Web Forms :: Build Menus From Sitemap?

May 28, 2010

Is there a way to have 2 different menus that have their items populate from 2 separate sitemap datasources?

Currently I have one menu that is populating correctly from one sitemap. I would like to remove some items from this menu and have them in another menu positioned somewhere else on my page. How can I make this second menu populate these items from a seperate datasource?

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Dynamically Modify Role Permissions And Also Generate The Appropriate Sitemap / Menus?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm doing some research on security and sitemaps in ASP.net and am unfortunately running short on time. I have not worked too much with ASP.net security so I'm not completely sure if I'm heading in the right direction.

Here is my problem:

I have a public website (i.e. on the internet) that will allow any user to sign up to. The website will be developed using ASP.net webforms. These users may create other users and assign these users different roles.

Different roles have different restrictions and the menu is displayed appropriately. For example, a user acting as an administrator can see all menu options. Whereas a limited user will only see some of these menu items.

There needs to be the ability for users on our end to modify what pages certain roles can access. For example, if Role1 can do task X, we would like to be able at some point modify Role1 to no longer do task X. This would be done using an application built in-house.

User types (roles) are to be saved in the database. User permissions (what pages each type can have access to) are also to be saved saved in the database.

Here is something I am thinking of doing:

Implement the authorization and authentication set up built in to ASP.net using the web.config fileUse Sitemaps to dynamically create menus/breadcrumbs from the database

I believe it is possible to do the second one using custom providers (please correct me if I'm wrong). But I am not entirely sure if it's possible to configure the web.config file dynamically.

I suppose this is really more of a yes/no answer but I would just like to make sure I'm not going in the wrong direction. I will be using VS2008 and .net 3.5 framework.

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AJAX :: Display Horizontal Menus In Menu Control Using Sitemap

May 7, 2015

I am following the article [URL] .....

but I am not able to see my links horizontally

Here is my site map file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="~/default.aspx"

[Code] ....

The access to these links are controlled by membership provider.

Home is accessed by everyone. "Member Home" and MyBiz are accessed when the user is logged in.

The menu should have only Home displayed and when the user is logged in then it should displaym Home, MemberHome, MyBiz and sub links.

Here is the code for menu control

<asp:Menu ID="HorizontalMenuId" runat="server"
DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1" Orientation="Horizontal">
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="main_menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="level_menu" />

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Web Forms :: How To Build Site.sitemap At Runtime From DataBase

Apr 18, 2010

I want to have site.sitemap file that is build runtime from my sql database.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Build Dynamic Sitemap From Database

Jan 25, 2011

i want to build dynamic sitemap from database..even my menu items are also dynamic...and i want do display sitemap having categories and related menu items from database..

so i dont know how to build dynamic site and create dymanic links of that menus and categories..

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MVC - Find Controllers With (Authorize) Attributes Using Reflection In C# Or Build Dynamic Site.Master Menus?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm currently writing a web app in ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (although I do have MVC 2.0 installed on my PC, so I'm not exactly restricted to 1.0) -- I've started with the standard MVC project which has your basic "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC" and shows both the [Home] tab and [About] tab in the upper-right corner. Pretty standard, right? I've added 4 new Controller classes, let's call them "Astronomer", "Biologist", "Chemist", and "Physicist". Attached to each new controller class is the [Authorize] attribute. For example, for the BiologistController.cs

[Authorize(Roles = "Biologist,Admin")]
public class BiologistController : Controller
public ActionResult Index() { return View(); }

These [Authorize] tags naturally limit which user can access different controllers depending on Roles, but I want to dynamically build a Menu at the top of my website in the Site.Master Page based on the Roles the user is a part of. So for example, if "JoeUser" was a member of Roles "Astronomer" and "Physicist", the navigation menu would say:

[Home] [Astronomer] [Physicist]

And naturally, it would not list links to "Biologist" or "Chemist" controller Index page. Or if "JohnAdmin" was a member of Role "Admin", links to all 4 controllers would show up in the navigation bar. Ok, you prolly get the idea... Now for the real question... Starting with the answer from this StackOverflow topic about Dynamic Menu building in ASP.NET, I'm trying to understand how I would fully implement this. (I'm a newbie and need a little more guidance, so please bare with me.) The answer proposes Extending the Controller class (call it "ExtController") and then have each new WhateverController inherit from ExtController.

