How To Update Database Field Every Year

Mar 24, 2011

I have a database which contains 2 fields called DateOfBirth and Age, for storing users DOB and age respectively. I want the Age column to be automatically incremented by 1 every year, according to the DOB matching server date.

What could be the best way for achieving this? I am using and sql server 2008.

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Similar Messages:

Update Certain Field In Database

Nov 26, 2010

I want to create a web page using ASP.NET (C#, SQL queries) to keep track the login and logout time of all employees of a small store and total hours they work every day. Here are the fields in my table (employID, logintime, logouttime, totalhours). Once an employee log in, he just clicks the Login/Logout button. The program will store the current system time into the "logintime" field while leaving the "logouttime" field and the "totalhours" field empty until he clicks the button again at the end of the day. So when an employee clicks the button, I want to determine if he wants to login or logout by examing the "logouttime" field. If it's emty (NULL), I know he wants to logout. If the "logouttime" field is not empty, I know he wants to login so my progam will create a new entry for him. My question is, what is the best way to determine if he wants to login or logout? This is how I approach it:I create a SELECT query: "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE logoutime IS NULL and employID = @employeeID" (this employeeID is the ID an employee uses to log in the web page). I use this "count" value to determine if the next operation is to let him logout or create a new entry. If count # 0, that means the employee needs to logout. I just need an UPDATE command to update value for logouttime field. I need another "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE logouttime is NULL and employID= @employeeID" because my previous SELECT query returns only the count value. I will use a DataReader for the 2nd SELECT to walk through the fileds of the matched row to retrieve the value of "logintime" field for subtracting operation to get the total hours. Is there a way I can access the table to determine if the employee "logouttime" field is empty and at the same time using that open connection to retrieve his information if the "logouttime" field is empty? I hope what i'm trying to say make sense. I haven't coded it yet. Just logics at this point.

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SQL Server :: Return Year Only From Datetime Field?

Oct 1, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005.

I need to return the year only from a datetime field and then group by that field, does anyone know the syntax for this?

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Web Forms :: How To Validate A Date Field - Specifically The YEAR?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a text field set up to accept a date: [Code]....

how to get the validator to make sure that the YEAR is acceptable. For instance, I can enter a year of "0000" and the validator will not catch it or display the error message. I can even enter a year of "9999" also. The only time the validator catches it is if I input something like "45/95/7589" for the date.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Database Field With Textbox OnChange?

Jan 20, 2010

I've been searching for a tutorial or example on how to update my database when I change the text in the textbox that is in a DataList?

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Data Controls :: Update Database Field And Label In GridView Using DropDownList

Feb 26, 2013

Am having one gridview. In that there is some details and one hyperlink (for Mail) and one Label (Mail Status).

The Mail status label have default value Not Sent for all fields. If i click the Mail link and send mail to the corresponding person, then the Default label value will be automatically changed its text to Sent.

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Data Controls :: Update Database Field Using DropDownList In Edit ItemTemplate Of GridView

Mar 10, 2013


but i wanted know,how to update the country of any customer by just choosing it from the dropdownlist and updating it in the databse.

i  wanted to add a common update below that updated the country of customers.

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Data Controls :: GridView / Update Database Field Using DropDownList And Display It In Label In ItemTemplate?

Feb 23, 2013

i have three saved values in database 


i want to showing status in label for 1 , Pending

 <asp:Label ID="lblLeaveStatus" Visible = "true" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Rec_Status").ToString() == "1" ? "Pending": Eval("Rec_Status") %>'>></asp:Label>

how can i show it with all 1,2,3?

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Javascript - Make Code Works If Used Inside Update Panel And Checkbox Values Will Be Disabled According To Database Field?

Jan 28, 2011

This code works fine if i use this inside ssercontrol > panel and i have a checkboxes in table when no checkbox is checked its works fine .... but if i disabled and checked any of the textbox then this doesn't work .... in usercontrol why ? i didnt understand ..

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function checkboxChecked(){
var allInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<allInputs.length; i++) {
var chk = allInputs[i];
if(chk.type == "checkbox" && !chk.disabled && chk.checked) {

return true;
alert("OOps! You haven't selected all available checkboxes");
return false;

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Databases :: Data Storage - Handle Record Year By Year

Jan 28, 2010

I develop a web application with mysql database. Our monthy data entry records will be over 700. Here I would like to know : could mysql safely handle this monthly records year by year?to handle these records, should I need to make any registration to mysql for any services?is mysql a totally free database?

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Architecture :: Database Update Table Field Time To Time

Feb 1, 2010

I need to do an update a field in database every x minutes. ie: a person login and I need to update a field related to they every X minutes until the value reach a value. Like this, this person start a count event from 1 to 10, they log off the web, but this count must remain countting until reachs 10, 1 by 1 every 7 minutes. I cannot do a SQL Job. Should I User a System.Timer??? Should I record the time and value of the last update, when the person log in I cauculate and update the value??

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Web Forms :: Validate Year Should Be Less Than Current Year Using Customvalidater

Feb 25, 2016

In an Textbox to accept the year before the current year how will validate.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Year In Database?

Jun 1, 2010

i want to store year like 1990 to 2010 in database.i have no table in database.

is there any method to create and store the year in one query internally?

i use sql server 2005.

