Web Forms :: How To Resize Iframe When Content Loads

Aug 29, 2010

I have an iframe on website A which receives the controls from website B once the form is processed on website B. Here is the page on website A with the iframe. I have hard coded the height at 100px:


Once the Save button is clicked, website B processes the data in this form, and sends messages and a dropdown box back to the iframe. When it does this, the iframe needs to have the height adjusted. How do I increase the height when this happens?

This is the vb.net page the goes to the iframe:


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Is There An Alternative To The Iframe That Will Resize To Dynamic Content

Jan 30, 2011

Considering that iframes do not resize to dynamic content, I need something that will resize like a table and can be used for dynamic content.

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Web Forms :: Iframe Dynamic Resize Or Iframe Alternative?

Feb 9, 2011

I have created a web application that docks other web applications into it.When an application is docked the app creates a link button in its "tool box" on the left hand side of the page, users can easily click on any link button to navigate to the desired docked app.

I have a web app that uses iframes to display other web applications inside it. In effect it is a docking application where users can easily access many web applications from within one main app, while staying within the main app. I am having challenges dynamically resizing the iframe based on the size of the application the user is accessing.I have searched the web and tried many ideas but have yet to discover the code that will do the trick.

First, for a docking web application is the iframe the best approach? I have see some posts on ajax but am uncertain how that will help.

Second, if an iframe is the way to do it does anyone have code that will completely liminate the need for iframe scroll bars?

Note:The applications docked in the main we app may be of any size and can change size as users interact with them.

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Web Forms :: After .doc File Loads To Iframe The Browser Minimized

Feb 2, 2011

The browser minimized after .doc file loads in iframe. This happens some time for the .ppt and.xls

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Resize Iframe To The PDF Size?

Dec 14, 2010

My issue is that in my website i am trying to display a PDF in an Iframe from a file stucture menu i dynamically create. I have the menu creating itself and the pdfs displaying (i used this article [URL] and edited it for PDF and Iframe)

when i open a PDF the iframe adjusts to its size, i don't have all my pdfs the same size. some are 1 page some are 2, i've had to adjust the size of the frame to 2 pages but with 1 there is a giant blank space above and below it.

Here is my Iframe Code


I've tried a few methods to change the size depending on whats selected but it doesnt seem to be doing me much good.

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Javascript - Resize IFRAME Onload In .aspx Page

Feb 8, 2011

In an .aspx page with the vb.net codebehind i am using IFRAME , which would be created inside the repeater control. Since i want to resize the IFRAME based on the content within the page i have been using the resize function Obtained from here on the IFRAME onload as shown below.

<iframe id="IframeSubsectionArea" scrolling="auto" width="100%" onload="resizeIframeToFitContent(this)" runat="server">

However it is throwing the error as the method could not be found in the form. Is there any client side script variant for the onload event? May i know,What might be the reason for the error and its solution?

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AJAX :: Content In Accordion Won't Show Up Until Resize Browser

Jun 24, 2010

I've a detailedview and gridview in an accordion pane. Whenever I triggered some postback actions (e.g. delete some row in the gridview or edit the values in the detailedview), the content in the pane became empty. It would show up correctly if I resized the browser. This only happens in IE8, but work correctly in FireFox. Is this a problem of the browser, or can I improve my code to prevent this from happening? The following is my code


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Web Forms :: Invoking Content Page From Iframe?

May 25, 2010

I am having a content page in master page and an iframe in content page.

In content page i have dynamically created treeview and in iframe i am having a gridview. As i add or delete a row in iframe my treeview should automatically reloaded that value without entire page referesh.

Here point to notice is my iframe is a different aspx .

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Web Forms :: Prevent Master Page From Loading Whenever Content Page Loads?

Mar 10, 2010

The problem with my web application is when ever i load the home page - The master page as well as content page loads ---This seems fine but when i navigate thorugh the website which have the same Master page but diffrent content page .... the master page loads again. What i want to do is ..I want to keep the master page intact and only the content page loads. How can I accomplish it..

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Mar 3, 2010

I am using an iframe for showing a page in my website. i want to hide that frame using a close button in the content page( the page which is showing in the frame)

How to do this?

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How To Display Cross Domain Content In IFrame (IE8)

Mar 15, 2010

I realized that IE8 does not allow links from cross domains to be displayed in IFrame.
It seems like there are only two Header options that Microsoft allows to modify.

X-FRAME-OPTIONS : "DENY" (This does not display any IFrame content )
X-FRAME-OPTIONS : "SAMEORIGIN" (Displays content from the same domain)

Is there a work around to allow content from other domains to be displayed?

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C# - Load Content Inside Iframe Using Ajax?

Aug 15, 2010

I have iframe that works at the server side :

<iframe frameborder="0" runat="server" style="width: 100%; height: 700px; background-color: #bacad3;" id="I1" name="I1" src="Page.aspx"></iframe>

and I change the content dynamically with this code :

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I1.Attributes["src"] = "Page.aspx";

I want to implement it with ajax in the following way:

when user click out side of iframe dont postback page and change the src of iframe .I want to show the progress inside the progressupdatepanel

I mention it I dont want to run any postback just loading page inside the iframe with ajax by calling outside of iframe for example there is a button in the page and it is handled by update panel and it loads the content of other page inside the iframe.