My conclusion is that I would need to use Reflection in this ExtController Constructor to determine which Classes and Methods have [Authorize] attributes attached to them to determine the Roles. Then using a Static Dictionary, store the Roles and Controllers/Methods in key-value pairs. I imagine it something like this:

public class ExtController : Controller
protected static Dictionary<Type,List<string>> ControllerRolesDictionary;
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
// build list of menu items based on user's permissions, and add it to ViewData
IEnumerable<MenuItem> menu = BuildMenu();
ViewData["Menu"] = menu;
private IEnumerable<MenuItem> BuildMenu()
// Code to build a menu
SomeRoleProvider rp = new SomeRoleProvider();
foreach (var role in rp.GetRolesForUser(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name))
public ExtController()
// Use this.GetType() to determine if this Controller is already in the Dictionary
if (!ControllerRolesDictionary.ContainsKey(this.GetType()))
// If not, use Reflection to add List of Roles to Dictionary
// associating with Controller

Is this doable? If so, how do I perform Reflection in the ExtController constructor to discover the [Authorize] attribute and related Roles (if any) ALSO! Feel free to go out-of-scope on this question and suggest an alternate way of solving this "Dynamic Site.Master Menu based on Roles" problem. I'm the first to admit that this may not be the best approach.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using A Repeater To Build A Website's Site Map Page By Binding To The Web.sitemap File?

Jun 3, 2010

I've been using a repeater to build a website's site map page by binding to the web.sitemap file. For example, to display 2 levels of links:


So far, everything works well. However, in some cases, I do not want to display certain pages in the site map. I've added a custom attribute to each node (nodisplay= 'true').How can i check for this attibute, and avoid it from being displayed by in the repeater.

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Html - Is There A Tool That Can Scan A Roject And Build A Sitemap

Apr 26, 2010

I'm looking for an automated way to inventory all the links within an asp.net project that I inherited.

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Web Forms :: Some Samples For Designing The Menus And Sub Menus In Html With Styles

Jun 16, 2010

some samples for designing the menus and sub menus in html with styles and hover etc

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Web Forms :: How To Display The Menus & Sub Menus Dynamically

Sep 24, 2010

in one of my page i need to display the menus & sub menus dynamically,for this i have a menu table called colleges & one more table called branchs 1] ABC
Science ArtsCommarce2] EFG mathszoology historylike thissome times the menus are 3some times they may be 4,5,6 may randommy incresesfor this i have the two table one is menu & sub-menus

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Web Forms :: How To Display Menus With Sub Menus Using C#

Feb 27, 2011

am new for learning asp.net using c

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Web Forms :: Parser Error Message - XML Sitemap Config File Web.sitemap Could Not Be Loaded

May 11, 2010

We are getting this error message when we try to click the link in the menu to go to Report Server:

Source Error:
Line 31: <siteMapNode title="Reports" description="Reports">
Line 32:
Line 33: <siteMapNode url="https://ffxsqldgc01.ffx.co.fairfax.va.us/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2fDPZ&ViewMode=List" title="View Reports"
description="Click here to view the reports" />
Line 34: </siteMapNode>
Line 35:

I tried to add after the &, as it was suggested on one of the forum but it did not work. Any other ideas.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Build Survey System Where Build A Form With Questions And Some Answers?

May 25, 2010

I want to build a survey system where you can build a form with questions and some answers to these questions and then members who will log in will be able to take the test.

Then i want to present the different results from the test in some diagram or something like that.

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Sitemap Randomly Breaks Over Time / Could Not Find The Sitemap Node With URL '~/Default.aspx'

Aug 2, 2010

I've been having some production runtime errors that I don't fully understand. This has happened to us on a couple different ASP.NET 4.0 Web Sites (shudders - yes, I know - we're porting it to MVC but that's taking some time).

First of all, we have never been able to reproduce this issue in development/QA environments. Secondly, upon deployment, the issue seems to be non-existent. Sometimes the issue manifests within a day or two of deployment and other times the deployment will be live for a month without it manifesting at all. However, once it manifests, then ANY page viewed under the web site causes the error. Lastly, this problem seemed to only come up once we migrated to .NET 4.0. We started at 2.0, a year ago upped to 3.5, and recently upped to 4.0 with this solution and most child projects.

The error:

Could not find the sitemap node with URL '~/Default.aspx'.

A simplified version of our sitemap (with some names changed and uninteresting nodes removed) is as follows:

<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0">
<siteMapNode roles="*" title="EG">
<siteMapNode url="~/../SM/Default.aspx" title="Welcome" description="" roles="*" />
<siteMapNode url="~/../SD/Default.aspx" title="SD" description="" roles="*" />
<siteMapNode url="~/../SMD/Default.aspx" title="SMD" description="" roles="*" />


I have confirmed in all of the SiteMaps that there is a node with url="~/Default.aspx" with roles="*" (which includes public/anonymous access), so I am very confused as to why this problem occurs.

SiteMap does not have a node for Default.aspx. All of them do. SiteMap's Default.aspx node is not accessible for security reasons to the current user/role. They're all accessible to anonymous users and this problem even exists for super admin users. Passed-in URL contains querystrings (Default.aspx?abcd). I don't know if this is a problem (I sure would hope not) but once the problem manifests itself, I can handwrite the URL with no querystrings and the problem still exists.

