Web Forms :: Retain Control State And Values From WebPage Displayed In Iframe In A MasterPage
Dec 29, 2010
I have a MasterPage and a ContentPage. On the ContentPage I Similated a TabControl by using a Menu and an IFrame. When the menu item is seleceted it loads in the appropriate WebPage into the IFrame. Now... on one of the WebPages I am creating dynamic controls on Page_Load. But when I refresh or switch menu (Simulated TabControl) back and forth, then I lose my controls and values.
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Jun 22, 2010
I have a masterpage that, for the sake of simplicity looks like this:
<div><asp:TextBox id="txtboxsearch" runat="server" /><asp:Button id="button1" runat="server" PostBackUrl="~/nextpage.aspx"></div>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
What i am trying to do is read the value from the search textbox from the nextpage.aspx. When i hardwire a text value to the txtboxsearch, i can read it using the page.previouspage property in the code-behind of nextpage.aspx. But when leave it empty so it will dynamically extract whatever value that's typed there, it doesn't read it. I am sort of understand why it is failing but can't fix it. I have gone through: [URL]
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May 31, 2010
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in the first page
Response.Redirect("userview.aspx?RollNo=" & TextBox1.Text)
then in the target page
dim rollno1 as string
Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
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Jan 28, 2010
am using master page in visual studio 2005. I want to fetch the drop down value which is there is the master page in my child page using the code below
DropdownList ddl=(DropdownList)Master.FindControl("ddlprofile");
The databinding to the dropdownlist is happening in the code behind of the masterpage.
But its showing null value in the child page. is there any way to fetch the values from the master page in the child page.
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I have threee dropdownlist's which are varchar in master page and one dropdownlist in current page which is of int datatype. At present in current page I'm using LIKE '%' for all dropdownlist's. I need to pass dropdownlist vlaues as parameter to sql.
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Jun 17, 2010
this how my code goes
function getdate()
i declare a variable here
<% dim catchdate
catchdate= response.querystring("date") %>
i am having select
<select id="Date" name="date" onchange="getdate()">
<options value ="< % = catchdate%> ">Select Date </options>
here in the dropdown i get data form sql DB like this
set rs = createobject(Adodb.recordset)
sqlqry ="Select date from table order by date desc"
rs.open sql con
On selection of the date the corresponding records of the date will be displayed This is part of my coding, the problem is whenever i change the date as the form submits the dropdown brings the corresponding results but it is not displaying the selected date.
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string nums = sb.ToString();
string pattern = "-";
string[] substrings = Regex.Split(nums, pattern);
arraylength = substrings.Length;
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Nov 2, 2010
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I have created a property called as IsEntryGrid. Which is boolean. If it is true then it is assumed that it will be a grid where dataentry is possible from footer controls. Controls in footer are created dynamically. My problem is that when i m pressing ok image button control state is not maintained.
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my code to create grid footer....
protected override void CreateChildControls()
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set to "true".Whenever I click the button a javascript function is called .On clicking 'OK' in the popup ,the textbox values are lost.Is there a way to retain these values?
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Oct 20, 2010
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Feb 22, 2011
I am trying to display a web page on the server that has a MS Chart in it using and IFrame. It renders the page except the Chart. it show the box of the chart with a red X in it. No errors. However if i set the url to a link button it works fine or if i paste the url in IE it works fine.
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Feb 4, 2010
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content if a session variable is not null.
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Dec 14, 2010
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Feb 28, 2011
I am using framework 4 and VS 2010 and have two iframes that loads two web pages on load. I enabled scrolling and set properties of iframe this way:
<iframe src="http://iis/app1/Default_display.aspx" runat="server" width="100%"
height="900" id="I22"
name="I22" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="yes"
style="overflow: scroll" >
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
My problem is that when page loads I have scroll bars on iframe but when I scroll the page is not complete bottom and right part are not displaying at all I just cant see it. If there are any controls in that unvisible part of page they are moved and everything looks bit messy. How can I display 100%, complete page (like when it is open in new window) in iframe with scroll bars?
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Jan 31, 2011
I am having weird display issues using the jQuery dialog with an iframe in Firefox and IE8.
I have tested the page itself outside of the iframe and the problems are not reproduced, only when inside of the jQuery dialog.
Issue,image actual size: 300x225 image display size: 400x300
JS Code - Parent Page
$(document).ready(function() {
var img = $('.photoLink');
var imgSrc = img.attr('src'); [code]....
The class of the image is set dynamically based on image dimensions.
The image path is set in the code behind, no styling or resizing done.
The images are resized upon upload to be no larger than 300x300.
Display is correct in Chrome and Safari, but in IE and FF for some reason it enlarges the image.
View 2 Replies
May 3, 2010
I'm curently developing web application which uses standard form authorization and, of course, server session objects (quite classic app). Now I'm developing client side component, which base functionality is to allow users to acquire tiif/jpg/pdf document from scanner (client side) and send it to server. Because of scan complexity and need for very user friendly interface i decided to implement Activex object (object written in .net 2.0). Until now all was ok, so I have got activex which succesfully registers and scan documents on client - but i cannot manage with sending files to server.
My concept of sending files was like that:
- preparing Upload.aspx web page wich is used for reciving files sended by POST method and saving files in database (of course to proper save in database i need some current user context information) - in ActiveX i decided to use System.Net.HttpWebRequest object to prepare and send data the problem was third point:
- i thought that in-proc activex object would "derive" web session form web page activex is placed on - but i was wrong (or i made it wrong). Whenever i send request form Activex, in response i got login.aspx page - so it looks that new session is created and new authorization is needed.
I was trying to pass to my Activex values stored in "ASP.Net_SessionId" and ".ASPXAUTH" cookies, as i found that these are the values identifying session and athorized user - but with no luck.
I think, that becaause HTTP is stateless protocol all information needed to "connect to/share" existing session on IIS server need to be included in request data, so there must be way to add these information to request sended from my activex.
I would be very grateful, if someone could provide me information what should i add (headres/cookies/etc... ?) to my request data so it could share session from "parent" web page.
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Mar 15, 2010
In web config file I have add key values specified.
In the formview I have labels on edit , item and insert mode that I want to display all the time by getting those values from web config. I'm able to do that with no problem but when I change the modes between edit to insert or item view, I lose those label values until I hit the "select" twice from the Gridview, those values re-appear. Below is the snippet of the code. What do I need to do to retain the category values all the time?
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Jun 17, 2010
We are setting session variables in the login page with all user details.And in all subsequent pages we check this session variable.This check is done in the page load of master page.As the number of users increased am getting error with these session variables.This session variable is returning me "nothing" when I check and the user is redirected to logout page.Interesting thing is that this is not happening always.
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Nov 30, 2010
I was wondering is there a way to retain a value in a variable after the session has ended?
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