Web Forms :: How To Create A Folder Browser

Jan 17, 2011

In Visual Studio 2008 Express there is no folder browser to allow me to select a destination folder for downloading.

There is a FileUpload, but it requires a filename. I just want to select a folder only, and get its full path information.

In Windows API, there is a folder browser that I called in MS Access using VBA code.

Can someone supply me the code or tell me how to generate a folder browser to select a destination folder for downloading data to !! I would like it in VB.

I do have an .exe that generates a browser, but you can't run it on a website.

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App_browser Deployment / Create A Browser File In The App_browser Folder?

Mar 9, 2011

I have written a PageAdapter that handles viewstate persistence in a SQL server. This page adapter was created in it's own project so that i can reuse the DLL on other projects.

I have another project that is acting as my test web application. I added an entry the configuration file for the new database connection string. I also had to create a browser file in the app_browser folder. I will tell you upfront that I am not familiar with the app_browser and browser files at all. So this is probably a setup issue.

I have this solution working properly on development. I then tried to deploy my project using a web deployment project to compile the application, and then manually move the output to the test server. On the test server, it acts like it is not reading the app_browser folder. My code never gets executed. I started up a remote debugging session and my code never fired. All of the necessary files are there.

The server is windows server 2003 standard edition with SP 2. It is 32-bit. It is running IIS 6.0. We have all of the .Net frameworks installed. IIS is currently configured to run framework 4.0. My code is using 2.0.

I am not finding a whole lot of information online about it, but I know I can't be the first to have this issue. Please someone help me out here.

Below is the contents of my browser file.

<browser refID="Default">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.Page" adapterType="BEKCustomViewState.BEKViewStatePageAdapter"/>

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Web Forms :: Create Folder And Upload File In That Folder On Other Machine Connected In LAN

Jan 25, 2010

I am working on asp.net 3.5 in C#. In my application I have to Create folder and upload file in that folder, which works fine on my machine. I want help for create folder and upload file in that folder on other machine which is connected in LAN. code for create folder and Upload file on my machine

string FileName = FileUpload1.FileName;

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Web Forms :: Build A Server Folder Browser?

Apr 18, 2012

i m trying to browse a folder using folderbrowserdialoge and got this error 

Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Threading.ThreadStateException: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process.Source Error:

Line 64: ' If the user clicks theFolderBrowser's OK button..
Line 65:
Line 66: If theFolderBrowser.ShowDialog = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Line 67:
Line 68: ' Set the FolderChoiceTextBox's Text to theFolderBrowserDialog's


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Web Forms :: How To Open Folder Browser Dialog - Failed To Set Specified COM Apartment State

Jan 7, 2012

I want to open FolderBrowserDialog,

I am getting error as

"Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it. This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process."

Then I added


And I got error as "Failed to set the specified COM apartment state."

Here is code

Private Sub btnBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim MyFolderBrowser As New System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
' Description that displays above the dialog box control.
MyFolderBrowser.Description = "Select the Folder"

[Code] ....

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Opening A Folder In A New Browser?

Sep 13, 2010

Developing a web application in C# which stores files in a tree structure in a server.

A project ( eg: ABC) has many sub folders (eg: ABC_sub1,ABC_Sub2...etc) . Each sub folder will have many types of files. (Eg: .dat,.txt .... etc)

I have stored the project name and the path to the parent folder ( in this case ABC) in a database.

Eg: \sereverNameTestMyProjectABC

What I need to do is when a user selects a given project ( eg; ABC) & clicks the link button component called "browse" to open the folder (\sereverNameTestMyProjectABC) in a new window.

This is the code I thought would work.

protected void LinkButtonFolderBorwse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string myPath = @HiddenFieldFolderLocation.Value;
System.Diagnostics.Process prc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
prc.StartInfo.FileName = myPath;

HiddenFieldFolderLocation.Value gets the path of the parent folder (\sereverNameTestMyProjectABC).

When I click the link button nothing happens.

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CSS In App_Theme Folder Gets Cached In Browser?

