Web Forms :: How To Validate A Date Field - Specifically The YEAR?
Apr 8, 2010
I have a text field set up to accept a date: [Code]....
how to get the validator to make sure that the YEAR is acceptable. For instance, I can enter a year of "0000" and the validator will not catch it or display the error message. I can even enter a year of "9999" also. The only time the validator catches it is if I input something like "45/95/7589" for the date.
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in admin.aspx page I have register button
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how do i do that?
it will be auto update from the current date everytime people view it.
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I have 3 drop down lists for days,months and years,also i have a textbox to show the selected values from the 3 drop down lists when i select a month it shows in textbox and if i select another month it shows in textbox beside the first selected month.i want not to repeat the values in textbox.
the code:
protected void ddl_day_from_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text ="";
day_from = ddl_day_from.SelectedItem.Value;
txt_exhib_dateFrom_add.Text = day_from +"/";
[Code] ......
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I have 3 TextBox in my page
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How I can do it?
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May 7, 2015
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I am getting a date parameter value as '4-1-2009' from front end. Now I want to make it as
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I want '4-1-2010' for @E. How can I do this?
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Ex: JAN/11
How can I do this?
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i want current to equal 3/10/2011
Dim current1 As Date
current1 = TextBox1.Text
current1.Year = Now.Year
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Here is what I have so far:
But I don't want the year NOW, I want the year from the textbox.
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Feb 29, 2012
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<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="TextBox4_CalendarExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True"
TargetControlID="TextBox4" SelectedDate='<%# Datetime.Parse(Now.Month & "/" & Now.Day & "/" & DateTime.Now().AddDays(365).Year) %>'>
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Feb 2, 2011
In an Asp.net MVC app, I have inherited this problem (if it is a problem?) where one developer has used String for Date type.
In my model the property reads:
[DisplayName("Registration Date")]
public string Registrationdate { get; set; }
The business requirement is that the field is not required, but if there is something in that fields then it must be a valid date.
How would you implement this requirement, without changing the data type?
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May 17, 2010
I am using DATAPART(..) function in SQL to query table. Now I have Day of the year which I want to convert to actual date and then return Here is the query
For the moment I am returning day of the year, but I want to return date (current year can be assumed). Therefore I have two pieces of information1) day of the year2) year it selfExample day of the year = 125 and year = 2010 How to convert this to date in SQL
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