Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator In Popup Windows?

Mar 17, 2011

i am using RegularExpressionValidator inside Ajax popup.

inside this poupup i have a cancel button which will exist the popup in whatever state it is.

problem: when ValidationExpression is false i am not able to exits the popup by hitting cancel button.

i always have to remove the vale from the textbox and exist from poupup.


how can i achieve my goal, not always emptying the textbox...?

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Like I said,


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so what did i do wrong with the regex that its now allowing other document types to be uploaded. I need to make sure that ONLY pdf are allowed. What can i change to the validator and if anything add to the code behind to correct this?

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I then have the following web controls on my page:


The problem is that doesn't matter what regular expression I define as the value of my static public variable bound to the <asp:RegularExpressionValidator />, I always get an error (i.e. it aways says "invalid email")...

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gularExpressionValidator on my textbox that I am already using, but I need it tweaked. Here is the one I'm using: ^(([0-9]|[1][0-9]|2[0-3])(.)(25|50|75|00))|(24.00)|([0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-4])$It is for the input of hours worked in a day. The minimum is 0.00 and the max is 24.00. The hours are rounded off to the quarter hour, so it allows for .25, .50, .75, and .00.

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Nov 24, 2010

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Is there any way to allow the user to continue with "Cancel" even though RegularExpressionValidator finds an error in the textbox?

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Dec 13, 2010

I have an asp:regularexpressionvalidator with the following expression to validate a file upload.


Expresso shows me that it works. The simple html test page below shows that it works, but in my application, loading an html file in the file input always triggers the validator?

debugging the javascript of this control?

control code:


simple test page:


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