State Management :: Change Server Via HttpContext.Current.Server = "ServerName"

Dec 15, 2010

My web application is hosted on a loadbalanced and whenever the requests are routed to one of them(say Server B), the request fails. Now I want to redirect my requests to the working server (Server A) which always works.

I want to do it via the HttpContext.Current.Server = "ServerA";

How can I do this. Do I need to create a new HttpContext Object ?

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Similar Messages:

State Management :: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items Not Working?

Jul 21, 2010

In a page (not default) I have:

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
loginRep = BusinessLogic.SR.GetUserName("99999")

I don't any errors and when in the run in the immediate window:

? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.items("RepId") in the immediate window on THAT page I get the OBJECT.

Then I have a hyperlink with navigateurl to the next page "~/ActCnt.aspx"

On that page, ActCnt.aspx, when in the code I have:

Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Not Page.IsPostBack
Dim loginRep
As BusinessLogic.SalesRep = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items("RepId")

In the immediate window ? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items("RepId") returns a String that is equal to "RepId".

Even if I change it to not be an object, but a string I only get the Name "RepId" of the keypair. I have NEVER gotten the actual value.

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State Management :: Users Getting Logged Out Because HttpContext.Current Is Null?

Aug 19, 2010

We've got a fairly large, complex web application that uses Forms Authentication to authenticate users. Throughout the application we store and retrieve information about users in the Session object, and in some cases in cookies. In a couple places we check for the existence of the context, and if it's null we send the user back to the login page to re-establish the session. Just a quick run-down of this web app: C#, .NET 3.5, IIS 6, ASP.NET State Service to manage sessionAs for the session timer, we use our own home-grown timer, which is basically a client-side timer, which is backed up by a check to the SQL database to see when their last activity was. This seems to work well for us. It's not perfect, but it allows us to notify the user before the session times out, and allows us to be certain we're not logging a user out before their 60 minutes of inactivity is up.What's happening is that certain users are being logged out after just a few minutes. We've eliminated the timer as a cause and believe what's happening is the HttpContext.Current is null, so the user is logged out. We do not know why the HttpContext.Current is null, and I understand there are many reasons that may occur. What I'm trying to figure out is, is there any way to re-establish the context once it is null? If not, is there anything I can do at this point other than have the user login again? We're also trying to figure out a better way of managing user information (preferences, roles, flags, history, etc), but everything needs context to use, right? Cookies, sessions, cache, etc. all require a response or request, correct? hope this makes sense, because I really need help with this. I've searched the forums here, and found many posts about HttpContext.Current going null, but not a lot of solutions for this...

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State Management :: HttpContext.current.session Is Null In App_code/.cs File

May 20, 2010

1. SetSession.aspx page sets value for a session variable and redirects to default.aspx page using Response.redirect() code.

2. Default.aspx page tries to create an object of class in app_codecommon.cs file.

3. In app_codeCommon.cs file, I am trying to access the session variable set in step1 using HttpContext.Current.Session object.

but step 3 gives error that object reference not set to an instance. as HttpContext.Current.Session is null.

I surf abt it on net, and seems to be problem with framework.

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State Management :: Retain All HttpContext.Current Data After Redirect/transfer To Another Aspx Page?

Jun 9, 2010

What is the easy/safe way to get all HttpContext.Current data (like querystring, etc) in the previous page, after response.redirect or server.transfer to another page?

I am using .net 3.5

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Web Forms :: HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath Within Server Control Works?

Sep 30, 2010

Does anyone knows why HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath within a server control works when I run the server control but gives and error whilst in Design mode?

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How To Use Server.MapPath When HTTPContext .Current Is Nothing

Jan 20, 2011

I have some code that works fine when I need to delete some image files from a directory on my web server:

Dim ImageURL As String = dsImages.Tables(0).Rows(iImgRow).Item("ImageURL")
Dim physicalName = Server.MapPath(ImageURL)
oUpload.DeleteFileFromServer(physicalName, iAdid, iImgID)

.but I am running into a problem when a maintenance task running in a separate thread at set intervals determines that files like the above need to be deleted:

Dim ImageURL As String = dsImage.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1).Item("ImageURL")
Dim iImgID As Integer = dsImage.Tables(0).Rows(i - 1).Item("ImageId")
Dim physicalName As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ImageURL)
oUpload.DeleteFileFromServer(physicalName, iAdID, iImgID)

In this latter case, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ImageURL) has a value of Nothing.Is there a way to get the full path for this case?

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Where Does Httpcontext.current.server.mappath Start

Jan 15, 2010

Where does httpcontext.current.server.mappath start?

I don't get it... it doesn't return a path.

