Web Forms :: Showing Excel On Web Page?

Aug 11, 2010

I want to show Excel objects and its functionality on my web page. Is there any way to do so? I want to show it the way google spreadsheet is.

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C# - NPOI Excel Number Format Not Showing In Excel Sheet?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to create double and number format cells in excel using NPOI library. I used code like

Dim cell As HSSFCell = row.CreateCell(j)

In excel numbers are aligning right but when I check format it is showing in "General"

then I changed my code to like below

Dim cell As HSSFCell = row.CreateCell(j)
Dim cellStyle As HSSFCellStyle = hssfworkbook.CreateCellStyle
cellStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat("#,#0.0")
cell.CellStyle = cellStyle

Then While opening file it is giving error and also taking so long to open. But Excel format showing in "Number" error showing is like below.

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Web Forms :: Exporting Data To Excel Not Showing Complete Address?

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county .the code for this button is below.

protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var _exportData = FilteredAudienceAsTable;
Export(_exportData, "Audiences.xls");


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Forms Data Controls :: Export Gridview To Ms Excel - Set Excel Page Orientation As Landscape

Jan 22, 2010

I am exporting a gridview in MS Excel as mentioned in the following link:


I want to set orientation of excel pages as landscape. Is there any way to do that? Any header information to be added for file being exported to set orientation of pages as landscape?

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Mojibake Characters Showing After Exporting Excel

Jul 26, 2012

Here are the steps made to replicate the issue.

Steps: 1. Go to the List --> Contact Persons page. 2. Click on the "Export" button to generate .XLS report for the Contact Persons List. 3. Close the .XLS report and navigate to other pages e.g. Contacts List. 4. In the Contacts List, click on "Close" button to REDIRECT back to the "Contact Persons" list page.

Expected: - Page shoud display the Contact Persons List page.

Actual: - A strange page is displayed containing mojibaki characters. See image in this [URL] ....

Here are the codes to generate the excel using an Active report:

private static void PushContentToHttp(ActiveReport report, MemoryStream msData, string fileName, string url)
XlsExport xls = new XlsExport();
xls.DisplayGridLines = true;

[Code] .....

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Exporting Datagrid To Excel Not Showing Color Of Datacell Contents?

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<div style="background-color: #b88eb5;>
Random Text 1
<div style="background-color: #8ccb83;>
Random Text 2

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Databases :: Reading From An Excel Spreadsheet - Fields With Numbers Are Showing As DBNull

Nov 8, 2010

My web app is allowing the user to load a column of data from an Excel spreadsheet. For whatever reason, as it parses the data, fields that are just integers are coming up as System.DBNull. (Code in VB.NET but I work with C# as well, so feel free to post C# solutions)


dataRow(0) is System.DBNull when the Excel file has a number in Column A. Here's what the Excel looks like

Column A
123456 and 119655902 come through as DBNull

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Databases :: Uploading An Excel (.xls) File To Server And Showing It To Grid View?

Apr 25, 2010


i have successfully showed data using puting directpath in to a textbox(e.g, filename=TextBox1.Text;). but the code above is not working. i dont know why.

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Web Forms :: Showing Master Page Image In Child Page

May 3, 2012

I am having a folder with the name "MyPoints". I have created a new master page inside that folder.

I created aspx  page outside the folder "Mypoints" and also inherit the master page.

When i run the child page, I cann't able to view the images in the master page.

When i put the page inside the folder "Mypoints", i can able to see the master page image.

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Web Forms :: Showing Different Products On The Same Page?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to pull different product meta tags from a database onto a page. The problem I have is my DefaultValue="59" is the only product to be displayed if I change this value to another product id it displays just that products meta tags.

Below is my code:




View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Images Not Showing Up On Login Page?

Dec 3, 2010

In my web application I have a separate folder for Images and MasterPages and I am using forms authentication. Thus if I will not allow anonymous access for Images folder the login page will not be able to show any image.

guide me if this is what we should be doing or is there any other way to handle the scenario. Also, let me know is there any drawback of this technique.

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Way To Execute Url Without Showing That Page Or Url To Client

Aug 21, 2010

what i want to do is to execute a url ("To send a text message to client") on client registration but without showing that url page, in short executing url without displaying any page or url to the client.

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Web Forms :: Google Adsense Not Showing In Some Page

Feb 19, 2011

Recently, google has approved my adsense request and i have integrated adsense code to my site. My website is fully developed in asp.net 4.0. On some pages adsense is not visible. I have a masterpage in my site to display some adds on entire site. The same add in visible on some pages and the same add is not visible on some other pages. For example,

www.domain.com [right side add is visible left side add is not visible]
www.domain.com/tips.aspx [both sides visible]
www.domain.com/about.aspx [right side add is visible left side add is not visible]
www.domain.com/nst/default.aspx [both sides visible]
www.domain.com/apss/default.aspx [right side add is visible left side add is not visible]

In above all case, right side is sometimes not visible. I have checked to put <div> on upper most layer but no luck. Even I have placed the same left side add code to right side but no luck here too.

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Web Forms :: Showing Search Results In Another Page?

Feb 19, 2010

I am creating a website for my final year project and I create a search based on this tutorial:


I would like to show the results from the search in another page. How do I show the results of the search in another page when the user press the button?

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Web Forms :: Showing Message In Master Page?

