Web Forms :: Losing Value When Page Gets Submitted Twice

Jan 24, 2011

On my page I have some text boxes that users can enter values in. The first time they submit the page it gets the values from the text box fine. But when the user goes back using their browser back button and changes a value and resubmits, it shows the value from the first time they submitted, not the new value they just entered.

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AJAX :: Web Page Not Submitted When Checking PostBack?

Feb 8, 2010

in aspx file i have two simple controls


Then in Code behind file i wrote this


When i check whether page is posted back or not with this method , by clicking the button


then web form does not respond any more ..and when not using this condition ajax is working fine.

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Web Forms :: Page Losing Reference To Dynamicallly Created Tablerows?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm new to the asp.net/vb.net world and have stumbled across a problem.I have a page that has a gridview. When the user clicks on a link in the grid a modal popup is shown (using the AJAX modalpopupextender).On this pop up is a treeview that the user can then select some child nodes.When they click a button a table is dynamically populated with the list from the selected treeview nodes.The user can then add detail in this table comments etc and then should be able to click on a save button. This will then fire the event to loop through the table and insert these records into a database.The problem is that when the Save button is clicked the page seems to have lost all reference to the fact that there are dynamically created rows in the table even though there are a number of rows that you can still see displayed on the page. Even the table.rows.count shows 1 at this point!

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Web Forms :: Request.PathInfo Losing Master Page Content And CSS Link

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using Request.PathInfo to response.redirect as user to a different page ( based on the content after .aspx ). It redirect just fine however, once redirected, the page loses all content from the master page and the CSS link.

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Why Is App Losing Page Variable Values

May 12, 2010

So to pretty much make this short and sweet, I have a page variable defined outside of all my methods and functions called buttonpressed. It is used to keep track of which button has been pressed on the app. For example, in the onclick event of my Edit button there is a line:

buttonpressed = "Edit"

I use this to decide what kind of query to perform to my database. My problem is whenever I hit my save button(which uses that buttonpressed value in an if statement to decide what query to perform), the variable value just magically disappears.

I tracked the value to make sure that it is being changed and store correctly based on my add, edit, and delete buttons. As soon as I hit my save button, the value of that variable goes blank.

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Losing Most Of The Page Content On Second Postback?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a form with a update panel. This posts the form and validates it. Returning a errorMessage string of any invalid field such as "Field xyz is a required field, Field abc needs to be a quantity"

When I enter incorrect date it posts back fine and displays the text in a div at the bottom of the page which the update panel is aimed at to update. (and only this it should be changing)

This works but the second time I hit say (say i enter invalid data twice) the Complete form will disappear leaving me with just the banner of the site and the error message that is returned.

Ive tried commenting out the entire of the code post back so that the button doesn't actually do anything but it still has the same problem(of course this time it wouldnt have a error message created)

So i can only think it is something to do with the updatepanel itself and how it works but i have been staring at this for ages and have no more ideas!

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Submitted Value?

Jan 19, 2011

I have this:



How do I get it to output the submitted value, and have the dropdownlist populated with the item selected after submission? I don't want to use ViewState and I would really like to have the dropdown dynamically populated, opposed to statically.

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URL Losing Port Number In Every Page Load

Mar 16, 2010

I'm currently taking care of a certain local website.

The default port has been changed, and can no longer be not included in the URL due to technical reasons, so now i'm using a certain port in the end of the IP at the URL, for example

no longer works (which accessed 80 by default)

with the port, works.

Works, though I can't click in any link or anything and the port vanishes (new page doesn't load). Then I keep the same URL and just include the port at the end of the IP and it works again, until I click in another link inside of it.

I have access to changing each link, but I guess that would not be the right approach.

How should I procceed ?


All URL's are already relative, and the whole issue of this question is not applicable in IE, this only happens on other browsers.


What I said about changing each link would be something like


But I really don't know..


As requested:

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="link" NavigateUrl="~/folder/folder/page.aspx" />

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Web Forms :: Drag And Drop - Validate When Submitted

Mar 16, 2010

I came across this example [URL] I want to create a form that will be validated when Submitted. In the above example you can keep on dragging colored boxed on the Drop It Here area. When a form is submitted, I want to validate Drop It Here area to see if it is empty or user drop a colored box here. Is this possible to do and if so, how to do it. I tried regular validation coltrols and they didn't seem to work.

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State Management :: Losing Session ("culture") From Page To Page?

Apr 8, 2010

i have created a multilanguage site that uses culture to change from one language to another.

the problem is that when i am going from one page to another the varriable session("myCulture") is empty.

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Web Forms :: Capture Return Code From A Submitted Web Form?

May 19, 2010

I have created a .aspx page that contains a web form. The information in the form is submitted to a companies web site and once accepted is manipulated by the company.

This all works wonderful.

My problem is that once the data submitted to their site my page receives a response code. (1 = Member Added, 2 = Updated Member...)

How do I go about capturing this response code? Currently I end up with a blank page and a number in the upper left corner.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Create Link To Newly Submitted Form?

Jan 25, 2011

Its hard to describe in short what i would like to do.

I have a form that a user fills and then submits the data into a database, it needs to be approved in several places before its finalized. It sends out an email with information to the approver, what i would like is a link in the email so that the approver is swiftly taken to the next step in the process.

The next step in the process looks something like this


the sql submission looks like this


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Web Forms :: How To Save Both Parent And Child Record When Form Submitted

May 27, 2010

I have a webform (parent) with embedded webgrid(child) which uses sqldatasource. What I wanted to accomplish is to save both the form data and the grid data when the Save button is clicked. I tried to save form data(parent) in sqldatasource1_inserting event, does not work. I think there should be a way to do it, just do not know how.