My webservice is ran when I debug my application :S.

View 4 Replies

State Management :: Set The Mode Of Session State As State Server And Point To Another Server?

Aug 26, 2010

In my web application, I set the mode of session state as State Server and point to another server. After run some days, I always meet following exception:

The state server has closed an expired TCP/IP connection. The IP address of the client is The expired Read operation began at 08/25/2010 14:18:03.

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Web Forms :: Get Server / Domain Name Without HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables?

Jul 28, 2010

In an asynchronous process, I need to get the name of the domain/server the web application is running on. But in that situation HttpContext.Current is not available, so I cant use HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME").

View 7 Replies

HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute Returns Fixed Width Textboxes?

Mar 29, 2011

I am using 3.5 .NET VB. In a code behind I am calling a page using this approach:HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute("Survey.aspx").On the survey.aspx page I have several textboxes are varying sizes. If I run the survey.aspx page alone, the textbox appear on the screen in the correctsizesettings. However, when I use the HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute method to execute the survery.aspx page from another page, the textboxes always come back a fixed width of like 200px or so. It doesnt matter what I change the size of the width to in the survey.aspx page, they are always rendered the same size for every textbox on the page. The changes do show up if I view the survey.aspx page alone though without calling it through another page so I know my syntax for changing the width settings is correct.Does anyone have any idea what causes this and how to resolve it? I am stumped.

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State Management :: Why Session_OnEnd Does Not Fire In State Server & SQL Server Modes

Sep 8, 2010

Why Session_OnEnd does not fire in state server & SQL Server modes....... i mean what is the speciality in InProc mode that Session_OnEnd fires in that mode only ????

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C# - JavaScript PageMethods Call Loosing HttpContext.Current State?

Dec 29, 2010

I am using JavaScript's PageMethod functionality where I am invoking a PageMethod which works like a gem. However I am having an issue in accessing the HttpContext's state which returns me a value "SYSTEM" for


which is not the actual current User Name.

I know there are couple options like storing HttpContext.Current in a Session or saving Context's state in some other custom container but given a web farm environment I am assuming that this will not work as expected.

Here is the code I am working on with

function MyFunction(){

here is the signature of the server method

public static void MyPageMethod()
// gives me "SYSTEM"
var user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;

Also if I use the above code to access user name in OnLoad event of the page then it works fine and returns me the CurrentUserName.

I am trying to get the above code to work in an ASP.NET Webform... :)

So I am wondering if there is a way to access the current actual user in page methods without making use of sessions.

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State Management :: Session Variable Worked On One Prod Server But Not On Another Server?

Nov 3, 2010

We recently migrated a web app from one Prod server (Prod 1) to another server (Prod 2). There is a session varialbe checked inside the page load event of the default master page. I have enabled session state both in web.config as well inside the pagedirective. The compilation went through without any issue. The web app is also running just fine on the server but the log file keeps logging a warning message. There is no run time error.

"System.Web.HttpException: Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the <configuration><system.web><httpModules> section in the application configuration."Any idea why this is happening on one server vs other?

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State Management :: Client And Server Side State Management?

Feb 25, 2011

when we go for client and server side state management in

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How To HttpContext.Current Work, Providing Context Appropriate State Off A Static Variable

Mar 31, 2010

I've always wondered how you can access the correct state of the current http context via a static method:

HttpContext.Current.Session["foo"] = "bar";

In any other program, anywhere else, my initial assumption about working with a static accessor like this is that changing it will change it across all threads. Similarly, another thread running my change it on me while I am trying to use it.But HttpContext.Current does not behave like this. It provides the appropriate state for the given request, even through the static accessor.

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State Management :: How To Use HttpContext On A Web Farm

Aug 16, 2010

I'm considering using the HttpContext.Items HashTable to store reuseable user data (per user) instead of in the Session,

I'm hoping that this data is stored on the client and not on the server, but I did not see anywhere that this is the case...

Also, is there any drawback or loss of data that can happen when using web farm or clustered web servers ?

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State Management :: Session Mode State Server - Sending Asynchronous Request

Nov 5, 2010

Customer were getting "View State Validation Error" due to worker process recycling at our production webserver and to fix that i applied machinekey and then move my Session state Mode from In Proc to State Server to retain session data and not kick out the customer to relogin. I had serialization issue with one object which has to be stored in session but when i moved it out of session i could able to resolve the issue.

But doing all these i was partly successfull in keeping the user in their session when Worker Process recycle event occurs.I was able to refresh the page or make a post back by clicking the refresh button and also able to retain the session values. But the Problem occurs when sending asynchronous request to server which we do periodically every 15 minutes from the moment the user logs in.The web page doesnot update data on website when sending asynchronous request.By Debugging I found at this particular code point it fails to make a postback which is required.

