Web Forms :: Multiple Product To Single Invoice Billing

May 7, 2015

i am making a small billing application in c# and .net

everything is done, but the only issue is:


 Here is the main concept -

>when biller start making a bill -> he can simply add all basic details etc. but at the time of products addition to bill -> he will need to add multiple bill --> In this case we want the following workflow implementation:-

2 rows will be shown to biller at a time, and there will be a "Add more Rows" button under 2 rows..when biller click it, it creates new row for adding more products, (firstly this will go on.. as much as product require biller can add no. of rows based on his requirement).

secondly:when this data goes to database, the bill and details will be saved to database and so biller can use that bill in further for reprinting or record purpose (list invoice you can say). Now here i have created a logic but we are unable to get it to work..

The logic i am looking for is:-There will be a unique ID with each bill generated, and we can use this Unique_ID as reference ID (foreign key concept) , and make a table "Billed_items" and store all products billed within the Unique_ID of that particular invoice..

So in this way, when user List invoice or further print or any related function is used to view or edit even.. The biller can see all the items billed with that Invoice id as its being fetched from database using the reference_ID and other details from main Sales table.

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(keyCode >= 96 && keyCode <= 105))
if (!r) {


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(JAN, 18),
(JEN, 20),
(JIN, 23)
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sql += "(@name" + i.ToString() ", @age" + i.ToString() + "),"
sql = sql.Remove(sql.Length - 1);
cmd = SqlCommand(sql, con);

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{"Parameter '@name0' must be defined."}

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