Web Forms :: How To Store Data In Client Users Machine Memory
Jul 2, 2013
i Have multiple File upload. press Uploaded button it will store on sever temp folder. those details are in List on our program.
when i have press the submit then only those listed files fetch form server-temp-Folder and replace in server-secified- folder.
i want to make those list class save into client location for not affted by some of other updates.
how cn i store the custome list in client memory
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I am unable to find IP address of client machine in web service so that I can insert pdf file in C-drive of client machine.
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Sep 3, 2013
I have a Stored Procedure
Create procedure selectdata
select * from Employee
In my front End I Created a Button in default.aspx page
<asp:Button id="btnsave" runat="server" Text="Send to Excel" onclick="btnsave_Click"/> <asp:GridView id="gv" runat="server" > </asp:GridView>
In default.aspx.cs
protected void btnsave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString="User id=aa; password=123; Initial Catalog=abc;Integrated Security=xxxx";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
Output: It Displays the Data in Grid View but is it possible to store the Data directly in Excel file in my PC
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Feb 7, 2011
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Can this file be received by a C# app running on my server, or does it have to be as ASP app/page?
Also, I know how to send a bytestream via POST, but how will I set my server side app to listen for this incoming data? I have never done something like this, so I'm looking for some pointers to get me started.
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Nov 17, 2010
I am encountering a weird message 'Out of memory at line : 6' in a web application, which is in production, all of a sudden. The application is built with ASP.Net 2.0. The page which throws this error is constructed as below:
Master Page
Main Page (Error displayed here)
Tab Page 4
Update Panel
User Control - Main
User Control - Child 1
User Controls - Sub Child 1
User Control - Child 2
There are six tab pages in the tab control, which is designed as a wizard and this error is thrown when navigating from Tab 3 to Tab 4. Tab 4 contains ModalPopupExtenders, Cascading Drop Down Lists, and Collapsible panes in user control. The Web Server is Win2003 SP1 with IIS 6.0. The browser is IE 6.0.3790.3959 SP2. When tested in firefox 3.0 the error is not thrown. When the site is browsed from IE7 in WinXP machine, It throws Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException with error code 12152 or 401.
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Oct 5, 2010
developed an application in Asp.net. It is a receipting system. I have deployed the system in a company which runs with various networks. The company uses VPN, LAN and so many. When I deployed the system they complain the speed is very slow when accessing through network. Specially in the receipt page where i have used Update Panels and AJAX Comboboxes, they complain that it takes time to load the combo boxes. Also they say that when the selected index is changed in the combo box, it takes time to post the data in the other relevant controls.
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Mar 7, 2011
When calling Response.Cookie.Add(new HttpCookie("MyCookie", "objValue")); where does the cookie saved? on Client Machine or Server Machine?
EDIT:if saved in Client Machine, how can I read it from javascript then? I tried this kind of script.
function getCookie(c_name) {
var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";");
for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) {
I cannot get the cookie that I saved from code behind. When I look into the document.cookie object, it is just an empty string.
Scenario:On Page_Init() on code behind. I create a cookie using Response.Cookie.Add(new HttpCookie("MyCookie", "cookieValue"));.
On Client side, I'm trying to read the cookie saved from code behind on page load using the snippet above, but it returns undefined
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Jan 13, 2010
this is the ecenario, we're developing a web application in vb.net using vwd 05, and everthing has been great so far, we've recevied a lot ideas from the guys on this great forum. now we're facing a problem relating with usernames and userids.Our web application has 5 different roles, and theres a funtionality needed on a dropdownlist related to the user roles.
we're trying to store users full name and other data, i've seen the tutorials about storing addtional information and everthing is very clear there, the problem now is this code we have already to fill a dropdownlist.
Dim techUsers As String() = Roles.GetUsersInRole("tech")
For Each usr As String In techUsers
So basically were looking at storing the user id of the user just created with the create new user wizard to our table where full name is gonna be stored.
table is like this:
full name
and other data required here. etc
so basically, we're filling the dropdownlist with the usernames of the users in the tech rol with the coded i posted above, but we need to instead of showing the username(which is our case is just number) ,show the full name of that users belonging to the tech role, obviouly its just a query, but how to get the full names of users beloning to a specified role? thats the main question and problem we have right now.
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Oct 3, 2010
I want to store a users dialect in a cookie on his machine, and then look it up before loading the version of my web app. What is the code to do that.
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May 17, 2013
How I can get the IPS of all the computers through which users are accessing my website.
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Feb 11, 2013
i have a asp.net web with vb code and sql database. i am willing to store the details of the users as ip,computer name and time of using the web is it possible.
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Nov 29, 2010
Clicking 'Edit' for a row expands it (using JQuery) to reveal the full horror of all the associated editable objects. One of these is a list of documents associated with each row and needs to be JQuery-editable so the user could click 'edit' to open up the full row gui, then un/select checkboxes to de/associate documents and then hit 'Save' to persist everything.
Currently I'm using nested repeaters to store the initially-hidden fields - the repeater generates a hidden formfield containing a comma-separated list of IDs for the assoc documents. When it comes to populating the Edit gui I do a split operation on the delimited string and set/unset the checkboxes as required.
This is proving a nightmare from a maintainability perspective and in my frustrated wanderings of the web in search of a solution i noticed JQuery has some functionality to act as a client-side database. Does any one have any experience of this, and if so, would you recommend it? My custom JS to parse csv-strings and dynamically build the gui is starting to grind me down a bit.
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Mar 5, 2011
how can i access client machine's specific file contained in a drive or folder.Suppose in Server side i have knowledge of full path of a file that is present in client side, like "D:ABCFolderxyzFile.doc", this is a file that i want to retrieve and store in server side .