<%=GetHintFromServer%> (When there is no Worker Process recycle i t gets replaced by
WebForm_DoCallback('__Page',message,ShowHint,null,null,false) on postback) Everything works fine when there is no Worker Process Recyling but when it happens looks like sending request asynchronously using javascript fails .Remember When I make a post back by manually clicking submit button everything works fine.

function SendRequest(msg, isBusy, chartMsg, vesselMsg)
_busy = isBusy;
if(chartMsg != null)
_element.SetMessage(true, chartMsg);
if(vesselMsg != null)
_element.ShowVesselLoading(true, vesselMsg);
_stuckWatchdog = setTimeout( "ClearPendingRequest();", 60000);
var message = msg;
var context = '';
alert( "Exception error on SendRequest(): " + e);

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State Management :: Recreate State Session Database In SQL Server 2008?

Apr 5, 2010

Our ASP.NET App uses ASP State Session Management and has been rebuilt about 2 years ago [With .NET Framework 2.0]. We are currently in .NET framework 3.5 and have moved to SQL Server 2008 - but continue to use the same ASPState database. The State database has been upgraded to SQL Server 2008. Since then we have are seeing timouts/locks on ASPStateTempSessions table. I am wondering if we have to rebuild this database from scratch with some newer scripts?

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State Management :: Version 2.0 Session State Not Installed On SQL Server?

Oct 27, 2010

The fix for this error message is to run [Code]..... I have run that uptown, downtown and in my lady's chamber and it does no good, although it never complains. Are there any other possibilities?Details:
IIS Server: v5.1 running on XP. SQLServer 2005 running on a different XP box.Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3615; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3618 There is an ASPState database on the server, containing only two tables: [Code].... and [Code]..... I did not use [Code].... when I ran [Code]....

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State Management :: Session_End Event Occurs Only In "InProc" Mode Not In "State Server" And "Sql Server"?

Mar 22, 2011

Why Session_End event occurs only in "InProc" mode not in "State Server" and "Sql Server"?

View 7 Replies

State Management :: Cookie Does Not Work On Server?

May 4, 2010

I am developing a 3.5 web site. Cookie is used to store username when site user logins in the site.This works well on my local computer when I'm debugging it with Visual Studio.But when I publish the site and upload it to the server, cookie could not store username.

My code is as below:


HttpCookie loginState = new HttpCookie("loginState",email);


View 8 Replies

State Management :: Cookie / It's Cause The Sql Server Update Twice :|

Dec 22, 2010

I have a website of online games and I try to count and show the number of the uniqe visitor per game page, by using Cookies only. (if someone visit after 24hr it will be uniqe visitor too)

the problems is:sometimes (I don't know why), not always, it's update the counter colomn of the game, +2 instead +1, and I don't know why, there isn't any "for loop" etc.. maybe is't because the url rewrite? but it work fine if people enter again the colomn will not update again, the problem is that is update +2 instead +1 (see the code at the bottom)this is my algorithm (something is wrong in this algorithm so don't use it):

1. put the query string in variable (the name of the game) - i'm using url rewite.

2. use this variable for select the game Name (and another information) from the database (and for the cookie I will use the game name from the database and not from the query string to avoid from capital letter problems, because cappital letter for the first word isn't good because words like of, to etc..).

3. for each pageload (there isn't postback in the game page) check if the cookie of the uniqe game exists

4. if not exists, create a cookie for the unique game (the name of the cookie and the his value will be same, because I don't care about it, it's only for check if the cookie exist, and I can't use one cookie for all the games because each time visitor enter the cookie will create for 1 day).

4. after this creation of the cookie try to find if the cookie exist (for cheaking if the user didn't disable the option for cookies)

5. if yes update the database column of the spesific game

the code:

In the end of the page_load - (the GameName is the virable of the name of the game from the database and not from the qury string).


and the update function


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State Management :: Value Cannot Display Correctly On Web Server

Sep 9, 2010

High level description is this: I have a value that is pulled from a session variable. In the PageLoad method, the value is stored in a local variable. A literal control is set on the page with that local variable and then the value is stored in the database. There is no default value for the literal control on the aspx page. For some reason, the literal is displaying an incorrect value, but the value placed in the database (using the same local variable) is correct.

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Test 1</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#pic1').click(function () {

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State Management :: How To Overload On Server Due To Caching

Aug 10, 2010

I have found this question in interview questions

"If i store cache in server the server will over load because of cache objects so how can i prevent that?"

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