result is show in the grid view.

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How To Create Mortgage Calculator

Jan 12, 2010

I need to create a mortgage calculator similar to the one shown in


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Web Forms :: BMI Calculator Using JavaScript

Apr 28, 2014

How would i do if i want to auto update my bmi either (underweight, normal, overweight or obesity) after user key in their height and weight in cm and kg respectively? the bmi will be displayed in the textbox after user key in and they cant change it.

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Calorie Calculator

Nov 18, 2010

I am trying to create a calorie calculator in .net asp. I have the form built, but am having trouble figuring out how to compile the C# coding behind the scenes. My problem is getting the text box value entered in the form to pull over to the C# coding. Here is what I have so far:




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Web Forms :: How To Code A Simple Calculator

May 11, 2010

how to code a simple calculator in ASP.NET? Everything I try isn't working...Here's what I need to do:

Create a web page with a simple calculator. The web page will have two text boxes (with labels) for data entry, radio list box to select the operation (+, -, *, and /), label to display the result, a calculate button and clear button. Use Validation controls to validate the data entry. Write the code using try/catch block to catch any data entry error. If there is any data entry error then display the message in the result label. Create an appropriate header for the web page and add graphics to make the page look professional. Set the default focus of the form to the first text box and default button to calculate button.

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SQL Server :: Developing A Loan From But The Join Is Not Working?

Sep 22, 2010

i am developing a loan from but the join is not working fine.my two tables like this




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Building An Extranet Loan Status Check Website Using .NET MVC With A WCF Backend?

Feb 13, 2010

We are building an extranet loan status check website using ASP.NET MVC with a WCF backend. Its a pretty standard design with the MVC site using a WCF service reference to get customer objects. The ervice uses an Oracle backend + http binding, and won't be hosted on the same server as the MVC site (so we can't use tcp binding to reduce latency).

The problem we encountered is that every call to the service is resulting in a 7-8s response time which is unacceptable for an extranet site and much higher than the 2s magic mark. The service method(s) call 12 stored procedures to create the customer object. The database is, unfortunately, denormalized (we can't change it as its also used by other inhouse production systems) so most of the calls are basic select statements which populate the customer object and its associated objects. The service proxy is properly opened and closed/disposed in the MVC actions so there are no instances of any service connection leaks. A new client proxy is created for every request (i.e., we are not using the singleton pattern for the service). how we can speed this up ?

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Web Forms :: Build Survey System Where Build A Form With Questions And Some Answers?

May 25, 2010

I want to build a survey system where you can build a form with questions and some answers to these questions and then members who will log in will be able to take the test.

Then i want to present the different results from the test in some diagram or something like that.

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Grid Layout Using Javascript For A Calculator?

Mar 12, 2010

best way to use Grid layout to set the buttons of my Calculator

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Social Networking :: Google Maps Distance Calculator From Database

Mar 26, 2016

I used a Google Maps Distance Finder API that comes with two textboxes, one for the source, and one for the destination. It also comes with a button, that when clicked, will find the distance between the two locations using the funciton GetDistance(). The code before the function initializes the map. I created another button and used VB.Net to run SQL code first, and then to automatically populate the two textboxes, then I had it call the function GetDistance().

The issue I ran into is that the function won't calculate the distance, and the map never changes from its default state. I believe it's because it's not running the code that initializes the map. (I could be wrong) I have tried WebBrowser1, to call the click of the button, but I had to Inherit Forms, which I can't do, and I have also tried adding the top code into the GetDistance() function. Is it possible to call the initializing code before GetDistance()?

Here is the JS function code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&libraries=places"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var source, destination;
var directionsDisplay;
var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function () {

[Code] ....

Here is the VB Code I use to call the JS Function: 

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OleDb.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=|DataDirectory|Address Database One Calculation.mdb")
Dim cmd1 As OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim sqlconnection1 As String

[Code] .....

For reference, here is the explanation of the full API Code: [URL] ....

