Web Forms :: How To Have A Unique Customer Number

Mar 27, 2010

I need to made a table like that:

Table customers

Name :

Number of customer:

So i must have a unique of customer , for every customer. Then if i try to insert a repeat number i will have a label saying that customer numer already exist. So you must choose this one. And the numer will appear. How can i do the code for a unique customer number ?

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Unique Number For Unique Visitor On Button Click In Vb.net?

Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

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but the problem is it generate the same id for different users on button click event... but i want the no. of times button clicked the new ids will be generated


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Web Forms :: Creating A Unique Number And Insert Into The Db

Feb 4, 2011

I have an easy problem for the experts here...been a few years since my last development work. I have an appl that will track complaints. When an administrator logs in, they go to the main admin.page. From there, they can create a new complaint record-here is where i'm stuck and am looking for a better way. When the admin loads the create.aspx page. i need a way go generate a unique number that i can insert into the db. What is the best way to generate the number...i don't care whether it's numerical or combo, just unique and durning postback the number does not change...the number will be given out as a reference back to the complaint... This seems pretty standard but I can't think of a way that will not duplicate numbers and am looking for best practice with low

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Web Forms :: Specific Customer Info Be Showing On His Page For Each Customer?

Jan 13, 2010

Now i have a database table holds all info of my (customers) such as first last names and address phone number etc ... and i able to edit delete update their info from my side using the admin page that contians gridview i created. If several customers logged into their account pages, and each one wants to update his information,

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Web Forms :: Generate A Unique Identifier Or Reference Number Based On A Format?

Jan 22, 2010

I need to generate a Unique Reference number that has 7 digits.

It should be formatted in the following way:

1st: B (Ball), G (Gift), C (Cat)

2nd: represents year of booking A(2010), B(2011),C(2012), etc

3rd: represents the month of booking J(Jan),F(Feb),M(Mar),A(Apr),Y(May), U(Jun), L(Jul),G(Aug), S(Sep),O(Oct),N(Nov),D(Dec)

4th: days of booking A(1st) - Z(26th), 1(27th) - 5(31st)

5,6,7th: These are counters for the number issues each day. Each can be A-Z,0-9 giving a total of 46,656 combinations. So 0 is first, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A-Z, then 00 to 0Z, then 10 to 1Z, then 20 to 2Z, etc

Now , the 1st Digit is a Character that I generate based on a condition and that shouldn't be a problem.

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Generating Unique ID Number

Jan 10, 2011

i have an application where users are allowed to fill in a form, once saved the form is given a unqiue # in this format: YYYY/MM/DD/### where ### is a 3 digit number, starts at 001, next one would be 002, etc.. the the YYYY/MM/DD is the date the form was saved, so if we had 2 saved today we would get these two:


I just wanted to know how to be sure that those numbers are always unqiue, if two people submit a form at the same time to make sure they are not given the same number? As we had that happen recently now that the application is being used a lot more, two people saved about the same time and once someone clicked save twice while the first save was happening and 2 of the same IDs were generated. Just want to make sure no matter what a unqiue one is always generated. I 'm able to calculate the ###, just wanted to know if there is a way to make sure it's not being used by a process saving right now.

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Dec 11, 2010

i am trying to create a Unique order number so i tried to use the code above but every time i enter the quite the page the number get rest.

If (ViewState("counter") Is Nothing) Then
ViewState("counter") = 1
ViewState("counter") = ViewState("counter") + 1
End If
OrderNum.Text = ViewState("counter")
If (ViewState("counter") Is Nothing) Then

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DataSource Controls :: Generate A Unique Ref Number And Insert Into The Database

Jul 5, 2010

I am generating a unique Ref number using this sql statement: SELECT REPLACE(STR(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS binary(5)) AS bigint),12),0,0) as REF Subsequently, I need to insert this REF into sql database table in stored procedure. Here is what I did in my stored procedure:

USE [iBankRecords]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[stp_addPayee] Script Date: 07/05/2010 21:57:07 ******/
ALTER PROC [dbo].[stp_addPayee]
@CUSTID char(10),
@PAYEEACCNUM nvarchar(20),
@PAYEEACCTYPE char(10) ,
@PAYEENAME char(20),
@ReturnValue int
SET @ReturnValue=1
SET @ReturnValue=0

May I know how do I have generating a unique ref num and inserting the REF into the above statement?