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AJAX :: Reload IFrame+ModalPopUpExtender Content?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a small issue with ModalPopupExtender. It opens in an Iframe initially, and shows the page: dd_contact.aspx After I have entered the contact details, the IFrame redirects to the contact_details.aspx page to show what I have loaded.The problem is when I close that modalpopup-window and click again to show the modalpopup, the iFrame shows the contact_details.aspx page, and not the add_contact.aspx page

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Iframe's Content Being Positioned Off Screen When Page Is Scrolled Down?

Oct 19, 2010

I am developing an application in which I have a page and at the bottom of the page there is an Iframe and inside of it is a Facebook login button and a asp.net login control.

When I scroll to the bottom of the page where the iframe is and then I put my mouse cursor in the username textbox of the loging control and having loged in before; when I type the first letter of my username under the text box apperas a kind of 'autosuggest' box with my user name in it...

That 'autosuggest' type of box (which is standard of a textbox) which should show right under the text box actually shows up 6 inches below it because I scrolled the page. In fact once it is displayed, that 'autosuggest' box stays fix in its position and I can scroll the page up and down with my mouse roller and the text box goes up and down with the page but the 'autosuggest' box stays in its place without moving...

Also the facebook login button when clicked generates a login dialog box inside a browser popup. But when I have it inside he iframe and the page is scrolled to the bottom when the iframe and the facebook login button are then the popup actually apears off screen, way, way down and low on my computer screen so much so that I cant even see it. I know it is there because of the taskbar..

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C# - Print Using Javascript By Writing The Content Into A (hidden) IFrame?

Nov 4, 2010

have a asp.net application where I'm trying to load few documents into memory and print it. I learned that I can't use PrintDialog in a web app and the only way is to print using javascript by writing the content into a (hidden) iFrame.My question is how can Silverlight help me with this? Is it possible to show print dialog and get printer settings and print without a preview by sending the files directly to the printer? How hard it is achieve to using SL?

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JQuery :: Set Iframe With Width And Height Automatically Dependent On Content

Jan 29, 2011

How to set a iframe with with and height automatically dependen on content

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Identify Content Page Loads In A Master Page Dynamically?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a master page 'Master1' and i have used a content place holder 'content1' and loads pages 'Page1' and 'page2' in the 'content1'. Is there any way to identify which page is loaded to the content place holder whether it is 'Page1' or 'Page2' dynamically.

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How To Resize Master Page Div From Content Page

Nov 10, 2010

How would I go about resizing a div from a page to it's master page?

Making the div a server side control doesn't seem to be an option as all applied css breaks from the name change and I cannot modify the css file.

I have tried the solution below from Hunter using the MasterType and then creating a property in my base master page, but my content page does not see the public property.

I have three files involved listed in their hierarchal structure.

1) Base master page where div resides
2) Master page for section of site
3) Content page for which I need to change the div in #1

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Jquery - Make The Iframe's Height Dynamically Grow/shrink Based On The Size Of The Content

Mar 29, 2011

I have an ASP.NET website. This site is fairly complex in the sense that it has all sorts of blurs, gradients and rounded corners. The content of the website is always going to be in the same area, an area within some rounded corners. The content is going to be of a dynamic height. And, I can't show any scrollbars, other than those displayed by the browser window.

The banner is a Flash movie. I want to prevent the page from flickering. Because of this, I want to only update the url of the content portion. My question is, is there a way to do this without significant re-working? I thought an iframe would be suitable, but I can't figure out:

How to make the iframe's height dynamically grow/shrink based on the size of the content Get rid of the borders / scrollbars across the major browsers.

Is what I'm trying possible? Is there a better way to do it?

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Web Forms :: Iframe From Code Behind / Load A Dynamic iframe But It Cannot Visualize The Page?

Nov 30, 2010

i am trying to load a dynamic iframe but it cannot visualize the page.

this is my html code:


and this is my codebehind:


i am using a content update panel on the page but the div of the iframe is out of the content panel.

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Web Forms :: How To Open Websites In Iframe / Alternate Way To Iframe

Mar 29, 2011

Our website application needs to open other web sites Iframe.(Our application is web based tool to help high school children to analyze the websites. It has to show news websites to in one iframe and in rest of the page there will be questions related to the news website)

But since many websites use framekiller code, these sites take control of entire page. Is there any ternative way / solution to this problem?It is necessary to be able to open other sites in our website (in iframe or any alternate way), otherwise whole concept of our application will become void.

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Iframe Timeout / All Pages Are Loaded On That Iframe According To Menu Selection?

Dec 23, 2010

in my application iam using an iframe, all pages are loaded on that iframe according to menu selection.My problem is that while timeout the login page is loaded inside the iframe.under the menu sectionHow can i overcome this?

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How To Get URL Of The Page Where Iframe Is Open From Iframe

Jun 14, 2010

i open a iframe in a page, from that page opend in iframe, i want the page url.means one page mainpage.aspx have a iframe, that iframe open open a iframepage.aspx page.from the iframepage.aspx page's button click event i want to referesh the mainpage.aspx page.how can i do.

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Web Forms :: How To Resize Image

Mar 25, 2010

how to resize image in asp.net.

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