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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Auto-fills In Year As "0001" When Year Entered Is 01?

Feb 23, 2011

I am facing an issue in MaskedEditExtender control on date.The valid date format is mm/dd/yyyy in my application.If I enter 2 digits in the year like 11,then automatically it takes as 0011 but i want it as 2011.I tried setting default century as 2000 but of no Further after some research,i tried to locate MaskedEditBehavior.js file but was unable to do so.

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Way To Make Database Field A DateTime Field To String

Oct 5, 2010

Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT wb.arrival_time FROM web_bookings wb ')"All I need is to convert my arrival_time into a datetime field in the query

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AJAX :: "Year" Select Year Only From Calendar Extender?

Apr 13, 2010

i dont kn hw to do it, i'v a textBox "txtYear" and calndr ex "exYear"i want to select ' only year' when click on Year - it should not open months of that year i m shwng DefaultView="Years", bt need code to select year

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DataSource Controls :: Update The Data Of A Database Through A Gridview Update Button?

Apr 19, 2010

i want to update the data of a database through a gridview update button

how can i attach a dataconvertion like this


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Feb 21, 2011

i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.

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DataSource Controls :: Cannot Update DataBase By Using UPDATE Query

Jul 6, 2010


Im trying to update my DB(DataBase) by using SQL UPDATE query ,but its not updating in the dataBase i receive confirmation(in testLabel) that one row is affected(dataReader = query.ExecuteReader(); return numbers of rows affected)...

I have given a HTML editortext control on a page,which generates HTML (i have to store it in my DB,that page is only for Admin) ,on pressing Update button , im receving in my testLabel that one row is affected(which shows DB is updated succesfully) but when i check my DB its in old state,it is not updating...

Here is my Event handler of Update Button which have to make updates in DB:



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Data Controls :: Get Data In GridView Of Month And Year Less Than Current Month / Year

Jan 30, 2014

I am having one table in whic there is monthyear column and amount column..i want the data in gridview of monthyear less than current monthyear ...

my table entry is like this

Monthyear                Amount

December 2013        10000
January 2014            20000
February 2014          60000
March 2013               40000

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DataSource Controls :: Update Field In Db?

Mar 14, 2011

I am facing problem in my update statement,

Dim abc As String
abc = Request.QueryString("str")
Dim userName As String = CStr(Session("user"))
Label2.Text = userName
Dim MyConnection As New OdbcConnection(ConnStr)
Dim MyCommand As New OdbcCommand
MyCommand.Connection = MyConnection
If MyCommand.CommandText = "Select userid from week where userid ='" & userName & "'" Then
MyCommand.CommandText = "Update week Set value = '" & abc & "' where userid ='" & userName & "'"
MyCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO week (value, userid) VALUES('" & abc & "','" & userName & "')"
End If

View 18 Replies

ADO.NET :: How To Update A Single Field In The Db Table

Feb 22, 2011

net.3.5 linq 2 sql

if i need to update a single field in the db table - do i need to select all the row first?

can i say update myTable Field2 = x where field1=y?

dont know its look like too mach recourses

Order order =new ();
order.ID = 1; orderStatus = "test";
db.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, oOrder);

well that delete all the other fields values

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Cannot Update A Single Field Using Linq To Sql

Apr 25, 2010

I am having a hard time attempting to update a single field without having to retrieve the whole record prior to saving.

For example, in my web application I have an in place editor for the Name and Description fields of an object. Once you edit either field, it sends the new field (with the object's ID value) to the web server. What I want is the webserver to take that value and ID and only update the one field. There are only two ways google tells me to do this:

1) When I get the value I want to change, the value and the ID, retrieve the record from the database, update the field in the c# object, and then send it back to the server. I don't like this method because not only does it include a completely unnecessary database read call (which includes two tables due to the way my schema is).

2) Set UpdateCheck for all the fields (but the primary keys) to UpdateCheck.Never. This doesn't work for me (I think) due to my mapping layer between the Linq to Sql and my Entity/ViewModel layer. When I convert my entity into the linq to sql db object it seems to be updating those fields regardless of the UpdateCheck setting. This might be just because of integers, since not setting an int means it is a zero (and no, I can't use int? instead).

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JavaScript Update Field In Another UserControl

Dec 20, 2010

I have one user control in page, and inside this have UC2 (modal pop up). And I try to achieve this: When I close UC2(modal) i try to update some fields on UC1. And this works fine for one(I have UC2(modal) and on button Save OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI()"), and in UC1 on top of page

function SaveInfoCI() {
= document.getElementById("<%=UC2.GetClientID%>").value; }

but because i reuse this control in another place i want to update another field. Basically now i Have 3 JS function that update 3 fields. And I try when I click save in UC2(modal) I must execute one of this 3 javascript f, to update right field. I don't want to have 3 same UC with only difference in OnClientClick="SaveInfoCI().

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AJAX :: Update Particular Field In UpdatePanel?

Nov 17, 2010

I have used update panel for my aspx page. I have 4 fields in update panel

- item code, item name, quantity,price

On Item Code changed i have implemented AJAX call to get Item name and price from DB.

I want to remove quantity field from async postback, so that it remains unchanged when AJAX call has been made.

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