Dec 23, 2010

The Stylesheet in the App_Theme folder gets cached in the browser. What should be the approach? so that whenever there is a new deployment the browser should take the latest stylesheets and not the one cached in the browser.

This was happening for other css(which are not in theme folder) too, so used custom control as mentioned in the link


How this could be done for the CSS in the Theme folder?

Edit: The theme name is mentioned in the web.config as mentioned below. so its not just the html link tag which I had solved by using the method mentioned in the link.

<pages styleSheetTheme="Default">

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AJAX :: Folder Browser App Using TreeView On A ModalPopup?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET (.NET 4, VS2010) app that needs folder browsing/picking capabilities. I've got it mostly working, but I'm stuck on one last thing. (see below) Also, I'm using AJAX UpdatePanel, TreeView control, and AJAX Control Toolkit ModalPopupExtender.

When I go to the page, I load the TreeView with a top node and a first set of child nodes, which are the found drives of the server. Then I click a LinkButton to open the ModalPopupExtender, which contains the TreeView. When I click the nodes of the TreeView, the node expands and builds a set of child nodes which are the folders found.

What I want to happen is to allow the user to navigate through the TreeView, selecting drives and folders until they find the one they're looking for. Then they click OK to return the path selected back to the main form.

The problem is that any click of any node in the TreeView causes a postback and my ModalPopup closes. how to accomplish this task? That is, how can I keep the ModalPopup open while the user clicks through nodes of a TreeView in which the child nodes are populated dynamically?


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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Folder From Text Box?

Dec 9, 2010

Have a web form that i want to create a folder from input text box.

now this works.

using system.io;
Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:DATA" + txtName.Text);

which allows me to create the folder in location.

but what I need is to check to see if the folder exist if not create then upload files into the folder if else upload files into the file folder.

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Web Forms :: Create Folder And Upload File

Jan 24, 2016

i have a few doubts about the below file directory concept, for creating file directory. How can i create folder using file directory the code i have done but am getting the error, I want to create folder like below,

--->clientname folder which is come from my class file

code is :

protected void btnUpload_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
//if (ASBsupplier.Text == "")
// lblMessage.Text = "Select Supplier";
// return;


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Feb 3, 2010

I know how load CSS by the broswer specific. but i dont how to create CSS by broswer based. its means.

1. what are conditions need to care

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User Controls :: How To Browse Folder Using Browser Button From Any Location On Server

Apr 17, 2012

i'm creating a asp.net web application in which i need to select source file using browse button to select the Source location from where the files has to be copied from and destination file using browse button to select the destination location where the files has to be copied to .So pls tell me what should be the code for browse button to browse a folder for source and destination and copy the source folder files to destination folder(i want to copy only text and excel files from source to destination folder) and i want user to see the progress how files are copying from source to destination and error also if there is any error in copying.

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Oct 20, 2010

I want to automatically create a menu for all aspx file in a web folder using the asp:Menu.

Is there a way to automatically generate the MenuItems for each aspx file when the page loads? The directory is "~/Refernce".

<asp:Menu ID="menu"
runat="server" CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" Orientation="vertical">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Reference/Default.aspx" Text="Home" />
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Reference/HTML.aspx" Text="Reference" />

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I need to make my webpages compatible with chrome and IE8 that too using Browser caps. I have desingned the webpage using ASP.net 4. provide me with the solution. i hav tried a lot of different things and all have failed and i am using windows 7.

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Data Controls :: Open And View Files From Folder In Browser Using Button Inside GridView

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I need to open/view a file in gridview.... I successfully uploaded the file to a directory on the server, and added a filename field in a table....

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Web Forms :: Create A Folder On The Server For Each User For Uploading Image Files?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to create a folder (titled their userid) for each user for Images they upload. I also want to name their files as their username + 1 or 2 or 3... whatever number of images they have.

Here is what I've done:


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Web Forms :: Create A Admin  And Member Folder And Seperate The Links From The Masterpage?

Jan 12, 2011

how are you able to create a admin and member folder and seperate the links from the masterpage .The login and register is not done using the asp.conf is done using a customer table

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Web Forms :: Create Image Gallery By Binding DataList With Images From Folder?