SiteMap changes. It doesn't Service's permissions to the sitemap file. The sitemap works perfectly fine after a deployment, so unless permissions are changed in a way that IISRESET fixes, then this is not an issue. The worker process becomes globally corrupt. I don't think so. We have ~12 web sites all in the same app pool and the problem always stays confined within a single web site. Also, we have yet to have this happen to more than a single web site at a time although it has manifested itself in 4 different ones so far.

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SiteMap Change SiteMapProvider / Create Multiple Web.sitemap Files?

Jan 25, 2011

I've got a custom menu navigation built from a web.sitemap file, the first line of this would be something like:

SiteMapNodeCollection topLevelNodes = SiteMap.RootNode.ChildNodes;

However, now I want to be able to create multiple web.sitemap files, and then programmatically determine which web.sitemap file to use, but I can't seem to find out how to do this. I'm assuming I could either create one custom SiteMapProvider that can perform the logic to determine which web.sitemap file to load, or I have multiple providers, each one with the SiteMapFile property set to a specific *.sitemap file, and then switch providers programmatically before I access SiteMap.RootNode.

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Reference .sitemap File That Isn't The Root Web.sitemap File?

Nov 4, 2010

How would I programatically reference a .sitemap file that is not the root web.sitemap file? I have a file called research.sitemap in a folder a level under root. I want to refernce this file in my code behind like his: SiteMapNode m1 = SiteMap.RootNode (but since this isnt web.sitemap in the root, I dont know how to get access to it).

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Web Forms :: Sitemap Node - Seond Line Of Sitemap Node Won't Indent?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a second level node that goes onto two lines. The first line indents 15px as is set by the class for node level 2. The seond line kicks back to the same level as 1st level nodes. Here's what I mean:

Parent Node

Second node

line 2 of second node

I want it to be like this:

Parent Node

Second Node

line 2 of second node

View 4 Replies

C# - How To Get The Name Of Sitemap File From Sitemap Provider

Oct 6, 2010

I am creating a CacheDependency on the file that my SiteMap provider uses. I would like to get the name of the file from my sitemap provider instead of hard coding it. Is there a way?


Duh, I forgot to mention: XmlSiteMapProvider that comes with ASP.NET

Edit 2

Reflector shows a private member field called _filename that isn't exposed in any way as far as I can tell.

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C# - Prevent GridView Saving Data From Build To Build In Visual Studio?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a question regarding a situation that occurs with GridView, ObjectDataSource in ASP .NET application. The GridView is linked to the ObjectDataSource and both are included within an UpdatePanel letting the GridView to fill in an asynchronous way from a form in the same page so it gets more rows as the user enters the data:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Periodicty" HeaderText="Periodicty" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="Periodicty" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetSessionNames" TypeName="Simulation"></asp:ObjectDataSource>
<asp:Label ID="Label27" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="NewWebSessionButton" EventName="Click" />

I start the project with Visual Studio 2008, fill the form and it works correctly. Then I stop the execution: rerun again and the data I entered in the previous run is in the GridView. Is like some sort of cache saved the data from the session before. I checked that EnableCaching property is set to false for the ObjectDataSource. If I Rebuild Web Site in Visual Studio (not just Build) then it works corretly leaving the GridView empty. Is this caused just becuase of Visual Studio? Can it be turned off? And will it happen in the final IIS it will run on?

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Web Forms :: Multiple Set Of Menus?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to develop a web application. I got a free CSS template from the net that has tabs on it. I want to apply menu on each tab. Each menu has different set of sitemap structure.For example, in "Business" tab, I want to have the following sitemap structure:


In another tab, say "Health", I want to have:


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Web Forms :: Menu's Sub Menus Are Not Visible In Ie?

Mar 31, 2010

my menü's sub-menus are not visible in ie. but in FİREfox and chrome is visible

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Web Forms :: Viewing NavBar Sub Menus In IE?

Jun 25, 2010

I have created a hortizonal NavBar the problem is that when viewing the page with NavBar in IE the the drop down sub menues appears as a white rectangle.

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What Is Difference Between Build Solution And Build Website

Mar 11, 2010

It may be obvious to everyone. I am learning this: what is difference between build solution and build website

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Build Tool Which Can Build A Web App Into Multiple Dlls?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a large solution which has multiple apps which all share some common site elements (masterpages, navigation, etc).

Currently, all of these get built into a single DLL

If my structure looks like:

- Common/
- Shared/
- Images/
- App1/
- App2/
- etc

Is there a build tool which will allow me to build WebRoot.dll, App1.dll, App2.dll? I don't believe this is possible in VS2008 or the MSBuild tool.

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How To Specify A Direct Build Name Directory Using TFS Build Of .net Web Application

May 11, 2010

I have a TFS build set up to deploy an ASP.net project to a test server.The build works great, and deploys to the test server fine, but instead of putting it into the Website directory that my IIS webserver is configured for, it puts the build into Website_20100511.6

Why is the date suffixed to the directory name? Is there a way to turn that off so I can publish directly to the Website?

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