Web Forms :: Server Event Does Not Fire With Dynamic HTML Control

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages: [CODE] CmsContactUsContent += string.Format(" "" + "" + "

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Fire Event Of A Server Control In A Gridview?

Nov 24, 2010

i have a grideview which their is a LinkButton control i want to wite some code in that event i i do that. I am providing the code for better understanding


Code Behind


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Web Forms :: Fire Selectindexchanged Event Of Dynamic Droopdown In Gridview?

Jul 22, 2010

I added dropdownlist & textbox controls to gridview row dynamically on button click.

my dropdown Datavaluefield="Amount" & DataTextfield="Product" . when I select a product item in dropdownlist the corresding product item Amount should display in Textbox in gridview.

and dropdown selectchangedevent is not firing why?

I write like this:

protected void ddl1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow gridViewRow = (GridViewRow)(((Control)sender).NamingContainer);
DropDownList ddl1 = (DropDownList)gridViewRow.FindControl("ddl1");
TextBox itProductQuantity = (TextBox)gridViewRow.FindControl("itProductQuantity");
itProductQuantity.Text = ddl1.SelectedValue;

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic LinkButton Click Event Won't Fire?

Dec 21, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET web application using .net 4.0 and VS2010.

I have a GridView and I am appending a row at the bottom to allow users to input data for "Adding" a new record.

The ONLY way I have found for this to work is to do this in the RowDataBound event of the grid. I can check to see if it is about to process the footer row then I know I am at the bottom and can insert this new row.

The row I am inserting contains a couple of TextBoxes and a LinkButton for the "Add" link.

If I just drop a LinkButton on my form and hook up the click event and I click the link button then the first thing that fires is the Page_Load event then my click event. However what is happening when I click the link button that was dynamically added to the GridView is the Page_Load event fires but the click event never does.

I have read 1000 threads saying to try to create the controls in the preinit() or some other event. In my case I can't. Or else someone would have to explain how to add the row to the bottom of the databound GridView.

Here is my code: (I removed creating the Textboxes because that is not part of the problem.


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Web Forms :: Unable To Fire RowCommand Event In Gridview For Dynamic Item Template Button?

Jan 12, 2010

I am creating custom Gridview for dynamic Columns (getting columns from Database) and addting textboxes to headers for filtering data. I set the "EnableViewstate=False".

My problem is when I click on Filter Button it is not firing RowCommand event.

here is my code.


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Hidden Or Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Doesn't Fire Server-Side UploadedComplete Event

May 26, 2010

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.

Page code -
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %>
<act:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1" />
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upnlFileUpload">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnShowUpload" Text="Show Upload" />
<div runat="server" id="divUpload" visible="false">

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Web Forms :: Event Handling With HTML And Server Control

Apr 3, 2010

one is anchor tag and other asp linkbutton tag

we want to call user defined function on onclick of anchor tag and as well as linkbutton

is it possible?

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Dynamic Added Event Doesn't Fire

Mar 3, 2010

I add linkbutton controls dynamically to a panel, this works fine, but I also add eventhandlers to them like this.. AddHandler mLink.Click, AddressOf mLink_OnClick But when I click the linkbutton links, the event never happend. I have one updatepanel wrapped around some panels. What could be wrong?

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Unable To Get Dynamic Button Click Event To Fire

Jul 28, 2010

I am adding some dynamic image buttons to a form in my code behind (vb.net) and added a click event handler, but it never fires. Also when I click on a button the page posts back and everything below my update panel disappears.

code behind


Click handler


Here is my aspx page code.


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Run Server Side Function On Dynamic HTML Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages:

CmsContactUsContent += string.Format("
"<input type='image' value='delete' id='del{8}' runat='server' onClick='DeleteItem' img src='/MaromyDotNet/img/AdminIcons/note.png' style='width:16px;'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div style='clear:both'></div></div>", message.ContactMessageId);

There is a Class called ContactMessage and I'd like at each iteraion to allow the user to delete the current message through this function:

public void DeleteItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
int idToDelete = 41;

However, the event does not fire.

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Web Forms :: Fire An Event From A Control?

Feb 3, 2010

lets say I have a control with a button in it. I want to use my control on a page but then know when the button in the control has been clicked. I assume I need to fire some sort of event when the user clicks the button and then in my parent page I can hook into onMyCustomEvent or something..

How do I do this?

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AJAX :: Dynamic Client-side Content / Getting An "object Expected" Error From An OnClick Event From A HTML Control?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to use JavaScript passed by Ajax on the client-side? I am getting an "object expected" error from an onClick event from a HTML control that is passed with the JS. The controls and JS work when the page is rendered on the server.

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Web Forms :: Web User Control - Event Won't Fire?

Oct 18, 2010

I created two instances in a page. The first instance fired up imgMensaje_Click without a problem, but the second one event doesn't fired up at all.


Event's code:


WUC instance:


Setting a breakpoint on RaiseBubbleEvent, when i click firs't imagebutton event fires up, but when click second0s imagebutton nothings happen.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Server Side Event Is Not Firing If We Set Client Side Events?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Created Control Does Not Fire An Event?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm creating some linkbuttons dynamically and assigning properties like below. Also I'm adding an event handler to the created link button:


What happens here is when the links created at runtime are clicked, most of the links are linked to other applications. (e.g from app1 to app2, app1 to app3 etc..) So when moving from the current app to the next I want to abandon the current session. However, this event is not firing before navigating to the next page. Could someone suggest a workaraound or the correct way to accomplish that?

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Load Dynamic Control From A Dropdownlist Event Handler - How To Preserve The Control After Button Event

Mar 10, 2011

I understand I need to load my dynmaic control on every postback and preferrably in Page_Init(). But my dyanmic controls are loaded from a dropdownlist selectedindexchanged event handler. Now after any postback, my dynamic controls are gone. How would I force it to load on every postback ?

