Web Forms :: How To Get Dynamic Text In Hyperlink

Jun 5, 2012

How we get dynamic text from database in the hyperlink???

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Web Forms :: Text Of Hyperlink Displayed In Text Box

Feb 10, 2010

in my first page some links is present like as follows: advertising. when i click this link the text of hyperlink means advertising display in a textbox which is present in another page.

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Web Forms :: Passing Dynamic Variables Through Hyperlink?

Apr 29, 2010

I have an asp:hyperlink that links to an iframe. I have set the navigateUrl to the iframe page would also like to pass a variable through to the iframe depending on what button is clicked.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Call Of Hyperlink Based On Role?

Apr 14, 2010

i need to create a hyperlink dynamically. In our project till now we are calling the hyperlink in every page but now we need that controls must be displayed on the roles b'coz we are all the pages in one role and only few controls in some other roles

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Cellindex In Dynamic Gridview After Clicking A Hyperlink On It?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a problem with my asp project.i have a gridview that is created dynamically and all rows cells contain hyperlinks that are created dynamically also

all i wanna do is after clicking at any on this hyperlinks i can get the index of the cell where this hyperlink i clicked exist or even the text of the hyperlink i clicked but i don't know how i can do this

The eventhandler for the hyperlink is as follow:


i write in this code selectedrow.cells[0] but this is not what i want.What i need to replace 0 with the index of the cell i clicked

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic HyperLink In The PagerTemplate Need To Call GridView1_PageIndexChanging?

Sep 23, 2010

I am doing custom paging.I am adding my own LinkButton in the PagerTemplate. When I click the LinkButton it has to fire the GridView1_PageIndexChanging. How to do?



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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Querystring Hyperlink Dynamic, Server Tag Not Well Formed?

Mar 7, 2011

i get the error that the server tag is not well formed when trying to create a dynamic hyperlink in my formview.?

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/sendes.aspx?id='<%# Eval("id") %>'">HyperLink</asp:HyperLink>
<br />

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Web Forms :: Hyperlink In Email - Shows Text Only And Does Not Link To Anything?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a Mail class set up on my site that should be sending an email to the user after they make an account. It will include a link for them to click on that activates the account - I have success in sending the email, however my hyperlink shows text only and does not link to anything.

here is a section of my mail setup


Here is the section that inserts the link


I just put yahoo for testing purposes. So basically I see "Click on the link below to activate your account" and then "Click Here" with no link.

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Web Forms :: Bind Hyperlink URL And Text In DataList Control

Jul 19, 2012

I have 1datalist in my page that i define link button on it 

This is my House_p table

Image Description Behcode name Id

1.jpg 11test 4444 iron 1
2.jpg 11test 3333 sofa 2
3.jpg 11test 2222 laundry 3

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How To Create Dynamic Hyperlink To GridView

Dec 6, 2010

i'm using VB ASP.NET. i'm trying to display some values in Gridview. but i don't know how many columns i need to display. at run time only i will come to know how many columns i need to display. it depends up on the values from Database. so i'm creating columns dynamically and adding to gridview. till that it works fine. but i want some columns value to be hyperlink. so i need to create some columns hyperlink dynamically.
for example : if i need to make any chnage for 12/1/2010 john, i can click hyperlink "Work" and update the information. and if i need to add some description for 12/2/2010 John, i can click hyperlink "Add New" and add description for that date.


How can i create dynamic hyperlinks for the date columns. if you have any idea, how to do this,

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlink Text/now Create String From Label?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a datalist in a page which shows a username in a label from the database (theiruseridLabel)I'm trying to take this username, find its profile.firstname and profile.company name, and then display them as the text in 2 hyperlinks.

i have the code below, but this doesnt work..? can anyone see why? there is no error, just the hyperlinks just show as 'hyperlink' rather than the names i want.

HyperLink hp2 = DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("HyperLink2") as HyperLink;
HyperLink hp3 = DataList1.Items[0].FindControl("HyperLink3") as HyperLink; [code]....

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Web Forms :: How To Open A Text/pdf/mp3 File On Hyperlink Click From A Aspx Page

Jan 29, 2010

i have a fileupload control which i use to upload file to the server. after the upload is successful i enable a hyperlink with the name of the uploaded file.

i want the user to be able to view this file in the browser after the file has been uploaded.

i did try assigning the navigateurl for the hyperlink = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath(".") + "\folder1\" + fileName;

which dint work. all uploaded files are being stored in a folder inside my solution directory on the server.

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Create A Dynamic Hyperlink That Always Looks For The Latest Version Of The Spreadsheet?

Jan 8, 2010

I am new to website development, so please be gentle!I am having difficulties in stopping a hyperlink to a Excel spreadsheet on my page from being cached by our proxyserver.The spreadsheet is updated on the web server in the background everytime a user updates a sql record, however because the hyperlink is to a static name, when the user clicks on the link, often a older version of the spreadsheet is opened.I have tried many caching parameters without joy and was wondering if it is possible to create a dynamic hyperlink that always looks for the latest version of the spreadsheet ?For example if I append onto the spreadsheet the date and time everytime the spreadsheet is updated, will the hyperlink be able to find it ?All my website code has been written in asp to date.