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C# - Prevent GridView Saving Data From Build To Build In Visual Studio?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a question regarding a situation that occurs with GridView, ObjectDataSource in ASP .NET application. The GridView is linked to the ObjectDataSource and both are included within an UpdatePanel letting the GridView to fill in an asynchronous way from a form in the same page so it gets more rows as the user enters the data:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Periodicty" HeaderText="Periodicty" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Periodicty" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetSessionNames" TypeName="Simulation"></asp:ObjectDataSource>
<asp:Label ID="Label27" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="NewWebSessionButton" EventName="Click" />

I start the project with Visual Studio 2008, fill the form and it works correctly. Then I stop the execution: rerun again and the data I entered in the previous run is in the GridView. Is like some sort of cache saved the data from the session before. I checked that EnableCaching property is set to false for the ObjectDataSource. If I Rebuild Web Site in Visual Studio (not just Build) then it works corretly leaving the GridView empty. Is this caused just becuase of Visual Studio? Can it be turned off? And will it happen in the final IIS it will run on?

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What Is Difference Between Build Solution And Build Website

Mar 11, 2010

It may be obvious to everyone. I am learning this: what is difference between build solution and build website

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Build Tool Which Can Build A Web App Into Multiple Dlls?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a large solution which has multiple apps which all share some common site elements (masterpages, navigation, etc).

Currently, all of these get built into a single DLL

If my structure looks like:

- Common/
- Shared/
- Images/
- App1/
- App2/
- etc

Is there a build tool which will allow me to build WebRoot.dll, App1.dll, App2.dll? I don't believe this is possible in VS2008 or the MSBuild tool.

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How To Specify A Direct Build Name Directory Using TFS Build Of .net Web Application

May 11, 2010

I have a TFS build set up to deploy an ASP.net project to a test server.The build works great, and deploys to the test server fine, but instead of putting it into the Website directory that my IIS webserver is configured for, it puts the build into Website_20100511.6

Why is the date suffixed to the directory name? Is there a way to turn that off so I can publish directly to the Website?

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Need To Build Web Application That Will Do:1 - Build Web Pages?

Jan 15, 2011

I need to build web application that will do:1 - build web pages. 1a - build template for page. 2 - add module(by module I mean ContacUs form, Search, Billing System...). Each module can be constructed by submodules or diveded to submodules 2a - build module(add form, textbox, button...) and that all
entered data by user could be saved in dbCan you advise me a DB structure that will contain it allI looked some cms db, but it's NOT this. Please, don't ask why I mess with it. I just need to build it.

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Web Forms :: How To Build Site Map

Sep 7, 2010

I have an application that consists of 10 pages. But those pages work with query string, those values iam getting from db. For this type of situation how can i build a sitemap. Those values are not fixed those may be increase.

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How To Build Flexible Web Forms

Dec 13, 2010

I'm using asp.net and I need to build an application where we can easily create forms without recreating the database, and preferably without changing the create/read/update/delete queries. The goal is to allow customers to create their own forms with dropdowns, textboxes, checkboxes, even many-to-one relationship to another simple form (that's stretching it). The user does not have to be able to create the forms themselves, but I don't want to be adding tables, fields, queries, web page, etc. each time a new form is requested/modified.

1) How do I structure a flexible database to do this (in SQL Server)? I can think of two ways: a) Create a table for each datatype (int, varchar(x), smalldatetime, bit, etc). This would be very difficult to create the adequate queries. b) Create the form table with lots of extra fields and various datatypes in case the user needs 5 integers or 5 date fields. This seems the easiest, but is probably pretty inefficient use of space.

2) How do I build the forms? I thought about creating an xml sheet that had the validations, data type, control to display, etc. as a list. Then I would parse through the xml to build the form on the fly. Probably using css to do the layout (that would have to be manual, which is ok). Is there a better/best way? Is there something out there that I could look at to get ideas?

