Web Forms :: How To Give Name Space In URI Instead Of HTTP URL In WebService

Oct 26, 2012

writing name space as URI instead of HTTP URL in WebServie like this [WebService(Namespace = "http://www.samplesite.com/somepath/sth100/Service1.asmx", Name = "STHDBtoXMLWebService")]

<sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
<section name="soonthyehang.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />

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Howt O Give White Space To The Left Of A Label

Oct 29, 2010

I want to be able to show as below in asp.net using vb


I am using labels for the above three words. Is there a way to do it.

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Configuration :: IIS 7 MVC3 App Add Host Name Give HTTP 404?

Jan 18, 2011

I have attempted to deploy an asp.net mvc3 app on IIS 7 on a windows server 2008 machine. All is well if I don't add a host name (i.e. domain name). I can access the site locally, and my friend can caccess it externally. I can browse to other links in my site, etc... It all seems working fine.

However, if once I add a host name, I get the http 404 error. What should the configuration be like?

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Web Forms :: Invoking A HTTP 202 Error Message Via Webservice?

Sep 22, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET but what i am trying to do is create a webservice (in C#) with a method that basically returns the IIS HTTP 202 Error Code (ACCEPTED) page.Is there any method that would automatically return this? Or would i need to write some sort of code that would cause the error message 202 to display?

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Trying To Enable A Webservice To Accept HTTP Get?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm trying to enable a webservice to accept HTTPGet. I've done this in the past, but I have a feeling BlogEngine.NET may be interfering somehow. I've added these sections to web.config:

<add name="HttpGet" />
<add name="HttpPost" />

And my method has this signature:

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public void GetCurrent(string setupType)

Yet when I call the service, I just get the the WSDL description page. I'm trying to binary write a file to track numbers of downloads, so I have a rewrite rule to redirect what looks like a .zip file to my download service. The rewriting works fine as I see the WSDL file, but the method isn't invoked.

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Webservice Returns HTTP Error 500 After Deployment?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a webservice (ASMX) which I have tested locally using built-in VS web server. It works fine in the Dev environment, and there was no configuration of anything in IIS for this kind of webservice to work.

Today when I deployed my site on the live server, I got a 500 error when the webservice is being called. The website doesn't work, and unfortunately the client did not test this on staging (same server)

Here's the sample call to my service.

type: "POST",
url: 'http://www.mydomain.com/services/someservice.asmx/MyMethod',
data: "someid=564",
dataType: "xml",
success: function(msg){

In Firebug, http://www.mydomain.com/services/someservice.asmx/MyMethod returns error 500 internal server.

I called the service using jQuery AJAX, the live server is Windows Server 2008 Standard.

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Security :: HTTP Status 403: Forbidden Error When Trying To Access Webservice?

Feb 10, 2011

I hace created a webservice, that is on one server and then I created a web application on another server to consume that webservice. My web application uses threading. In my web application, I call the webservice and it returns me the response. Then my thread sleeps for 20 minutes and then it again calls webservice, but when i call the webservice second time , it fails. Here is the error and stack trace:-

Stack Trace:- at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at TransactionExport.LocalWebService.TransactionExportStaging.GetDays(String projCode) in C:inetpubwwwrootTransactionExportWeb ReferencesLocalWebServiceReference.vb:line 102
at TransactionExport.TransactionExport.LoadDays() in C:inetpubwwwrootTransactionExportExport.vb:line 267

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice In Https Returns Undefined But Works On Http?

Jul 20, 2010

We have a problem regarding webservices when it runs in https. it say's that the service is undefined. BUT when we try it in http it runs okay...

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WebService Debug Synchronization - Breakpoints Give Message "source Code Is Different From Original Version"

Oct 26, 2010

I'm fairly new to web service development, and I am really confused about how ASP.Net Development Server synchronizes with code during debug mode. When I make changes to my service, I cannot figure out how to propigate those changes so that my client can "see" them (I've been able to synchronize through a stumbling series of publishing the service, viewing the service in browser, etc... but I have a feeling there's a more reliable system than my random ritual). Here are the symptoms I'm seeing: After I've made a change to the code behind my service (Service1.svc.cs), started the application through the debugger and attached the debugger to the WebDev.WebServer.exe process as well, my latest changes are not executed, and my breakpoints are not hit (they have the message that "The source code is different from the original version." What really baffles me, though, is that when the ASP.Net Development Server notification pops up in my system tray, its physical path points to my project folder, so I don't understand how it could be looking at anything but my current code files.

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Web Forms :: Give A Client Side Validation All The Function Work,but In Confirm Password Its Not Hide Wen Give A Correct Password?

Jun 16, 2010

I have create a masterpage and add content page include user (firsname,lastname,password,new password,confirm new password adn etc..)detail update field. i try to give a client side validation all the function work,but in confirm password its not hide wen give a correct password.. anybody give correct solution..code are below..


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SQL Server :: Truncate, Find The Last Space, Remove Any Characters After That Space, Then Add Some Full Stopseg?

