Web Forms :: Removing White Space When Aspx Label Is Hidden?
Feb 8, 2011
I have a page with several asp labels with no text. I use a click event to add text the fields that have related values from a datareader. In my code I state that if column value of the datareader is null, then make the label visibility false.
That all works fine, but then when I render the page, white space where the hidden labels are located is shown.is it possible to remove the blank white space when labels have null values and are visually hidden?
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--required output MicroTech
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<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updReport" runat="server" style="margin-top:40px;">
<div id="divGrid">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td style="width: auto; vertical-align: top;">
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a requirement where I have a webpart and two ImageButtons(imgGV, imgLV) and a hidden input textbox('ctl00$MainHeaderContent$txtType') in an aspx page. I need to change templates to this Webpart either to show results in "Grid View" or as "List View" on the click of this ImageButtons. I added code in the page_load of .aspx page as
imgLV.Attributes.Add("onclick", "document.getElementById('ctl00$MainHeaderContent$txtType').value='LV';return true;");
imgGV.Attributes.Add("onclick", "document.getElementById(('ctl00$MainHeaderContent$txtType')).value='GV';return true;");
When I am clicking the specific ImageButton, it has to write into hidden field either "GV" or "LV". In the webpart CreateChildControls I assign templates based on the text in Hidden field either "GV" (Grid Template) else "LV" (List Template). In the CreateChildControls of Webpart for the template change, I am getting the Hidden value as empty. I am using coding as
HtmlInputHidden t = new HtmlInputHidden();
t = (HtmlInputHidden)this.Page.FindControl("ctl00$MainHeaderContent$txtType");
if (t.Value=="GV") {
assign one template}
else { another template}.
I am getting t.Value="". Question is: Is it like if we add some text in a hidden textbox using the Javascript function in an aspx page, the same textbox value in the same aspx page but in the Webpart class in the CreateChildControls method using the code as this(webpart).page.FindControl("Textbox").text is showing empty. So the text added using Javascript into Textbox is it not available in the code behind code using "Text" property of the same Textbox?.
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tst = document.getElementById('control1$hdnField').value;
I looked into the page's trace, and i could see 'control1$hdnField'. Then why i am not getting its value in my aspx page. I have also confirmed that the hidden field by this name exists in the user control and also has a default value set.
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Jul 30, 2010
I am working on Scott Mitchell's ASP.Net in 24 hours book. I am running into what looks like a simple problem that is getting the best of me.
When a page loads, the UserId of the currently logged in user will be retrieved in the page Load event and placed into the Text value of a Label. But, when the page opens when I am running the app, I am getting an error in the lower left corner of the browser. When I open up the error message, I see this:
Webpage error details
Message: 'UserIDValue' is undefined
Line: 92
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost:51035/PhotoAlbum24hrs/PhotoAdmin/ManageCategories.aspx
Here is the web page's Load event (VB) code:
Here is line 92 and the surrounding lines from the page source when I run the app:
This matches what is in Scott's book. (Or else I have been looking at it too long and have missed something.)
If I make the UserId Label visible, I can see the logged in user's ID displayed on the page. So, what is going on here? Why am I getting this error?
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