Web Forms :: HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath Within Server Control Works?
Sep 30, 2010
Does anyone knows why HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath within a server control works when I run the server control but gives and error whilst in Design mode?
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Similar Messages:
Jan 20, 2011
I have some code that works fine when I need to delete some image files from a directory on my web server:
Dim ImageURL As String = dsImages.Tables(0).Rows(iImgRow).Item("ImageURL")
Dim physicalName = Server.MapPath(ImageURL)
oUpload.DeleteFileFromServer(physicalName, iAdid, iImgID)
.but I am running into a problem when a maintenance task running in a separate thread at set intervals determines that files like the above need to be deleted:
Dim ImageURL As String = dsImage.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1).Item("ImageURL")
Dim iImgID As Integer = dsImage.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1).Item("ImageId")
Dim physicalName As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ImageURL)
oUpload.DeleteFileFromServer(physicalName, iAdID, iImgID)
In this latter case, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ImageURL) has a value of Nothing.Is there a way to get the full path for this case?
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Jan 15, 2010
Where does httpcontext.current.server.mappath start?
I don't get it... it doesn't return a path.
My webservice is ran when I debug my application :S.
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Jul 28, 2010
In an asynchronous process, I need to get the name of the domain/server the web application is running on. But in that situation HttpContext.Current is not available, so I cant use HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME").
View 7 Replies
Dec 15, 2010
My web application is hosted on a loadbalanced and whenever the requests are routed to one of them(say Server B), the request fails. Now I want to redirect my requests to the working server (Server A) which always works.
I want to do it via the HttpContext.Current.Server = "ServerA";
How can I do this. Do I need to create a new HttpContext Object ?
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Sep 23, 2010
What is the difference between those two? If I only want to retrieve the absoluate path to an image on web server, is Server.MapPath safer in any case? I'm using Page.MapPath right now, but it won't work if control was created in WebService since control.Page property become null? Whether Server.MapPath always work?
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Mar 29, 2011
I am using 3.5 .NET VB. In a code behind I am calling a page using this approach:HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute("Survey.aspx").On the survey.aspx page I have several textboxes are varying sizes. If I run the survey.aspx page alone, the textbox appear on the screen in the correctsizesettings. However, when I use the HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute method to execute the survery.aspx page from another page, the textboxes always come back a fixed width of like 200px or so. It doesnt matter what I change the size of the width to in the survey.aspx page, they are always rendered the same size for every textbox on the page. The changes do show up if I view the survey.aspx page alone though without calling it through another page so I know my syntax for changing the width settings is correct.Does anyone have any idea what causes this and how to resolve it? I am stumped.
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May 4, 2010
I have a web application that uses Server.MapPath to specify the exact physical path of as part of upload image.
For example if I do Server.MapPath("/")
I get this:
I was expecting something like this:
I need to use Server.MapPath not only for image upload but several other uses.
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Sep 8, 2010
I am using multiple sitemaps in my project. they are all registred inside the web.config file.
I have a blog inside my project and I need something below;
Home > Blog > cahngeable_category_name_acordingto_my_value > changable_blog_post_name_according_to_my_value
I have tried the below code but it didn't work. it gives me an error.
View 3 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
I'm having a bit of trouble loading an XML file with ASP. This is the location of the XML file (it's a UNC url):
\ilife104 eamdiskSharedIntegrationSystemdevDataprcImportFactSetFeedsfileList.xml
And this is my code:
'load the XML file..
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
Dim xml
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = False
xml.load (Server.MapPath("\ilife104 eamdiskSharedIntegrationSystemdevDataprcImportFactSetFeedsfileList.xml"))
Dim name, retrieved
name = xml.documentElement.childNodes(0).text
retrieved = xml.documentElement.childNodes(2).text
Set xml = Nothing
It gives the error:
Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0174 : 80004005'
Invalid Path Character(s)
/ITWeb/Interfaces/je/index.asp, line 9
An invalid '/' or '' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
View 1 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
I have had a real nightmare with Server.MapPath(). When I call Server.MapPath("~") in my application that is running in ASP.NET Development Server it returns root directory that ends in a back slash like f:projectsapp1, but I call it in published version, installed in IIS, it returns root directory without any back slash like c:inetpubwwwrootapp1.
string mainRoot = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~");
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(mainRoot);
//added to solve this problem with Server.MapPath
if (!mainRoot.EndsWith(@""))
mainRoot += @"";
FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles("*.aspx");
foreach (FileInfo item in files)
string path = item.FullName.Replace(mainRoot, "~/").Replace(@"", "/");
//do more here
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May 6, 2010
I want to make an oledbconnection for my access database. I want to put the connection string in the web.config but I learned that server.mappath does not work in there. I want to use the server.mappath. Can I put the connection sting in a session variable into the global.asax in the session start?
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a strange thing going on with the .net fileupload control. If I remote desktop to the server that houses the web app and db server, I am able to upload files and store them into a varbinary(max) column.
However, when clients connect to the web server from their desktop, then can do all the things they need to such as browsing web pages, fill out forms that store/save data to the database, etc.
However, when they try to upload a pdf to the sever, the following exception occurs: The web app uses .net 3.5, the db is sql 2005, and code is c#. And insights would be welcomed. Code and Exception below.
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Feb 7, 2010
I've never had this problem before, I'm at a total loss.
I have a SQL Server 2008 database with ASP.NET Forms Authentication, profiles and roles created and is functional on the development workstation. I can login using the created users without problem.
