Web Forms :: Sending Data To Php - Line Stops?

Oct 22, 2010

I have sample code for sending data from asp to PHP, but something goes wrong. Here is the code


but in this line stops.


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Line Breaks Are Being Lost When Sending Text To The Database

Feb 22, 2011

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Here is the DataSource....


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Web Forms :: Display Text Line By Line?

Apr 27, 2010

i have insert a text in a textbox with the textmode = multiline.. when i display out the data, i wan the data will be display with the break line. for example, my input is like that

18.0 million effective pixels
Auto lighting optimizer
Full HD video 1920 x 1080

the text is line by line. but when i display out the data i have inserted through textbox it cannot display line by line in the front page.

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May 14, 2010

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123, joe blow, USA

Where the first values represent:


If my file has 5000 rows, could I update a particular row somehow using C#?

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C# - How To Parse User Input From A Textarea Line By Line

Apr 19, 2010

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Jan 5, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Gridview Data In Two Or More Line?

Jul 21, 2010

I am displaying city name in grid view using hyperlink column. Because of large number of city name i want to display it in two or three line and paging

here is my code

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="60" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="cityid" BorderColor="#0D1719" CssClass="hotelname">
<asp:HyperLinkField DataTextField="cityname" DataNavigateUrlFields="cityname" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="hotelscity.aspx?Hotels={0}" />

i want to display 30 city name in one line next 30 in 2nd line.

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Multi Line Text Box With Line Breaks

Jul 28, 2010

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Here is a well formatted comment.as I typed in the text boxtoday. How do I insert the line breaks in the string from a textbox?

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Mar 4, 2010

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Jan 25, 2010

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When I run this code, the ASP.Net Development Server gets stopped without throwing any exceptions. What might be the reason?

Object objFilePath = (Object)Element;

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Nov 24, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Error When Sending Gridview Data To Spreadsheet / Index Was Out Of Range

Jun 29, 2010

I have used to code below successfully to export a gridview to an excel spreadsheet, however when i use it for a gridview with data from a different table i receive the following error:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index

The thing is it works locally fine but when i upload to my shared server i receive the error above?

how to resolve/troubleshoot this?

aspx file:


code behind button click:


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Feb 8, 2011

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Jan 5, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: In-line Formatting With An IF Statement?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm looking for a way to format a drop down list's selected value property such that if the Bind value is not found in the db then display "Empty".

I saw something a while back like <%# Format { Bind("Account_Type") ? Bind("Account_Type") : "ALL"} %>.

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Forms Data Controls :: Two Grid Views - Out Of Line

Jul 16, 2010

I have two grid views in my page..first one normally displays many number of rows..But the second one displays 3 or 4 rows....when the project running, the second one seems to appear at the centre of the first..that is if the first grid has 12 and second grid has 4 rows ..the first row of the second is in line with the 5th row of the second..why this happen? I want a normal display..The first row of the second grid should be in line with the first row of the first grid.

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