Web Forms :: How To Move To Another Record In The Form View Programmatically
Apr 15, 2010I want to create jump button to go to the x number of the next record in the form viewWhat is the command in the csharp?
View 2 RepliesI want to create jump button to go to the x number of the next record in the form viewWhat is the command in the csharp?
View 2 RepliesCan someone tell me how to edit/update/delete record on the Form View?
i got this on my Update COMMAND :
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?, Name = ?, Addr1 = ?, Addr2 = ?, Addr3 = ?, Addr4 = ?, PhoneNo = ?, HPhoneNo =' at line 1
I'm very new on VWD, but I got the hang of it for the past 2 weeks(thank you for all the videos posted here in ASP.NET),but I'm really weak on the coding part(vb & c#),except for all the sample shown on the tutorials. Anyways, I have a simple project that
does insert, update & delete to SQL express using the details view. But to complete my project, I need to add a button that will create an event to restore the very last record inserted in SQL and display it back into the details view for minor modification
and nserted again as the newest record with the mod. I'm doing this so user, doesn't need to re-key-in redundant information, like names, original date & time etc, and just make modification on the description of the last record.....
i have gridview , it contains record of productsname field of product table and hyper link, hyperlink named as Detail.
when i click Detail link ,it will show record of that row in another page,means it shows complete fields of table in another page,,
i want to know only that,how detail link will perform,to view only that row record,
I have edit, delete,update,next,previous,first and last button. my problem ismy next button doesnt show beyond second record even though there are 91 records in the table. I have used text box to display data from ms access database. this is my logic
protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1)
txtCustomerID.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CustomerID"].ToString();
txtCompanyName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CompanyName"].ToString();
txtContactName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ContactName"].ToString();
I have grivd view and im getting the data source from stored proc using DataTable.
I also put extra coloum button in gridview, however that extra button is located in first coloum.
how to move the that button to last coloum?
This is some of my code
/* .aspx */
<asp:GridView ID="gridview1"
<asp:ButtonField ButtonType="Button" CommandName="Greeting" Text="HelloWorld"
HeaderText="Action" />
/* .aspx.cs */
DataTable FaultsSummary = _WelcomeXn.Greeting(ID);
gridview1.DataSource = FaultsSummary;
In my table I have 3 fields:
[inFrmDate] (this is the key field), [inFrmData], [totFrmData] (this accepts nulls)When I try to add [inFrmDate], [inFrmData] to the GridView I get the messageto the effect that the:
@inFrmDate scalar is not declared.
But as you can see from below it is declared:
I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned?
View 1 RepliesWe have around 100 dropdowns in one ASP.net form. When we hit tab it takes to the next dropdown to the right. Instead I want it to the dropdown below.
View 1 RepliesBeen following help video "Get Started with the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit?" and I got as far as adding a Control from the Ajax toolbox but for some reason the control will not add to the form.
View 6 RepliesI'm not sure the best place to ask this...not even sure the best way to ask it.
I manage a library website, and there are a number of different database products that can be searched. I'm trying to build a black box application to sit behind the home page. Here's an example of what might get submitted to said application.
searchType = "books"
searchEngine = "library catalog"
keywords = "some keywords"
See, the idea is that I might be doing various search boxes throughout the site, and I want to keep the actual HTML forms as simple as possible and simply let an ASP.Net application do the rest of the work. For example, figuring out whether or not the search engine using a GET or a POST method, parsing the keywords to determine the best way to render them, and sending the appropriate hidden values.
Probably, most of these databases use GET, so I can simply use a Response.Redirect after creating the query string, but I think some of them might use a POST, and I'm just not certain how I would take the form variables from one page (the home page, say), then essentially turn them into a virtual form on this middle man/black box application, and then programmatically submit that virtual form to another site, such that the user never sees or knows about that intermediate page.
I've seen this:
But that isn't what I actually want to do, because I don't want to retrieve the result of the submission through a WebResponse...rather, I want the form to actually send the user to the new site.
This bala how to copy or move sheet from one workbook to anthor work book using C# Interop.
View 2 RepliesI am using mvp pattern in small project. I have problems with view which contains html table with data(always 9 rows). How can i easily get data from html table and send it to the presenter? On the model side i want to keep data from html table as a generic List<some_type>
View 1 RepliesWhat I want to do is to store new article and for each article choose a category..