I back up the database on the development computer and restore it on the production server. I xcopy the DLLs and ASP.NET files to the server. I make the necessary changes in the web.config, changing the SQL connection strings to point to the production server database and upload it.
I've made sure to generate a machine key and it is the same on both the development web.config and the production web.config.
And yet, when I try to login on the production server, the same user that I'm able to login successfully with on the development computer, fails on the production server.
There is other content in the database, the schema generated by FluentNHibernate. This content is able to be queried successfully on both development and production servers.
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Aug 6, 2010
When my ASP.NET site uses documents (e.g. XML), I normally load the document as follows:
However, I would like to move the Documents folder out of the website folder so that it is now a sibling of the website folder. This will make maintaining the documents considerably easier.
However, rewriting the document load code as follows:
results in a complaint from ASP.NET that it cannot 'exit above the top directory'.
how I can relatively specify the location of a folder outside the website folder? I really don't want to specify absolute paths for the obvious deployment reasons.
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Jan 13, 2011
in my Global.asax I have a timer and every 24 hours it creates an instance of a class and calls a method to send reminder emails with an attachment. In this method I am getting the current HttpContext and using Server.MapPath to get the path to the attachment, but it is always null. I guess this is because Application_End has been called between the last user accessing the site and the method being called.
As a workaround I am setting the timer interval to 19 minutes but I would rather not call the method 36 times a day when only once is required.
Is there any way, apart from hard coding the path, to ensure the HttpContext is not null?
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Mar 11, 2010
I have a static class with serveral static methods. In these methods, I'm trying to access the current thread's context using HttpContext.Current. For example:
var userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
However, when I do that, I receive a NullReferenceException, the infamous "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
View 3 Replies
Apr 17, 2010
The layout of my web app is C:inetpubwwwroot<sln folder><web app folder>. So the image folder in my web app would be the previous path images.
When I try to save to my images folder from a FileUpload control and use Server.MapPath, it drops my <sln folder>, so the path is incorrect. How do I fix this? I figured Server.MapPath just moved up the folder until it hit a drive, no?
View 4 Replies
Jul 20, 2010
I have a virtual directory setup in IIS6. This maps to a shared network drive.
I can correctly map the path using
string mappedPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path);
I then create a DirectoryInfo object as I want to find some files in the directory.
DirectoryInfo updateDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(mappedPath);
But then updateDirectory.Exists is false?? I can take the string from the mappedPath and copy into Start->Run to get to the path so I know it exists. I am authenticating to the webservice using integrated windows authentication and have permissions to the necessary folders.
Is there something obvious I'm missing in the code? Or is this purely set-up and configuration of IIS etc.?
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Jan 10, 2011
I have image files stored in "VS_ProjectResourcesImages".
When I use the following code:
String str = Server.MapPath("a.png");
str becomes "VS_Projecta.png".
Why isn't it returning the full path?
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Mar 21, 2010
This is what I have right now for a file residing on the same server and it works.
Dim FILENAME as String = Server.MapPath("Output.txt")
Dim objStreamWriter as StreamWriter
objStreamWriter = File.CreateText(FILENAME)
dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
While dr.Read()
objStreamWriter.WriteLine("{0}|{1}|{2:yyyy-MM-dd}|{3:yyyy-MM-dd}", dr(0), dr(1), dr(2), dr(3))
End While
I was planning on FTPing the file to another server once done but is there a way to do it on a remote server? i.e create a text file on a remote server and write to it? Did not find any instances of that usage. How to use ServerXMLHTTP to replace Server.MapPath in this instance?
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Nov 8, 2010
Locally I have the cascading dropdown which loads countries in a cascading dropdown working.
But as soon as I place the code on the hosting server, Firebug shows me an:
500 Internal Server Error - [URL]
The cascading dropdown just shows "[Method error 500]"
local configuration:
Windows 7
server configuration:
Windows Server 2008
So it almost MUST be something on my hosting server! :s I dont know what to configure though...
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Nov 23, 2010
i'm using an example in which i can fake the session.It's for use in a unittest of a mvc controller.In the test i create a controller and then i do this:
FakeHttpContext httpctx = new FakeHttpContext(null,null,null,null,mSessionItems );
ControllerContext ctx2 = new ControllerContext(httpctx,new RouteData(), target);
here mSessionItems is my session and target is my instance of a controller,and indeed, when i'm in a controller reading this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Session, i have a session, great!but.... i also read the session outside the controller, and there i use HttpContext.Current.Session, and that is null (or actualy, the HttpContext.Current is null).
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Jun 16, 2010
I have some code that allows users to upload file attachments into a varbinary(max) column in SQL Server from their web browser. It has been working perfectly fine for almost two years, but all of a sudden it stopped working. And it stopped working on only the production database server -- it still works fine on the development server.
I can only conclude that the code is fine and there is something up with the instance of SQL Server itself. But I have no idea how to isolate the problem.
I insert a record into the ATTACHMENT table, only inserting non-binary data like the title and the content type, and then chunk-upload the uploaded file using the following code:
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Mar 10, 2010
I have an ASP.NET Web Forms app using Entity Framework in the data layer. I've recently changed the app over to use one Object Context per request as per this post. It works great for the entire application except for any page which uses a ReportViewer to display something.
I've noticed that it fails when trying to get an instance of the [Code].... from the [Code].... collection because [Code]....
is null.
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll and Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll can also be seen in the call stack each time it fails. The reports each use one or more ObjectDataSources to retreive data.
Based on this I'm assuming that the ReportViewer is somehow to blame, but i have no idea why. I would need some way to dispose the ObjectContext after it had been used by the report at the very least.
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