How To Retain Values In The Control

Dec 8, 2010

I have controls in the forms . After submit , I am displaying crystal report. After display of Crystal report if I come back to my form again using back button my values in the forms are not retained .(i.e) Some controls having values , some not and some have different values.

How to maintain values in the form which coming back using back button?

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Code behind:
public partial class ajaxGridSort : System.Web.UI.Page
public string sortOrder
get [code]....
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string nums = sb.ToString();
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or any other kind of link in my Calendar Control without clobbering whatever was in there? If it is not possible is there another way to link to another page after a date in the Calendar Control is clicked?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retain Values In A FormView When Validations Fails Or The SQL Fails On An Insert?

Oct 6, 2010

To me this should be much easier, but I can't seem to retain the values that are put in the Insert template upon a validation failure or when the sql fails. This will prevent the user from having to retype everything agin in the event of a failure.

As you can see I am using the Sub Insert_Click and not using an insert through the wizard. so the fields are unbound textboxes on the form. There are 2 dropdowns that provide choices for the other fields.

I pasted in the code using the text only option becuase the format was getting messed up. I probably need more background on why the fields are blanking out.


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Oct 22, 2010

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& then retain the value back to fileupload control after post back.

how can i do this..

it gives error that filename is read only type.

for e.g.

Session["image"] = imageuploader.FileName.ToString();

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May 7, 2015

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<td align="center" rowspan="11" style="width: 130px" valign="top">
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload4" runat="server" Width="100px"
Enabled='<%# bind("imagePath") %>' />
<asp:Label ID="lblimage" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("imagepath") %>'

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Cascading html select server control, jQuery does not retain value on post back

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Forms Data Controls :: C# Set Values Of Repeater Control Values In Code Behind?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a repeater that I have bound to a sql reader via my code behind page.

However I can't figure out how to populate the controls in my repeater in my code behind code.

At the moment I am having to specify the database field e.g productprice with the control in the .aspx page like this

<asp:Label ID="LabelUnitPrice" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("productprice") %>'></asp:Label>

I would rather specify fields in my code behind than embedding them in the .aspx page.

I also have a subtotal label control in my repeater that I would like to populate its text property by mutiplying two of the database values e.g productprice * unitprice shown in my repeater.

I need to do this in code behind, looping through the repeater. Any idea of how I can do this in C#?

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Web Forms :: Passing Values From Parent Page To User Control And Maintaining The Values Added

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to know if we can pass values from Parent page (in this case from Default.aspx page) to the user control and maintain those values on subsequent "Add/Load" of user control.

So in short, if I click the "Add" button it loads my "webusercontrol" and also I am able to pass my default.aspx dropdownlist value to this dynamically loaded user control and assign it to a "Label or Textbox" which resides in my "webusercontrol", now the problem is that the value doesn't persists! What I meant is , when I click "Add" button again the "webusercontrol" gets loaded again perfectly but now all my "Label's" in webusercontrol has the new selected value from the default.aspx dropdownlist.

So say for instance I have a Dropdownlist in Default.aspx page with Values "Apple, BlackBerry, Nokia" and initial value to be passed is "Apple", I click the "Add" button, now my "Label" inside webusercontrol has the value "Apple", perfect! Next when I click "Add" button again and select a different value to be passed this time say "BlackBerry" now I have 2 webusercontrol loaded on the page, so that means I have 2 "Labels" with different ID's, but now my first Label initially had the value "Apple" because that's what I had passed and now when I passed the value "Blackberry" both the labels of my webusercontrol has the value "BlackBerry" instead of one being "Apple" and another "BlackBerry"

Is there a way to resolve this issue? may be Dictionary List?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Multiple Values To HyperLink Control In DetailView Control?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to bind upto 3 values to a HyperLink control in a DetailView control to create a query string but it does not seem to work.

Following is my code for the HyperLink:


The parameters UserName, FirstName and LastName are column names from the sqldatasource.

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How To Retain The Value Of The Session In Web Service

Jul 24, 2010

i have created a web service that will we accessible to only authenticated user of the website.when user first time call a web method first he will we authenticated.when authentication is successfull i will create a session for that on next call to the web service by that user i want to use that session means he is authenticated user.But on the next call session becomes null .what is the problem with that.

How to retain the value of the session in web service

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Retain IEnumerable<T> Value During Postback?

Mar 17, 2010

I have an IEnumerable< T> which is declared on the page like this:IEnumerable< Person> person;When the page postsback, the person list is null. How can I retain the values of person list without declaring it as static? Sr. devs in my company say that you should not declare the list as static.

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