Web Forms :: Insert Multiple Child Nodes Into Root Node?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a Web.sitemap like this


Menu A

Menu a

Menu b


Menu c

Menu d

Now I want to insert 2 childs under Home become




Menu A

Menu a

Menu b

Menu B

Menu c

Menu d

My web.sitemap file was like this:


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Web Forms :: Add Child Node And Sub Child Node To The Tree View Dynamically

Jan 22, 2011

i want to create one treeview dynamically which will have child node and sub child node.for this i am getting my treeview value from the table with below column:Id,Name,Parent,IsActivewhere main parent nodes parent id will be 0 and then all other records parent id would be related id. the table structure would look

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Web Forms :: How To Counts All Nodes Including Child N Sub Nodes In Tree View

Jan 25, 2010

i'm new one to Asp.net (3.5).. plz tel me how to calculate the node, childnode, sub childnode and so on.. and tel me how to retrive value of all...

Using Recurisive i can do this but i don't how to do..

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VS 2010 Populate Child Node When Parent Node Is Selected

Oct 16, 2012

I'm populating a treeview dynamically. On OnTreeNodePopulate I call a sub and populate the Parent nodes. I do not want to populate the child nodes at this time. Upto this point it works fine.

Now I would like the user to click the parent node and then populate the child node. I tried to use TreeNodeExpanded, but that is called for each parent node, so that didn't work.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Control With Non-collapsible Root Nodes?

May 13, 2010

I wanted to know if there are any Treeview controls with non-collapsible root nodes out there non-commercial preferably open source or if anyone can show me how to do it with the asp.net builtin control.

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Web Forms :: Get URL From Root Node?

Jan 19, 2010

ok in one of my application i want .aspx page path from the root that is when i click on text box or any other controll there should be window same as when we try to add img url we get window like that window i want.so that if i select any page i get url from the root .like

~/default.aspx is from root if it is in some base folder say Folder1 then how i get url ~/Folder1/page.aspx.

I am asking this because user can select any page from any folder and they should get path with respect to root

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Web Forms :: Add A Link On Root Node Of The Treeview?

May 12, 2010

I am binding a treeview through a xml file.

my xml file's code.


I want to add a link of my default.aspx to <MainMenu> tag.

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Tree View Nodes When One Node Is Checked

Sep 30, 2010

I need to know a way to disable nodes in a tree view when a particular node is checked (the leafs has check boxes), currently I was able to do it but my problem is I have check the check box, then click on the node in order to get it disabled, this not an user friendly at all. I want it to happen when I check the checkbox in the tree node.

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Web Forms :: Expand Tree View Nodes By Click Parent Node?

Jan 22, 2010

I have bounded a treeview with an xml file. It bounded perfectly. you can have a view of my xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<submenu submenuname="Tracker">
<submenu1 submenu1name="NBD" url="View.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="EOI" url="EoitTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Proposal" url="ProposalTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Project" url="ContractTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu1 submenu1name="Sub Contract" url="SubContractTracker.aspx" picurl1="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu submenuname="Reports">
<submenu1 submenu1name="NBD" url="#" picurl1="Images/report.gif" >
<submenu2 submenu2name="By Status" url="Nbdbystatus.aspx" picurl="Images/report.gif" />
<submenu2 submenu2name="By Date" url="NbdbyDate.aspx" picurl="Images/report.gif"/>


MainMenu is the Parent node and Tracker, Reports ... are subodes. I want that if I click the node Tracker the all it's parent nodes(NBD, EOI, Proposal, Project, Sub Contract) should expand the remaining treevew remain same.

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Web Forms :: Get Count Of Checked Child Nodes In Treeview?

Dec 17, 2010

I have treeview with checkboxes.


when i check Treenode with Text='Velocity', all the three child nodes will get checked. I want only the count of child checked nodes. How can be it done.

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Web Forms :: TreeView - User Isn't Able To Click On Favorites Root Note In Order To Create Another Node Underneath Of It

Jul 14, 2010

I am writing a programming using Tree View. I have created the Tree View object and have added a node for the root called Favorites. I want the user to be able to enter a value in a text box and once clicking on an add folder button, an event fires that takes the text that was entered in the textbox and creates a new node under the root node of favorites.

I am having a problem with my program in that the user is not able to click on the Favorites root note in order to create another node underneath of it. Favorites is simply displaying on the screen, but they cannot click on it to select it. What do I need to add so that the user can select the node to which they want to add a child node to?

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Web Forms :: Treeview Child Nodes Are Not Showing In Dotnetnuke Website?

Jun 29, 2010

i added one treeview control in aspx page .All parent and child nodes are working perfect in this aspx page.

Now this same code i pasted in an ascx page and that ascx page i called through DNN website.That time parent node display is coming properly,but when i click on the parent node child nodes are not showing up?

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Web Forms :: Populate TreeView Parent And Child Nodes In DropDownList

Sep 20, 2015

How can I add a Treeview to the DropDownList for show child and parent record..

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Treeview - How To Remove/ Hide The Root Node

Nov 12, 2010

i have a asp.net tree view control and its being data bound to XML returned from the DB.

once bound and the nodes are present in the control how can i remove/ hide the root node?