Jul 12, 2012

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Web Forms :: Create (Add) Transparent Watermark Text To Images (Photo) And Save To Folder (disk)

May 7, 2015

I used below code to upload image and put watermark on it

protected void BtnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
uploadImageError.Visible = true;
if (fup1.HasFile && fup1.PostedFile.ContentLength < 102400) {
string watermarkText = "behtop.com";
string path = Server.MapPath("~/image/House/product/");

[Code] ....

Problem is when I upload image and click on btnupload it shows image in new window with watermark text but it doesn't save it into host...

I want when I click on btnupload it doesn't show image in new window I want it just uploaded image with watermark into host...

How I can do it?

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Security :: Create Folder And Set Permission?

Nov 10, 2010

I develop one application that create folder with special permission.

It works, but when I install the application on server I can't set any permission.

I think because it needs domain admin to set this permission... I've one account of one domain admin but how can I do to impersonate when the application set (try to set...) the permission ?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Create A Folder On A Network Share

Mar 7, 2011

I have a web application that uses Windows Authentication, not forms, and has identity impersonate = true.

From an .aspx page, the following code can create a folder on a network share successfully but fails in my .asmx page.

dirPolicyFolder.CreateDirectory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("PolicyApplicationsPath") & strFolderName

I have confirmed that the same user is logged in both examples, permissions on the parent folder are set correctly, and the logged user has propper right to do this.

If I change the path to a local one, the asmx page can create the folder.Why would this fail when running in the .asmx page?

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C# - Web Browser Control Cannot Create Cookies?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a web application (SnapshotServer) which uses a WebBrowser control to take a snapshot images of a web page.

I use a WebBrowser control within SnapshotServer to navigate to a entry page of a secure web application (ImageHost) and then redirects me to my required page.The ImageHost application is protected by FormsAuthentication, which uses cookies. The entry page I navigate to takes care of logging me in - which will create an Auth cookie.

Once a response is generated from the ImageHost, I convert the result within the WebBrowser control to an image.


When I run SnapshotServer on my PC (Windows 7, IE8), using IIS7, and navigate to ImageHost on my development server (Windows 2008 R2, IE8), the result is as required - I'm logged into ImageHost and redirected to the page I want an image of. When I run SnapshotServer on any Windows 2008 R2 server, using IIS7, and navigate to ImageHost on my development server (Windows 2008 R2, IE8), the result is not as required - ImageHost fails to log in - so my image is of the login page. The reason it fails to log in is that it isn't creating an Auth cookie.

So I'd like to know if anyone can tell me why the WebBrowser control, when run from a Windows 2008 server, cannot create cookies.

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Create Auto Task To Delete Files From Folder?

Jan 16, 2011

im looking for help dealing with some task. im wondering if there is any code that can automatic delete all files and folders in server folder. I have folder call "uploads" and i want to: first option - delete all the folders and files that in that folder in some day and hour every week (lets say every sunday at 3 am), and if its not possible, option 2 - to trigger that process with button (delete all folders and files in "uploads" folder after click that button.

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How To Move Multiple Files To A Folder And Create A Zip File

Jul 23, 2010

Programmatically i am planning to move multiple files, Is it possible to move multiple files to a folder "d:MyTempFileFolder"

and create a compressed zip file of all files which are in this folder: "d:MyTempFileFolder" and then will try to download it.

using asp.net / sql server on windows 2003 server

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Visual Studio :: How To Create App_Data Folder Grayed Out

Sep 29, 2010

I have a few questions regarding the "special" ASP.NET folders in Visual Studio web projects.

Adding an App_Data folder in Visual Studio is present, but grayed out in my C# web project, why?
What are the meanings of the various ASP.NET "special" folders?

App_GlobalResources App_LocalResources App_Data App_Browsers Themes - I know this is used to contain stylesheets for a particular theme and is then specified in the web.config or page (if I remember right).
App_Code - Were these classes that were pre-compiled? Do these ASP.NET folders retain their special meaning if you manually create a folder with the same name instead using the "Add ASP.NET Folder" feature in Visual Studio?

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