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Email To Be Sent Out After Form Submitted?

Jul 12, 2010

In my application users submit a certain form. I'd like to email specific people once the form has been submitted. How do I do this? In the code behind? I'd like to create a default email that is sent out after the form has been submitted with information about the form that has just been submitted. I'm writing in VB.

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The Request Could Not Submitted For Background Process?

Mar 16, 2011

Error in File C:WINDOWSTEMPPOC1 {EFC98CD9-964C-4683-96BA-E02D634AF240}.rpt: The request could not be submitted for background processing.vb code:

Dim objReport As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass
Dim location As String = context.Server.MapPath("../POC/POC1.rpt")
objReport.FileName = location


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Go Back To A Search Page Without Losing Search Criteria?

Apr 4, 2011

It is about ASP.NET MVC3. I have a page with at the top some search criteria and at the bottom the resulting data. The user can type some criteria and use a submit button to retieve data. In my controller, I have an ActionResult function for managing these criteria and return to the same page with a ViewModel class filled.

The problem: the user can click on a line in the resulting table for viewing a detail page. On the detail page, he can navigate to an edit page for editing data. On this page (edit data) I would like to able the user to go back to the search result page (in fact: navigate back two times). What is the best way to proceed? If I "simply" use an ActionLink (without posting data) to my search result page, it will simply display an empty result page with empty search criteria. Maybe I need to keep my search criteria in a session variable? I don't like this kind of thing...

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Appended Content Using JQuery 'append' Is Not Submitted?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm new to jQuery so this may be a real simple answer. I have a ASP.NET project that I'm trying to dynamically add content to an ASP Label element by typing into a text box and clicking a button. Sounds simple right? Well, I can get the content to added, but when the form is submitted the Label element is still empty? Why is the new data not submitted? Here's some sample code:

<asp:Label ID="lblContainer" Text="" runat="server" />
<input type="text" name="tag" id="tag" />
<input type="button" name="AddTag" value="Add" class="button" onclick="addTag();" />
function addTag() {
if ($("#tag").val() != "") {
$("#lblContainer").append('$("#tag").val()' + '<br />');

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AJAX :: Set Focus And Next Tab When Form Is Submitted In TabContainer

Aug 18, 2015

im trying to set focus in my textbox with validation request but its not working.

 <asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="0" OnClientActiveTabChanged = "clientActiveTabChanged">
<asp:TabPanel runat="server" HeaderText="Personal" ID="TabPanel1">


when im in next tab its not return me where is the validation is.

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MVC :: Remove Script Tags From User Submitted Code?

Feb 14, 2010

Inside my Asp.Net MVC application, in the comments section the user will be able to add html tags (p, h1....) but the problem is: how can I remove any malicious code (script...) from the code the user has submitted?

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Web Forms :: Losing My Cookies

Mar 4, 2011

I have a situation where I write a cookie on one page and read it on another page, but it only works for users who are in the admin group onour web server.On my default page, I have this code in the page load event to get some user data from my database and save it for later use:
HttpCookie c = new HttpCookie("userinfo");
c.Values["domainaccount"] = _CtaUser.DomainAccount;
c.Values["userid"] = _CtaUser.UserID.ToString(); [code]....

And it's gone.Again, it works for me and one other programmer who are in the admin group on the web server, but not for anyone else.

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DataSource Controls :: Display The Full SQL Statement Containing Submitted Values

Aug 24, 2010

I want to retrieve the full SQL that my Web Application generates and executes on the database. So when the INSERTED or UPDATED events are triggered on the SqlDataSource, I want to get that particular SQL Statement.

The problem I've got there though is when I use "e.Command.CommandText" that gets the SQL statement with the paramter names NOT the paramter values. I specifically need the values.

So... how can I get it to display the full SQL statement containing submitted values!?

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C# - Prevent Browser From Resending Form Information That Has Already Submitted To Server?

Nov 3, 2010

how i will prevent user to resend data from refreshing URL. actually after posting data to the server and returning back data by the server to the client. if user refresh the url address then again it send back to the server withe previous data. so how can i prevent it by c#, asp.net.

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AJAX :: Values In Text Boxes Of Modal Popup Never Seem To Clear After Being Submitted?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm using a modalpopup in my C# page. Each time a user clicks it, the values in the modal popup should be empty, but instead, the values from the previous time they clicked it remain in the text boxes. Here's my code..


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AJAX :: Display ModalPopupExtender ModalPopup After Records Saved (form Submitted)

Sep 20, 2015

I have a submit button that saves record successfully.

The problem i have with it is that it can only show ModalPopupExtender after the first save(first click of the submit button).On the second click of the submit button it doesn't show ModalPopupExtender even though record is saved.How do i go about it.

Here is my markup:

<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upMain" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers ="true" >
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbtn" runat="server" >LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>


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Web Forms :: Keep Losing The Selected Value Between Pages?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a 3 page vb.net web application (long story, but it has to be multiple pages). Page one has a datagrid that has rows of data. When a user selects a row, I check to see what "RecordType" corresponds to the row selected. If the RecordType = 1, Page Two loads. If the RecordType = 2, Page Three Loads. The problem I've run into, is that once page two or three loads, all the data is lost. In the gridview, I have the several values in the DataKeyNames, but "loose" them all between pages. Is there a way to pass this data to the next page other than ...Session - I guess I could set the values in the datakeynames as session data.. right?

QueryString - I really don't want to use querystrings, as I don't want users "messing" with the URL.Is there another option available in .NET? I'm kind of hesitant to set sessions, because I'm afraid the values won't get cleared out as needed...

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