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Web Forms :: Display Child Nodes Of A Particular Parent As Two Column Flyout Menu?

Jun 3, 2010

I am able to bind the asp:menu with xml nodes.

My Question is how can I display my child nodes of a particular parent as 2 column flyout menu.

find the screenshot below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Binding To A Particular Child Nodes In An Xml File?

Feb 10, 2011

<VegaMessage Type="EX_ACK_PEN" Value="A">
<VegaField Tag="11" Value="$11" Name="ClientOrderID(11)" />
<VegaField Tag="54" Value="$54" Name="Side(54)" />
<VegaField Tag="55" Value="$55" Name="Symbol(55)" /> [code]....

I have an xml file like this.I wnat to display a gridview when i click on the EX_ACK_PEN i want to display a gridview with fields Tag,Value,Name.How can i get the childnode values .

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Display The Child Nodes In The Xml Onto The Detailsview ?

Aug 10, 2010

I am able to bind the first level nodes from the xml but not able to display the child nodes in the xml onto the detailsview on grid.

find my snippet below and help me in correcting the issue. I don't want to use the aspx page to bind the datasource.


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Web Forms :: Populate TreeView Parent And Child Nodes In DropDownList Control?

Sep 20, 2015

C#- bind treeview runtime using dataset and data table

simple example

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Web Forms :: Hide A Certain Child Node Only?

Jan 28, 2010

On our site we have a top menu, and a side menu. Other than using the same sitemap, they don't have any other relationship.

On the top menu, we only show the top links, with 0 child nodes, which is what we want.

On the side menu however, we want to show all the child pages when someone hovers over the main links. Some have up to 12 child nodes, and some only 1.

Our challenge is hiding a couple of specific pages from that menu.

An example is a "thanks for contacting us" page which is under the main "contact us" page. Otherwise, a person can hover over the contact page link and see the "thanks" page as a link - and we don't want people going directly to the thanks page. So, we want just "Contact" to show in that menu, no matter where a visitor is in the site.

I have tried a couple of solutions but they haven't worked. Is there an easier way to hide them?

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C# 3.0 - Treeview Expanding The Root Node And Collapse The Rest?

Nov 12, 2010

i have a databound treeview in asp.net. how can i expand the root node and have the rest of the tree nodes all colapsed?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get All The Checked Child Nodes Belongs To Specific Parent?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a treeview and all nodes are check box, when user clicks on a button, how can I get all the checked child nodes belongs to specific parent? I wanna something better...

private TreeNodeCollection GetCheckedNodeForParent (string parentNode)
TreeNodeCollection treeNodeCollection=new TreeNodeCollection();
foreach (TreeNode node in tvBaseline.FindNode(parentNode).ChildNodes)
if (node.Checked)
return treeNodeCollection;

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Dynamically Generating The Nodes In Treeview Control And Displaying The Results On Selecting The Node

Mar 29, 2011

I am using a treeview control and just want to add nodes dynamically. On selecting a node the results based on that node must be shown below.

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Web Forms :: Sitemap Doesn't Show The Child Node

Jan 24, 2010

I create a site map for my site but it only works three levels deep and I need at least six. How can I do that? Every time I add a child node under "Water Filters, Desalinators or Micropur" the sitemap doesn't show the child node. Until now my sitemap only works three levels deep: Home > Products > Water Filters But I need this: Home > Products > Water Filters > Katadyn > Personal Use > Pocket Turbo 1. This is my sitemap configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns=[URL] >
<siteMapNode url="~/default.aspx" title="Home">
<siteMapNode url="~/products.aspx" title="Products">
<siteMapNode url="~/waterfiltes.aspx" title="Water Filters" />
<siteMapNode url="~/desalinators.aspx" title="Desalinators" />
<siteMapNode url="~/micropur.aspx" title="Micropur" />
<siteMapNode url="~/services.aspx" title="Services" />
<siteMapNode url="~/partners.aspx" title="Partners" />
<siteMapNode url="~/aboutus.aspx" title="About Us" />
<siteMapNode url="~/contact.aspx" title="Contact Us" />

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Check If Child Node Exists On Treeview?

Jan 24, 2011

I have some data that I am putting on a treeview and have a checkbox on the page to decide if the user wants to order the nodes by date or type.

To do this I need to check if the code has already added a child node so when grouping by the type I don't put it in lots of times.

Lets say I have Type 1 and Type 2 and each have 3 items that would fall under these I want to achieve:

Type 1
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Type 2
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

Instead of:

Type 1
Item 1
Type 1
Item 2

etc etc etc

I tried using the node.Contains function but it doesn't seem to exist (I am using c#).

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Web Forms :: Can Show The Code To Put In A Masterpage So That When Expand A Child Node

Oct 20, 2010

I created a sitemap with a treeview navigation in my aspx site. I am hoping someone can show me the code to put in a Masterpage so that when I expand a child node, all other nodes collapse, and when I expand another node, the previous expanded node collapses.

I have an example here of what I am trying to accomplish:


I am using asp.net with VB.

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