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Jul 6, 2010

I have developed a Portal (Request submission) which sends an Email and also it updates all values to the Database. What ever values gets updated to the database, will be sent as an email message to an address. It works fine. I need a Unique number to be generated for a Request submission which has to be sent in the Email message and also it has to be updated in the database. I use SQL Server 2005 and Framework 2, C# laungauge.

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Customer Domain "appear Everything From Subdirectory" To A Multi Customer Application

Mar 9, 2011

I'm not really sure where to start with this and therefore can't pick a more specific area to post. At first I though this might be something I would do in IIS7 but on reflection i think it needs to be at the application level. I am developing an application which will as part of it's function provide a unique website (custom CMS) to my customers. Each person who registers will have their own site accessible via a url such as [URL]. I need someway to take this and work out which customer it is and then load the rest of the pages with their content. So the site may have a home, about us and news pages for example and be themed to the customers requirements. Each of the pages will be the same aspx file and application for all customers but the content and style will be loaded from the database at runtime. I'd like for the duration of the visit for everything to appear as if from this subdirectory without actually creating them for each customer. so thy could visit [URL] but it actually loads [URL] and loads the content based on the customer site the visit is viewing.

I'm not really sure how to approach this. Maybe using a session value to store the customerid for the site the person is viewing which could be calculated from the URL on the first visit. I presume other people have done something simialr in the past. Where it gets more complex is if I then want to offer customers to have there own domain name pointed to the site. In that scenario they would have say [URL] which points to my server and bound to my application [URL]. All pages would have look as though they were on the customer website such as [URL] but still point to [URL] in the background and also somehow link to the customerid in the database to load the correct content.

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Name Or Number Search In Textbox While Entering The First Letter Or Number Charactor Or Number?

Feb 2, 2010

I am using the asp.net and framework 2.0 with Ajax enable web.i have a text box and when user will enter "a" or number in this will search the name started from "a" character or number if he or she enter the number basically we can say live-search.

Employee search: Textbox.In this text box she/he will enter the first character of name or first number of employeeno and according to the a character name will search in list.

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Web Forms :: PageRequestManagerParserErrorException Message On Customer PC Only?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a website that runs fine. A customer calls in complaining any functions he ntries he gets a 'Windows Internet Explorer' popup message; 'Sys.WebForms.PagerequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modifed ... etc.'. (I can upload a snapshot screen if someone tells me how) I logged under his account on other PCs, they all work fine. Customer runs IE7.0 with windows XP, Service Pack 3. I just cannot recereate this problem. Would anyone know the cause of this? Could this be something on customer's network or firewall?

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Generating New Unique No From Another Unique No?

Feb 25, 2010

I am here with a task to generate a unique no of specific length from another unique no.

I want my target unique no of say z length to be generate from combination of a unique no [ that may be a serial no ] of say x length and any secret key of say y length.

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Web Forms :: Adding Customer Info To MS Outlook

Apr 30, 2010

I need to create functionality for the users to add customer info (first, last name, address, e-mail) to MS Outlook (checking for duplicates first). Is it possible at all? Keep in mind that users have all kinds of OS on their computers: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.

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Web Forms :: Add A New Combobox To Select Another Customer And Repeat As Necessary

Mar 4, 2011

I have a table to store customers information.

<asp:ComboBox ID="cboCustomers" runat="server"
<asp:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" Text="Add Combobox" OnClick="btnAdd_Click"/>

What i'm trying to do is, add a new combobox to select another customer and repeat this as necessary, 2, 3 or more.

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Web Forms :: Sending Mobile SMS To Customer From Form

Apr 20, 2013

How can i Create Asp.net Form allow me to send sms from it to the Customer ?

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