Feb 10, 2011

i'm writing a stored proc and if a field i return is longer then 200 characters, i want to truncate, find the last space, remove any characters after that space, then add some full stopseg:

INSERT INTO @rec(articleid, abstract)
SELECT a.id,


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How To Replace A Character In A String To Space Or White-space

May 5, 2010

How to replace a character in a String to space or white-space?

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Header / Error Server Did Not Recognize The Value Of HTTP Header SOAPAction?

Oct 30, 2010

I call a webservices from my javascript and im getting response as error.

Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction:

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Security :: WebService Returns "The Request Failed With HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized"?

Jan 7, 2010

I wrote a web services with Windows authentication, when i consume this WS from my app inside my network all work great, but when I consume this WS outside my network the WS return "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized"I'd try the URL in an explorer page and all works great.In my app I use this:

webservice.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

What alternatively can I use to get credential inside and outside of my net?

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WCF / ASMX :: While Consuming Webservice Getting Error As "The Request Failed With HTTP Status 401: Unauthorized"

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to consume a webservice. I added the web reference. But when i try to access the method, I am getting the error as:"The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized."The web service has username as "user1", password as "pass".I tried this:

Service1.TestPrcsService serv = new Service1.TestPrcsService();
serv.PreAuthenticate = true;

How to pass the username and password to access the method?

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DataSet.GetXml() Converts Empty Table Cell To Tag With Attribute Xml:space="preserve" And A Space For Value

Jan 24, 2011

I have a problem with DataSet.GetXml() in ASP.NET 4.0:

First I populate the dataset with some tables.

Then I run the .GetXml() method on the dataset and some XML is returned. The output of this method is not want I want it to be, however.

The desired result is this:


How do I stop this from happening? I mean, how do I stop the cell from being included at all?

In ASP.NET 1.1 the same code is used and the desired output is returned. This means that it is probably some new thing in 4.0 that I have to switch on/off. But what?

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Web Forms :: Redirecting To A Page At Server / Error Is Http 500 Or Http 403

Dec 2, 2010

I am having problem redirecting error when error is http 500 or http 403 locally running this site there is no problem it gets redirected to my errorpage.aspx. But when deployed at server, it does not get .tried putting try and catch in page_load and in global.asax and I have set Application_Error to redirect to that page and also set <customErrors defaultRedirect to that page also


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Web Forms :: How To Redirect The Site To Http://example.net To Http://www.example.net

Aug 3, 2010

I am facing problem in to redirect my site from http://example.net to http://www.example.net

When the user can enter the site name in address bar like http://example.net how can i automatically redirected to http://www.example.net

I am trying to change the properties in iis but it doesnot work.

how can i acheive this

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Dec 6, 2010

When I use WatiN to go to a specific web page, how can I fake the HTTP referrer with a query string (i.e. request is from google search with query string q=search_term)? So I can verify that the response header has the 301 redirect for specific referrer URL.

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Redirect A Page From Http To Https Using Http Module Begin Request Handler?

Jul 15, 2010

i redirect a page from http to https using http module begin request handler .i am calling webservice using ajax but it is saying webserice not defined .which otherwise works fineits work fine when rediect page in page_load instead .but i need to add function for https to http in every page. i still not know why ajax is not working when i use http module for redirect

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MVC :: RedirectResult Does A HTTP Get. Want The Function That Does Http Post?

Apr 14, 2010

RedirectResult is doing a HTTP Get. I want a redirect that does a Http POST

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How To Pass Through Http Call With HTTP Handler

Jan 4, 2011


We are using the Facebook API and receive back URLs for profile image thumbnails. Unfortunately the protocol is restricted to just HTTP and it doesn't support HTTPS. The page on our site that hosts the thumbnails is always delivered via HTTPS, and if we use HTTP for the thumbnails the user will receive security warnings from their browser.


Build an HTTP Handler that "passes through" the image from the Facebook URL, but allow the handler to be called via HTTPS. Before I started coding I thought I could something like this:

Response.OutputStream = WebRequest.Create(FacebookUrlForThumbnail)

but I ended up having to save the image to an object in memory than write the image to the Response.OutputStream using the image save function.

Current Code:


This seems inefficient but I can't find a way of using the HTTP Handler as I orginally intended. Is there way of accomplishing the goal without creating the image memory and just "passing through" the call?

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MVC :: Give Validations For Forms?

Oct 8, 2010

I am new to Asp.net MVC. How to give validations for my forms.

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Web Forms :: Can Add Space Between Cells In TableCell()

Apr 22, 2010

can Add space between cells in TableCell()


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Web Forms :: Way To Add Space Between Two Cells, Not The Table

Apr 22, 2010

My code is below. I want to add space between cells in tableCell()something the equivalent ofI am NOT looking for cellpadding or cellspacing because they both add space between the left cell border and the left table border;I want to add space between two CELLS, not the table and the cell;


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