Apr 24, 2012

I am having lblmessage in master page.

In the child page, i tried to show the message in that  lblmessage   in btn click event in child page.

The message is binding inside the label but is is not displayed.

I tried by put the label inside  the update panel, it is not showing.

But when i put Postback control trigger for the btn  click event, the message gets displayed.

But the page gets completely refreshed.

I want to show the message without refreshing the page.

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Web Forms :: Signed WinForm Control Not Showing In Web Page?

Nov 8, 2010

I developped a light WinForm Control that run like an ActiveX in a Web Page. No problem yet.However, when i want to access System.IO I got a Security Exception. It seems that I have to sign my assembly, so that's what I did. When my assembly is signed, my Web Browser can't show the Winform. I set IE to download any ActiveX in the Security tab ... Nothing happens. Uncheck "Sign Assembly" ... works fine ...

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Web Forms :: Showing Temporary UI To User Before Page Is Rendered?

Feb 24, 2010

In the ASP.NET application that I'm working on, the home/landing page takes around 20-25 seconds to load.

And, that is expectable by everyone, as the application loads huge data, calls multiple services before the first page can be loaded.

I am looking to show some kind of HTML UI to the user while the page loads up.

I tried multiple things but the earliest that something shows up on the page is through Response.Write() in the Page Init and hide that HTML content in jQuery's $(document).ready(). In this case also, something shows up after 60% or the wait time has passed.

I want something to show up as soon as the authentication is done (form the login page) and before the home page shows up. Something similar to what shows up on Orbitz.com or [URL], some kind of UI between clicking search and the actual search result is shown.

If it was ASP.NET MVC, I can think of good solutions as you have complete control on the rendering but we are using ASP.NET 3.5 with server side Ajax controls.

Here's what currently takes place before the home page:

Login page submit actions -
Load SSO Data,
Redirect to home Page.

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Web Forms :: Validation Summary Not Showing In Master Page?

Sep 17, 2010

I am using User controls in my web page. I have validation controls in my user control and the validation summary control is placed in the master page. Problem is I am not getting the errors displayed when I am running my application.

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Web Forms :: Using Textbox In Web Page As To And From,subject Showing Error?

Mar 5, 2010

Hpresently i am sending email directly giving my account in the code file.It is working . But, when i am using textbox in web page as To and FROM ,SUBJECT. It is not working as well as not showing an error .

My code

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MailMessage m = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient();
m.From = new MailAddress("from");
m.To .Add (new MailAddress ("to));
m.CC .Add (new MailAddress ("somebody"));
m.Subject = "subject";
m.IsBodyHtml = true;
m.Body = " This is a test mail ";
sc.Host = "smtp.gmail.com";
sc.Port = 587;
sc.Credentials =new System .Net .NetworkCredential ("from.gmail");
sc.EnableSsl = true;
catch (Exception ex)

How can i send through textboxes .

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Web Forms :: Showing Video Inside Aspx Page?

Jan 12, 2011

How to show video (.wmv file) inside aspx page. Currently am doing with the help of javascript.When i click on link the video will open in separate window. instead of that I want that video to

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Web Forms :: Image In Master Page Not Showing On Some Pages

Dec 2, 2013

<div class="header">
<table> <tr>
<td colspan="3">
<img src="Images/placement_web_panner.jpg"
style="height: 153px; width: 1009px; margin-top: 0px;"/>
</td> </tr>
</table> </div>
The above code contains an image tag in header of the master page..

whenever I open a new web form linked with this master page.. the existing image doesn't open or isn't displayed..

And one more ques... the overall contents of the web pages are moving beyond their original locations after being run the program.. whereas the contents are in their own locations before execution.. How can I make them static to view??

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Web Forms :: Meta Tag Populated From Database Not Showing On Page Source

Jun 10, 2012

I populate mete tag from database according to this thread [URL] ....

In store.aspx page i have this behinde code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("storeInfo", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

[Code] ....

Here instead of 

stringkeyword = _dr[0].ToString();

I put

string keyword = _dr["Keyword"].ToString();
But when i run website and see viewsource it doesn't show any thing in meta tag.

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Web Forms :: Controls Showing As Null In PreInit Event Of Content Page

Mar 29, 2011

I have a content page with a grid view control in it. In the page preinit event of this page, i am trying to add a column to the grid view. But the value of the grid view shows up as null. Is there something i am missing or how do we add properties to the grid view in the page pre init of the content page.

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Web Forms :: Showing All Active User's Activities Without Refreshing Page And Without Database Hit

Mar 22, 2010

We are making a site in asp.net 3.5 C# and i am showing my all user activites on one page (i am making a call to db at page load) but to get updated user activities i have to refresh the page so that again one hit go to the db and get all updated data.

But i want to update this feature like this site : [URL]

Objective: i want when user open activity page first time then in first hit it will get 20 latest user activities but after that i dont want to make a database call for that again and again. but each new activity of user's will automatically append to my activity list one by one.

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Web Forms :: What Is The Slickest Way Of Showing A Visual Image To The User While A Page Is Loading

Jan 31, 2011

I know there are a number of ways to show the user that a page is loading with a visual image.What is the slickest and most effective way of doing that. I would like to use Javascript if possible.Presently I can turn on an image calling a function form pageLoad() method of Javascript, but I can't figure out a way to turn it off. Couldn't get pageUnload() to be called.

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