I have 3 tables for example :
1. Article table : ArticleID - int , Article - nvarchar(max) .......
2. Categories table : CategoryID - int , CategoryName - nvarchar(150)
3. Article_Categories : ArticleCategoryID - int , ArticleID - int , CategoryID - int (And I set up relation in this table...)
I can store data into tables 1 and 2 that is working fine.. But I stuck with Table 3.
So far my code looks like this :
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //Add new Category (working fine)
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
string insertSql = "INSERT INTO Categories(catname) VALUES(@catname)";
In VS 2005 I could change the layout appropriately, to move controls in a web form in design mode, to a place where I intend to. But in VS 2008 , I don't see such an option. My controls are stuck in places of their own and I am unable to move them to the intended locations. Googling suggested to use Tools -> option -> HTMLDesigner -> CSS. But not sure that is the correct route.
View 1 RepliesAs I am new to listview i had a problem with it, I hav to sort the values in the list view, when we click on the header links, so i hav done it by
commandname="sort" and commandargument="My_table_column", and i hav suceeded doin it.
Now my problem is i hav to do some search by 6 conditons like
For this i am using row filter and filtering the values in the Dt and then i am binding the dt back to the ListView here i am getting the problem as "The data source does not support sorting". I am aware that i am changing the data source, but before binding the datasource manually to
i hav tried doing this to make the datasourceid null which i hav attached previously
lvSalesLayOut.DataSourceID = "";
But i am getting the error post me how to get this done programatically.
I have a webform (parent) with embedded webgrid(child) which uses sqldatasource. What I wanted to accomplish is to save both the form data and the grid data when the Save button is clicked. I tried to save form data(parent) in sqldatasource1_inserting event, does not work. I think there should be a way to do it, just do not know how.
View 4 RepliesI am using a from view for data entry. I need to verify that a check box is true or false after editing a record.
I have been accessing label text using the following|
CType(FormView1.FindControl("RespDeptLabel"), Label).Text
How can I access the state of a checkbox in the form view to determine if it is true or false
I need a way to change the ActiveViewIndex of a multiview control based on some query results. Right now I test to see if I have rows returned from my linq query. If so, set a certain view active. If no rows are returned, I would like to set a different view active. I would like to do this on Page_Load if possible.
Right now I get the fatal "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on page load with it bombing at line 12. My count is given a value at runtime so that is not the issue. Can anybody tell me why this is and how to get around it. Code is attached.
I also tried this both the pre render and Page_Init event but both yielded the same behavior with the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. I can do this just fine in an onclick event for a button, but now I need a way to run a test and set the default view when the page loads. Seecode below
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
eCrystalPSGDBDataContext psgDB =
int count = (from st
in psgDB.studyTbls
where st.patientid_i ==
Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PatientId"]) && st.studystatusid_i
== 1 select st).Count();if (count == 0)else
if (count == 0)
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 2;
Hoe can search a particular record in a data grid-view
View 4 RepliesI had another post about this issue, but decided to modify it to drill down and find the issue. I was doing a master/details, and that was not working, so I have changed it to just a single data source with a single details view created entirely via wizards. The issue is, when I click on the auto generated edit link, and change values in the fields, after clicking update the page refreshes without error but does not update the record. Here is the code:
I have a grid view that I made dynamically based on a data table. The fields that are displayed on the grid view are as follows:
File Name
File TyPe
Uploaded On
Where as the data table on which this grid is based contains one extra filed that is
This filed contains the contents of the file in binary format retrieved from the data base.
Now I wanted to download the file say by clicking on the file name on the grid or even I an agree to add a Download button to the grid that will download the relevant file.
i have had a little search and cant find anything that really I have created a search page which searches the records based on a the value of a text box and it displays the results using a repeater:
What i would like to know is if there is anyway i can pass the ID of the search result to another page where im using a details view to show the full details and how i would go about it?
I have created a Details View and set some of the fields to read only. I have added the edit command which is allowing me to edit all of the fields that are not set to read only but when I press the update button all the infomation stored in the readomly fields gets deleted and just show up as blank is there a way to stop them from getting deleted.
View 1 RepliesI'm new to asp.net 3.5 and I have been working through the tutorials using a real access database to learn how to use the new controls. I have an extremely simplistic page setup with a master-details view, the master using the gridview, and the detail using the detailsview controls. Everything seemingly functions correctly, except when I try to update the data in the details view. I make changes to the record, click update and the page posts back but nothing is updated in the database. No errors are given either.
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