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Feb 21, 2011
We have a requirement to allow the cient to upload multiple files which resides in a single folder, within the client computer. To do this can we allow the client to browse for the file location and select a single file (via a normal asp file uploader), and then recursively read the necessary files from the relevant directory? Is this possible or is there any other way to do this?
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Jan 15, 2010
I have developed an application where I need to create a page to read data from Excel File and then update it to the database. The code that I wrote works only when the application runs from my machine. When I deployed the application to the server it gave an error- 'C:PRFileIimport_File.xls' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. here is mu code -
protected void InsertData(object sender, EventArgs e)
OleDbConnection oConn = new OleDbConnection
(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:\PuertoRicoFile\Puertorico_Iimport_File.xls ; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0 ");
OleDbCommand oCmd = new OleDbCommand("select * from [Puertorico_Data$]", oConn);
oConn.Open(); //Here [Puertorico_Data$] is the name of the sheet in the Excel file where the data is present
OleDbDataReader oleDbReader = oCmd.ExecuteReader();
string AgentIP = "";
string TagName = "";
string Status = "";
string Severity = "";
int EventCount = 0;
string EarliestEvent = "";
string LatestEvent = "";
while (oleDbReader.Read())
AgentIP = (string)oleDbReader[0]; // valid(oleDbReader, 0);//Here we are calling the valid method
TagName = (string)oleDbReader[1]; //valid(oleDbReader, 1);
Status = (string)oleDbReader[2]; //valid(oleDbReader, 2);
Severity = (string)oleDbReader[3]; //valid(oleDbReader, 3);
EventCount = Convert.ToInt32(oleDbReader[4]); //oleDbReader[0]; //valid(oleDbReader, 4);
EarliestEvent = (string)oleDbReader[8]; //validate(oleDbReader, 8);
EarliestEvent = EarliestEvent.Substring(0, 19);
LatestEvent = (string)oleDbReader[9]; //validate(oleDbReader, 9);
LatestEvent = EarliestEvent.Substring(0, 19);
InsertDataIntoSql(AgentIP, TagName, Status, Severity, EventCount, EarliestEvent, LatestEvent);
SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["IssNetworkReportingSystemConnString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmdSql = new SqlCommand("AddMonth_Event_TotalInfo_for_Puertorico", mySQLconnection);
cmdSql.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbReader = cmdSql.ExecuteReader();
cmdSql = new SqlCommand("AddQtr_Event_TotalInfo_for_Puertorico", mySQLconnection);
cmdSql.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
dbReader = cmdSql.ExecuteReader();
lblMsg.Text = "Data Imported Sucessfully";
lblMsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
public void InsertDataIntoSql(string agentIP, string tagName,
string Stat,string severity,int eventCount, string eEvent, string lEvent)
{//inserting data into the Sql Server
SqlConnection mySQLconnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["IssNetworkReportingSystemConnString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand sqlSelect = new SqlCommand("SELECT SeverityID from Severity where SeverityDesc=@SeverityDesc",mySQLconnection);
sqlSelect.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
sqlSelect.Parameters.Add("@SeverityDesc", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = severity;
dbReader = sqlSelect.ExecuteReader();
int severityId = Convert.ToInt32(dbReader.Read());
SqlCommand sqlInsert = new SqlCommand("Insert into IdsData_Puertorico(AgentIP,TagName,Status,SeverityID,EventCount,EarliestEvent,LatestEvent)" +
" values (@AgentIP,@TagName,@Status,@SeverityID,@EventCount,@EarliestEvent,@LatestEvent )" ,mySQLconnection);
sqlInsert.CommandTimeout = 0; //timeout unlimited
sqlInsert.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@AgentIP", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = agentIP;
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@TagName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = tagName;
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@Status", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = Stat;
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@SeverityID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(severityId);
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@EventCount", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(eventCount);
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@EarliestEvent", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Parse(eEvent);
sqlInsert.Parameters.Add("@LatestEvent", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Parse(lEvent);
sqlInsert.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
View 4 Replies
Nov 30, 2010
I have a web application which is supposed to create a file on clients local mcahine as the user is not having permissions to create a file on the server on which the web application is running.Can anyone please help me with this.I came across some posts stating that it is not a security measure to create a file on clients machine, but in my case I am left with no options.
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Jul 23, 2010
I want to transfer a file from client machine to Web server. I need to allow the users to select a file on their machine and allow them to transfer the file to the web server? Also How does a file control work.
type="file" runat="server">
How to allow the users to transfer files to web servers from their local machine?
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Mar 3, 2011
I want to upload excel files from client machine to sql server database at server machine.
When I am using a fileupload control, it is not giving me full path.
Even if I get full path, how can i connect to an excel file which is at client computer, using oledb.
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Jan 27, 2010
I am developing a Web Application using ASP.NET(C#.NET). One of the critical requirements of it is Print Word/Pdf Documents on Client Side i.e.., Print to printer connected to a Client Machine. I have searched a lot for this and i didn't got it solved..
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Mar 18, 2013
How to upload the file directly from the client machine. I have one button for mail sending.
If i click the button, the from, to, subject comes using pageload. Like that the default file also could be added as a attachment directly from the client machine.
How to upload the file directly(using file upload control or eithout using file upload control)...
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Apr 29, 2013
Is there a way we can access image files from client machine in asp.net?
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Apr 2, 2010
Does dataset store all its datatables' records into server memory if I just call one datatable from it?Lets make an example, a dataset with three datatables - tbCompany, tbCompanyStaffs, tbSalesOrderwhere tbCompany is the parent of tbCompanyStaffs. tbSalesOrder is an independant table.Does dataset load all tbCompanyStaffs records into the server memory as well when a class retrive data from tbCompany?
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Nov 11, 2010
Does anyone know how I can get the IP of a users machine using c#? Possible?
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