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Create Dynamic Button With Dynamic Text?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a project where I need to create menu buttons from a list in SQL Server. The problem I am having is that I need to add code to the text of those buttons. So there would be a birthday button and it should display the number of birthdays within the next two weeks or a button with the number of upcoming events.


There is no code yet, just some requirements. What I am doing is querying a table to get the list of buttons to display. Now each of these buttons may have dynamic text, for things like count of birthdays, events,etc... I am trying to see what the best way would be to handle this. Should I embed a snippet of code to go along with the menu item to execute when I iterate over the menu items? Maybe I should build a javascript file to go along with the code, which I add code to query a service for certain menu items?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change A Repeater Hyperlink Text Depending On The ID Of The Item

Feb 25, 2010

I have a repeater control that loads my data ok. I have a hyper link field in my repeater control. It looks like this:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview View Into Hyperlink Onclick Update Label.text ?

May 3, 2010

I have a Gridview looks like this:-


I want to turn 100,200,...600 etc into hyperlinks (I guess I know this part by using hyperlink field), and onclick 100, it will get the point parameters related to the value clicked (in this case, when 100 is clicked it gets US, A, Q1) and url to a new page with datasource parameter based on US,A, Q1

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Querystring Parameter In Hyperlink From Selected.item.text In Dropdownlist

Jul 9, 2010

I have a HyperLink control in a ListView, and I need to pass a couple of querystring parameters.


The first parameter is based on the current DataItem value in the LV.

Suppose I want to set a second parameter with a value from Selected.Item.Text in a DropDownList on the same page, how would the HyperLink look?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Static Text Of Hyperlink In Template Column Of Datagrid?

May 27, 2010

In Datagrid if we are using template column and we have hyperlink and this will have only view or edit whether we can sort it. If so how.

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How To Show Same Text As Hyperlink To Other New Tab Page

Oct 31, 2010

How to show same text as hyperlink to other new tab page?

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default2.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">


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Web Forms :: Getting Back Text Of Dynamic TextBox?

Feb 28, 2011

I dynamically created Textbox. I don't know the final number of textbox, but I want to get back all the Text value of each textbox. if possible in the code behind. Here is the code for creating my textbox:


I want to get the Text value when I clicked on a asp:Button. If possibe I would like to avoid using Javascipt

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Web Forms :: Get Dynamic Details From Text Lightbox

Feb 22, 2011

I have created an aspx page where I want to get few details from user thru asp.net lightbox. I dont know and dont want to use ajax or javascript. How can I achieve this with asp.net controls. The showing(visibility) of few controls (to get details) should depend upon selection of few other control on the lightbox.

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Folder From Text Box?

Dec 9, 2010

Have a web form that i want to create a folder from input text box.

now this works.

using system.io;
Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:DATA" + txtName.Text);

which allows me to create the folder in location.

but what I need is to check to see if the folder exist if not create then upload files into the folder if else upload files into the file folder.

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Web Forms :: Can Use UpdateProgress To Output Dynamic Text

Dec 20, 2010

I'm working on a page which allows a user to do the following:

upload XML filevalidate XML filebulk loads data from XML file into MS SQL Server tablesruns a number of stored procedures to do certain checks on the imported data.

Now, I know how to do all of the above.

However, I would like to inform the user between the execution of the above mentioned actions what is happening.

I've looked at using the controls "updatepanels" and "updateprogress", but can't seem to get it to work.

If I put some static text like "Loading..." in the updateprogress control, I do see that whilst the code is running.

However, I don't want to show static text but want to change the text dynamically.

It appears that server-side controls are completely ignored inside the "updateprogress" control (why?).

Ideally I would like to do something like:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptMgr" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdateProgress runat="server" id="PageUpdateProgress">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" id="Panel">
<asp:Button runat="server" id="UpdateButton" onclick="UpdateButton_Click" text="Update" />

In the code behind:

Protected Sub UpdateButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UpdateButton.Click
Label1.Text = "Starting action 1."
Label1.Text = "Starting action 2."
Label1.Text = "Starting action 3."
End Sub

Unfortunately I'm getting syntax errors on Label1.Text as it doesn't seem to recognize the control.

I know I'm a newbie and that I'm probably going around this completely the wrong way.

where I'm going wrong and how I can get this to work. I can't imagine I'm the only one who wants to achieve something like this in a webform.

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Web Forms :: Button Control Dynamic Text?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a button and the text shuold be dynamic(call a function and return a string).


In cs file,

public string GetString(){
return "Submit";

The above case, GetString() has been ignored.

Instead of writing code on Page_Load event >> LinkButton1.Text = GetString();

Can i write it in the aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Processing Links In Dynamic Text?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a web page that loads in user-defined text from a database field into a label. This text may or may not contain HTML links (standard <a href> tags). I need a way to enumerate through the links and enable/disable certain links based on whether or not the person viewing the page is logged in or not (via a session variable).The html tags include a runat=server attribute and the text is standard formatted HTML. Since the text is being loaded into a label straight from the database, the links aren't loaded into the controls collection for the form - so, I'm not able to reference the links that way.

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