Web Forms :: Is Routes.MapPageRoute("", "{ProgramID}", "~/RunProgram.aspx") Correct

Jun 30, 2010

I hope to map the following URL, Is routes.MapPageRoute("", "{ProgramID}", "~/RunProgram.aspx") correct?




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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: How To Write A MapPageRoute

Jul 1, 2010

I hope to map the url

http://www.a.com/1 =>
http://www.a.com/2 =>
http://www.a.com/3 =>

How to write the MapPageRoute in asp.net 4.0?

routes.MapPageRoute("", "{ProgramID}", "~/RunProgram.aspx") seems there are some problem!

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Web Forms :: NavigationURL Is Referring To The Correct Path Whether Aspx In Root Or In Sub Folder?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a main_menu.ascx web control placed in my root and contains my website navigation menu with NavigationURL to the pages

I have my root files and I included the ascx file there Until here, I have no issue Now!

I have sub folders in my root and I want to include same ascx file because I don't want more than one main_menu file!

But the problem here is with the NavigationURL because it will be different when the aspx file is in sub folder

How can make sure my NavigationURL is referring to the correct path whether aspx in root or in sub folder?

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MVC :: Routes.IgnoreRoute Not Ignoring Routes?

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to prevent direct file requests from being accepted, and have tried this:


None of these worked. I want the rule to exclude any file of any filename in any directory with a matching extension. How can this be done?

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MVC :: All Links Broken After Added One MapPageRoute?

Aug 13, 2010

I'm having a strange issue with MVC 2.0 that I can't find any information about.

Basically, I'm adding ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms URL routing for legacy pages on an application that also has MVC pages. Once I add *any* routes.MapPageRoute to Global.asax.cs, all of my MVC ActionLinks/etc immediately break and all point to the first "MapPageRoute" that was registered.

If I comment out the first MapPageRoute line, then all of my MVC links suddenly direct to the next MapPageRoute I have defined.

what's wrong? I checked my route names and none are duplicate, and none of the routes I am adding conflict in any way to my MVC routes. It seems as though I might have some sort of web.config configuration issue?

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Webforms MapPageRoute Order Of Precedence?

Jun 4, 2010

I am attempting to use the MapPageRoute feature in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 with a asp.net webforms application.

What I have noticed is that if I define a page route called "Default" like below and the page Default.aspx exists in the project, then the route does not work.

routes.MapPageRoute("Default", "default.aspx", "~/Page2.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("Test", "test.aspx", "~/Page2.aspx");

If I change the name of the Default.aspx in the project to Default_1.aspx,
then the route works fine.

There seems to be some order of precedence going on. Is there a way to make my route definitions evaluated first so I don't have to rename my pages to use the routing engine?

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How To Mix DynamicData Routes With Mvc Routes

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to create an Area for running DynamicData with scaffolding as an administration part. It's probably working as it should but I can't get the routing to work.

In my global.asax I have the following function to register the routes:


Unfortunately the "best" thing that happened to me so far was that when I check the default tables I get a message about (MetaModel.VisibleTables)


The problem is that I don't know why this is. Is it the routing or something else? Is it perhaps some security thing or can I not put dynamic data inside an area?

The DynamicData folder itself is located in the root of the application since that is the convention it uses and I have no intention to override that.

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Default Document In Web Form Does Not Work After Using MapPageRoute?

Jun 4, 2010

I have two strange problems when I use routing in a web form application. Environment: IIS 7.5; .NET 4.0 and Windows 7 64 bit.

default document does not work if I use (http://www.)mydomain.com. The exception message is "The controller for path '/' was not found or does not implement IController". However, if I debug in VS 2010 (http://localhost:8080), this problem has never come out. Here mydomain.com and http://localhost:8080 hit the same code in the same folder of the same computer. I trapped the value of request.path. When local host is used, the value is "default.aspx" while "/" if mydomain.com is accessed. I can use one line (if "/" then redirect to default.aspx) to "fix" the problem but I believe it should have a better way. when I detect request.path, I got such a VERY strange request which I have never seen before:! I have no idea where it is from. I do not use any web service in my code. The request is posted to the server, and the user agent is WSDAPI. I tried to debug the code from a different browsers other than IE. It looks like I do not get such a request. Edit: I just found the request is sent from the domain control.

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Configuration :: Web.config 404 CustomErrors / Change The Url To Def23947823h.aspx It Is Caught And Redirects To Correct Page?

Sep 14, 2010

I am having an issue where if I change my url to .asp from .aspx i get a 404 error but it is not handled by my custom errors. If I change the url to def23947823h.aspx it is caught and redirects to correct page.


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When The User Types In The Correct User Name And Password, It Redirects To A New Page Called Test.aspx?

Dec 10, 2010

im using asp.net for my webpage. im also using the login control too. i want it so when the user types in the correct user name and password, it redirects to a new page called test.aspx. i dont want to use login view.

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When A Click Is Made On A Radiobutton A Message Appears Saying That It Is Correct Or It Is Not Correct

Feb 10, 2010

I am doing a workshop , it has questions, and answers with radiobuttons, I need that when a click is made on a radiobutton a message appears saying that it is correct or it is not correct, how can a do it,

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DataSource Controls :: Trying To Get The Correct Info Belonging To The Correct Id?

Mar 6, 2011

I am using 3 tables and are trying to get the correct info belonging to the correct id. Like this: I go to a page and here i want to see the information from the 3 tables using a specific id.

I have written this so far in a query:


My problem is that the last line does not work and i am uncertain how to make this work? How to write it correctly that is.

