Generating New Unique No From Another Unique No?

Feb 25, 2010

I am here with a task to generate a unique no of specific length from another unique no.

I want my target unique no of say z length to be generate from combination of a unique no [ that may be a serial no ] of say x length and any secret key of say y length.

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Generating Unique ID Number

Jan 10, 2011

i have an application where users are allowed to fill in a form, once saved the form is given a unqiue # in this format: YYYY/MM/DD/### where ### is a 3 digit number, starts at 001, next one would be 002, etc.. the the YYYY/MM/DD is the date the form was saved, so if we had 2 saved today we would get these two:


I just wanted to know how to be sure that those numbers are always unqiue, if two people submit a form at the same time to make sure they are not given the same number? As we had that happen recently now that the application is being used a lot more, two people saved about the same time and once someone clicked save twice while the first save was happening and 2 of the same IDs were generated. Just want to make sure no matter what a unqiue one is always generated. I 'm able to calculate the ###, just wanted to know if there is a way to make sure it's not being used by a process saving right now.

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the code mentioned below is a readwrite coding in ...

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Session Unique On Taking New Tab In IE7?

Nov 10, 2010

provide sessionstate in my web.config file like thissessionstate mode="InProc" cookieless="UseUri

That way each tab generates a new unique session ID in the URL with the format like this :[URL]It worked, but when I copy the url and paste it on another tab then the previous session value is inheriting. How can I solve this issue? Is there anyother method to solve issue?

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Web Forms :: TreeNodes Id Are Not Unique

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<asp:textbox id="ctr001_1" runat="server" uniqueid="textbox" />

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i followed [URL]. it was fine till server side but how would i be applying client side validation for unique field validation scenario on for example say username. i want to have username as unique.

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How To Generate Unique Id Per User

Mar 19, 2011

I have a webpage Default.aspx which generate the id for each new user after that the id will be subbmitted to database on button click on Default.aspx...

if onother user is also entering the same time the id will be the same ... till they press button on default.aspx

How to get rid of this that ... each user will be alloted the unique id ...

i m using the read write code to generate unique id ..

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Jul 20, 2010

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Dec 12, 2010

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Edit: I need that numbers to be generated in random manner everytime.

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C# - Managing Unique Key For Cache?

Nov 1, 2010

I have to use cache multiple forms data that will be submitted on last form. I m not getting how to handle cache key as it should be unique. I want to use this key to get and put data in different forms. I considered to use GUID but it is very long to put in query string.

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C# - Get Item From Collection By Unique ID

Apr 27, 2010

I have a collection of Contacts that inherits from CollectionBase:

public class ContactCollection : CollectionBase{

each contact in the collection has a unique ID:

public class Contact{
public int ContactID{
private set;

I think what I would like to do is something like the following:

// get the contact by their unique [Contact]ID
Contact myPerson = Contact.GetContactById(15);
// get all contacts for the customer
ContactCollection contacts = customer.GetContacts();
// replaces the contact in the collection with the
// myPerson contact with the same ContactID.
// saves the changes to the contacts and the customer
// customer.Save();

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MVC :: Reusable Components And Unique Ids?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm trying to create reusable "zones" but am having trouble figuring out how to give them all unique ids.What I'd like is to be able to create a component which can be put on an mvc page using the usercontrol syntax or using RenderAction or RenderPartial. I want to be able to update these components' content using ajax, so I need someway to reference them by id. However, there is no mechanism in MVC that wraps anything in a div or something like that.

I've learned that if I extend ViewUserControl and put the controls on the page like so:


This way, I can pass the previous ID and put it in ViewData, in case I need it laterThen, I can even go through all my controls on page load event in the master page and get my unique ID and write somekind of register javascript function to the page so that I can do javascript stuff if I want when the page loads.


Is there a more elegant way to do this? I see similar stuff from 'Areas' but never seen an example where someone has put more than one area on a page and then needed to reference them via javascript. This also seems similar to custom templates, but I'm having trouble figuring out how that would work.

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Generate Unique Url With Url-rewriting?

Mar 11, 2011

want to generate a url somthing like this

Ex: [URL]

now on the above url you can see after .aspx page they have added /1??Modal+Popup#

this subject line as a url

i know there is a tech of url rewriting , i also search more on net also but not getting any simple way to simple code

can any one asist me, i dnt want that ISAPI re-write and all that coz i need to install this with IIS

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VS 2005 - Unique URL (SEO) Over Two Templates

Aug 3, 2011

I have a content page with show part content of an article with a friendly URL address (for example):- [URL] ....

The article titles are unique in the database. My problem is I want to show it on template A which only shows a small amount of it with a hyperlink to show the full article. If I put the same url in it takes it to the same location:- [URL] ....

Is there a way of trapping the click of the hyperlink and setting some sort of parameter which I can pickup in my url rewrite routine. for example

private sub

myparameter = "Template Name"

Then in my url rewrite be able to see myparameter and say load the content with the full article template.

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Mar 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Have A Unique Customer Number

Mar 27, 2010

I need to made a table like that:

Table customers

Name :

Number of customer:

So i must have a unique of customer , for every customer. Then if i try to insert a repeat number i will have a label saying that customer numer already exist. So you must choose this one. And the numer will appear. How can i do the code for a unique customer number ?

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SQL Server :: How To Generate A Unique Code

Oct 19, 2010

I have to generate a unique customer code like this-

'cbd'+first letter of customer name+incrementer


cbd is hard coded means reamain fixed in each customer code first letter of cust_name is like

Bell Companies- B

and incrementer must be four digit number like 0001,0002,0888 etc.

Here incrementer

should start with 0001 for each customer means for EX-


then it should increment for customers having name started with B


then it should increment for customers having name started with T

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