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Build And Save Forms Dynamically

Nov 26, 2010

In a pluggable architecture for asp.net mvc, i need to build a form where any plug-in can add its form elements to a form through application wide events. When the form is submitted back to server, values of elements must be saved by relevant plug-in which added the form elements. how to build and save forms like that?

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Web Forms :: Build Menus From Sitemap?

May 28, 2010

Is there a way to have 2 different menus that have their items populate from 2 separate sitemap datasources?

Currently I have one menu that is populating correctly from one sitemap. I would like to remove some items from this menu and have them in another menu positioned somewhere else on my page. How can I make this second menu populate these items from a seperate datasource?

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Web Forms :: Build Web Sites By Using Asp Design

Jul 8, 2010

iam c# learner and i know about c# a little but i can use just desing of asp.net not source cuz i didnot know asp.net tags well .will i get problem if i begin bulid web sites by using design and i build the below page and add some code to the button

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Web Forms :: Set Assembly Build Path?

May 18, 2010

Am using dynamic loading of dlls. Am using "Assembly.Load(AssemblyName)". But this looks for the dll in the path

"F:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0Common7IDE"

I want to set it as local bin folder as it can automatically fetch from the local project. How do i do it.

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Web Forms :: Build A Strong Web Crawler?

Oct 6, 2010

I would like to state literally that I really do not want to reinvent the wheel, but as you know some times we get some unique "Must-requirement(s)" that will hinder us to re-use the open source codes.I want a proper, flawless and consistent Web Crawler. Basically, I want this Crawler (As a Web app NOT desktop app - Of course based on asp.net and C#) to grab the pages of any website and store them locally (Including resources like images and CSS...etc), download them locally and adjust any resource hyperlinks to point to the locally downloaded resources.

I saw HTTrack (http://www.httrack.com/), and it seems quite excellent, but the problem is that I want this Crawler to be a part of a system which includes other features and process. So, I really can't have this Crawler as an external tool.Main challenges:1) User should be able to specify to which level s/he wants to crawl, which means: User might specify a sub-site and want to crawl everything underneath it and not the upper level. You see ? So, there should be full crawling for the entire site and partial crawling.

2) URLs and how to deal with them? I faced some weird URLs and it was hard for me to identify the actual page because there is no file name. How to handle that? For example: (http://www.blue1.com/en/uk/Travel-info/At-the-airport/Security-control/) this is a URL of a website that is built on EPiServer (.Net based) but as can be seen from the URL that there is not actual aspx page, Therefore, how to deal with such URLs ?I have already started developing a POC using HttpWebRequest class, but frankly I am totally dissatisfied with it. It is inconsistent and the generated static content misses a lot of images and styles. Besides, the threads act up sometimes strangely.I would greatly and sincerely appreciate any input (Approaches, source codes, ideas , links...etc)P.S. I already saw: (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/Crawler.aspx) and (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/ZetaWebSpider.aspx).

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Web Forms :: How To Build RSS Feed For Website

Feb 6, 2014

Code for RSS feed ....

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Web Forms :: How To Build A Page URL From Database

Nov 5, 2013

I can write this code in Page load 

con = new SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select URL from Table1 where ID =" + Session["USERID"], con);cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);ds = new DataSet();da.Fill(ds, "Table1");string pageUrl = ds.Tables["Table1"].Rows[0]["URL"].ToString();

This code working fine..I want to this code working on Hyperlink click Like below

<li><a href="http://Mysite.azurewebsites.net/?ID=<%=Session["USERID"]%>" target="_blank">URLS</a></li>

How can i modify my code?

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Web Forms :: How To Build Sketch Application

Jan 31, 2013

i am writing an app whereby users my have the ability to sketch plots eg an accident, a teacher in class etc.

In sketching these plots users should be able to paste photos as well.

I am not sure this can be done in asp.net however i heard that there maybe plugins that i can use? I found CKEditor but that does not quite do it..

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