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How To: Define Routes For Web Forms Applications

May 26, 2010

I'm reading about URL routing at How to: Define Routes for Web Forms Applications and there's something in the example I don't understand. If you look at the example provided below,

routes.MapPageRoute("", "SalesReport/{locale}/{year}/{*queryvalues}", "~/sales.aspx");

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Web Forms :: Removing Specific Routes From RoutesTable?

Nov 1, 2010

ive asked this question [URL] but have not yet recieved a workable solution

the problem is that i need to remove only specific routes from the routetable and then add them back (with some changes). I do not want to clear the whole collection.

heres my code


the problem is, as soon as the first route is removed, the following error is thrown:

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

so how can i get around this error? or is there a better way to remove routes?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic URL Routing / Way To Reregister The Routes Programmatically?

Jan 25, 2011

I am having this issue with a web application. I have built a CMS that uses URL Routing, which I have loaded dynamicall from the database. My Global.asax File looks like this:


My code works just fine, but every time I change the table clr_SystemRoutes, (inserting a new route definition) I am forced to copy the global.asax file to the web server, even though it hasn't changed. I am assuming this causes some event that re-registers the RouteTable, but I'm not sure. What can I do to make the RouteTable something I can change without having to do that. Is there a way to re register the routes programmatically or is there an existing method to do this?

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Web Forms :: SiteMapPath With UrlRouting Not Working On Dynamically Generated Routes VB

Feb 28, 2011

I am learning .net and I have implemented SiteMapPath on a site i'm developing which uses Url Routing. It is working fine for static routes but i am trying to get it to work on a dynamically generated route that passes a {date} and a {title} but I can't find any information on it anywhere, I have a book but it doesn't go in to SiteMapPath with UrlRouting.

I have set up routes in Global.asax file:


My web.sitemap currently looks like:


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Web Forms :: Ignore Routes Using Wild Card Characters In URL Routing?

Sep 20, 2015

How to ignore route in ASP.NET vNext (MVC 6)?

Now I using the following routing config:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseMvc(routes =>
new { controller = "Root", action = "Root"}

The global root controller render a view in which I initialize AngularJS. It works for me, but I need to ignore routes for .css | .js | .*images_extensions* .

As I understood the following code doesn't work for this version of ASP.NET vNext:


How I can make ignoring of a route?

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Security :: Forms Authentication With Route Handling - Error Routes Not Recognized, Returns To Login

Oct 1, 2010

I just created a small site with form authentication with route handling. Without forms authentication, the pages route just fine. With forms, it returns back to the login page as it is not one of my allowed locations specified in my web.config file.

I know I probably need to write a custom route handler. Does anyone have an example I can follow for this?

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MVC :: 2.0 Messing Up Routes In ARR 2.0

Dec 28, 2010

I have a server that has been using ARR 2.0 on IIS 7. I recently added MVC 2.0 to my ASP.NET site. After adding it the ARR routes return the following error: The virtual path 'null' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: The virtual path 'null' maps to another application, which is not allowed. Source Error:


Stack Trace:


In my web.config I can remove the modules attribute runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests and the ARR works, but it makes the MVC routes stop working.

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MVC :: Routes Error In 2 RTM

Apr 3, 2010

I created an MVC 2 RTM Project and created 2 Areas (Admin and Applicants) The code belows was added into the global.asax: AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); I also ensured that duplicate Controllers were managed as i have a homecontroller in the root and the Admin Area. The code used was; new string [] {"MyAppName.Controllers"} This too went into the global.asax The error i got is below; A route named 'Applicants_default is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique. Parameter name: name how to resolve this?

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MVC :: ViewBag And Routes (3 - RC2)

Dec 18, 2010

I am having an issue with MVC-3 generating outgoing routes for me. This is the address of the page I am on for both scenarios: [URL] Here are the map routes:


Scenario 1:
From the controller:
From the view:

The resulting link that gets created. [URL] If I change the controller code to read as follows:


I didn't make any changes in the view, only added those two lines to the controller and the following link is created: [URL] What am I missing here? This is consistent behavior, I was able to reproduce this in other areas of my application.

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C# - Routes With Multiple Arguments In MVC 3?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to set up dynamic routes in an MVC app, and I have this so far...


And that is working great for now, the only issue I am having is that I would like to have the ability to specify a comma delimited list of optional arguments in the database that I could pull out like...

Array optParams = rdr["parametersOpt"].ToString().Split(',');

But I was not sure how to stick those params into the route object properly. Could just be a minor C# syntax I am not familiar with.

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MVC :: How To Organize More Complex Routes

Mar 12, 2011

I understand the basics of setting up routes, I am trying to get a handle on how to organize more complex routes. Does the Route name do anything? I havn't seen a place it's actually used. If I have the route: controller/action/id/paramA/paramB/paramC. ParamA-C could be defining multiple parameters so First/Last/Zip or Phone/Zip/Birthday. Is it common practice to name the additional parameters with a generic name like paramA vs trying to differentiate a separate route for each?

Lastly, if you have multiple sites/functional areas in 1 site, lets say the asp.net site, each area MVC, Ajax, Forums ect were all different functional areas. Is it best to create a different group of routes such as hard coding the controller like:


or is there a better way? What I am running into is 1 piece of the site overriding the other route because of the number/type of parameters.

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MVC :: Database Localization Url Routes With 2?

Jan 19, 2011

I been looking for hours on the web to find a good tutorial where I can do a database localization with mvc 2, I can't find any its all resource files. So I'm trying to reach out to you guys and see if you got any links, books or suggestions on this topic? I would love for it to be url routes based localization but that I can figure out somehow i think.

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MVC :: Custom Routes For 5 Different ActionResult()?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm creating a new ASP.NET MVC 2.0 web application that will have 5 main pages:

- Home
- Services
- Contact Us
- Terms & Conditions
- Priva

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