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Web Forms :: How To Fire Server Side Event After Client Side Event Is Triggered

Sep 12, 2012

I have a scenario where i have 4 asp buttons , on click of each button there are 4 labels inside 4 seperate divs where each displays seperate data.

Now if i click second button i need to display second label text inside 2nd div and hide all other divs.How can i achieve this ?

 OnClientClick event of each button calls displayAlternate() which displays repective div and hides other.

displayAlternate('second'); return false; --> if i do this server side event is not fired ...

If I return true div second label is not getting displayed..

How can I achieve functionality where all divs expect 2nd is hidden and i get server side event also..

Below is code.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function displayAlternate(id) {

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: User Control Click Event Doesn't Fire?

Mar 8, 2010

A little confused on something. I have a User Control in a master page. In the User Control there are image buttons. when I try to wire any click event even to say update a label in the User Control itself, nothing gets updated.

It is as if the postback is not handled at all.

What I want to do is click the image button in the User Control and then change a value in the master page. This could happen a few ways but for example it could update a public property or a control itself like a textbox or label.

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Web Forms :: User Control Needs To Fire Event In Aspx Page?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a need to improve the asthetics of the standard buttons .net churns out. I am fully aware of how to do this using css but I can only really style the button if I add a span element inside the button. Luckily the link button allows this so I have got the following which for usability i have put inside a user control.

<linkbutton><label>button text</label></linkbutton>

I have exposed elements so that I can set values from within my aspx.cs page, these are text, command name, command argument, ccc class etc.

As it is a generic control, I have added OnCommand='Button_Click" which fires the event in the control itself. The Button_Click event calls a method ButtonControls passing associated command name and arguments across. ButtonControls uses the name to call the appropriate function.

As these are all very generic buttons, so far so good, but I have a need to trigger button events that may not be generic i.e on a control I have buttons that do something very specific to that control. I also have a requirement to call functions which relate to specific controls on the aspx page. I have created a user control which encapsulates the link button control.

Click triggers > Button_Click > ButtonControls > MethodToCall

sometimes I don't want to call Button_Click just an event on the aspx page itself rather than my generic button handler.

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Web Forms :: Fire User Control Event From Aspx.cs File?

May 25, 2010

I have a user control with two drop down, on selection change of first dropdown second dropdown should get populated. Now when I place this user control in a aspx file, I need to access the second dropdown value on change of send dropdown .

eg: in ascx file

Department drop down and employee dropdown. on change of department dropdown, employee dropdown should populate. (which is working fine for me)

in aspx.cs file

on change of employee dropdown, I need to get the employee id and so some other operation. (I am struggling here)

Is there any way where I can fire usercontrol event from aspx.cs file?

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Web Forms :: Why Does Server Side Hiddenfield Not Fire Oninit Event

Jan 19, 2011

I have a hidden control and i am adding oninit event from code behind on hidden control,but why does server side hiddenfield not fire oninit event?

<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="hidden" name="hiddenColConfigure"/>
Code behind:
hidden.Attributes.Add("oninit", "initHiddenConfigure("this");

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Web Forms :: Timer Tick Event Doesn't Fire In Second User Control

Jan 22, 2011

I've run into a problem with one of my web sites and I am having trouble figuring out the problem and a good solution. This is my scenario: I have a user control that displays a slideshow with images and some text that changes every fifteen seconds. To do this, I have an update panel that contains a timer control with an interval of 15000. It calls a method called slideshowTimer_Tick in the codebehind. The web page that contains this user control is a relatively simple page; no update panels or timers, just divs.

The problem I have is that if I have two of these user controls on the page, the tick event only fires for the first control. It never fires for the second control, although the control is full initialized otherwise.

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Web Forms :: Event Fire In User Control - Consumed By Parent Page

May 13, 2010

I have a 2 part question for web user controls: 1. I want to have an event fire in my user control, but have it be consumed by the parent page, like:

<asp1:Object id="objectMain" runat="server" OnClick="Click" />

Is it possible to do this? Or do I need to make a server control for this functionality? I have it being able to be set in the Page_Init, but I'd like to make it as similar to actual controls as possible. Also, if it is possible to access via the Events section under Properties, that would be good and 2. I am trying to register the web user control as an AsyncPostbackTrigger for another UpdatePanel. With the previous question in mind, is it also possible to set this via the GUI, or does this need to be set programmatically as well?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Fire The Itemdatabound Event For A Repeater Control

Jun 18, 2010

how do i fire the itemdatabound event for a repeater control which is nested inside a another repeater control

code is in vb.net

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Link Buttons In External Gridview Pager User Control Don't Fire Command

Nov 16, 2010

I'm customizing a NopCommerce store, and am using a gridview to display and sort the products. All that works well. I like how the external pager (user control) works with the gridview, with one exception -- it uses the hyperlink control, so I lost viewstate, which I need to retain for both the search page and to retain the gridview sort options. Based on the page selected (from the pager control), I query the database and rebind the gridview. So, I switched the user control to use LinkButtons instead of Hyperlinks. This is the sample code for one of the buttons:


I set a breakpoint inside the lbCommandClick method, but it never gets hit. Reading other posts tells me that I would have to add the dynamic controls in the OnLoad method, but since this all happens based on other data on the page (say search results), I don't think I can do it onLoad. However, the link buttons do work to cause a postback, and my viewstate is saved correctly. The only problem is that I do not know which button was clicked. I could check Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] onLoad, but that is kind of a hack -- I'd much rather be able to set the event handler in the user control and use the CommandArgument property. But, what I have tried so far fails.

Especially one that would allow me to set the EventHandler in the User Control? (e.g. OnlbCommand="PagerLBPageChange" )

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