Web Forms :: StyleSheetTheme Is No Longer Working

May 25, 2010

I have been maintaining a web application that is written using C# in VS2005 for about a year. Recently TFS was reorganized and my supervisor moved all the source code from one lacation to another. Since then I have not been able to get the application to display properly. It took me a while but I finally figured out that the issue is tied to the StyleSheetTheme property of the page declarative tag. When I removed it I can compile but the page doesn't render properly. When i add it almost all of the controls fail with this error: "An unhandled exception has occured. Cannot instantiate type 'WebPart' because there is no public parameterless constructor". This even happens on standard ASP.NET controls. I started to upgrade the application to VS 2008 but that has opened up all sorts of problems. I need to get this application running so I can continue to maintain the application.

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Architecture :: NUnit Debugging No Longer Working?

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Now when I try this using NUnit on the new configuraiton it just skips over my breakpoints.

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Web Forms :: Change Theme With Default Stylesheettheme?

Jan 26, 2011

I'll use a default Theme in the web.config

<pages styleSheetTheme="deftheme">

But on a admin directory, i use a different theme. So i change the aspx file header:


But right now he uses both themes. I would like to change it so in the admin directory he should use 1 theme and not the default one. How can i change that ?

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AJAX :: Upgraded From Vs2005 To Vs2008, AJAX No Longer Working?

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Configuration :: StyleSheetTheme Not Being Applied When Use The Local IIS Web Server?

Feb 17, 2011

My background image is not being applied when I switch over to using the local IIS server.

It's defined as:

<%@ Page Language="C#" StylesheetTheme="Common"...%>

VS Web Server: http://localhost:33174/Index.aspx = OK

Local IIS Server: http://localhost/MyApp/Index.aspx = background not showing

My Common.css class is defined as:

#masthead {

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Configuration :: StylesheetTheme Error When Hosting Multiple Sites Together As .net 3.5

Nov 14, 2010

I have three asp.net 2.0 websites running on the same host server and recently upgraded to 3.5. After making changes necessary in the root web.config all sites run, but I've lost the stylesheet for the primary site.

Before the upgrade I had the following in the root web.config

<pages styleSheetTheme="Red" />

I got errors on this line because the upgraded web.config had another <pages> section. I tried adding the stylesheetTheme='Red" to that section and the primary website ran and looked right, but the subs got an error that there was no StyleSheetTheme="Red".

Each site has it's own stylesheets. How can I restore the stylesheettheme to the primary site without putting it in the root webconfig? Or, is there another way to handle this?

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Visual Studio :: Using Local IIS And StylesheetTheme -background Image Is Not Applied?

Feb 18, 2011

using StyleSheetTheme="Common", my background image is not being applied when I switch over to using the local IIS server.

VS Web Server: http://localhost:33174/Index.aspx = OK

Local IIS Server: http://localhost/MyApp/Index.aspx = background not showing

My Common.css class is defined as:

#masthead {

I've tried various paths to the image.

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Web Forms :: StylesheetTheme="" Breaks Viewstate - Will This Nightmare Ever End?

Feb 7, 2011

Last week I posted this thread - I was having a problem with duplicate class attributes being added to my controls. I suspected theming but setting EnableTheming="false" did nothing fix the problem so I started troubleshooting elsewhere.I eventually found that setting Theme ="" should disable themeing still no luck. At that point I was sure theming was not the issue. To make a long (painful) story short I wasted a day beating my head against the wall....I eventually traced the problem back to theming and found that setting StylesheetTheme="" would kill that beast.

Well it looks like I got more than I bargained for because now when I submit my page I find that viewstate is broken. Yes, setting StylesheetTheme="" breaks viewstate. I can demonstrate 100% of the time that when StylesheetTheme="" viewstate does not work in my user control that is inside a repeater. It does work however with controls on the page. I have no idea why.

Here is Default.aspx with some controls removed[Code]....

Here is the user control:


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Web Forms :: (contentPageLoad() No Longer Run In Content Pages?

Jan 24, 2011

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Web Forms :: ValidatorCalloutExtender No Longer Available In Design Time?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 with the AjaxControlToolkit and at design time I am dragging some regex validators on the page.

Prior to yesterday, when I did this, the design time control allowed me to click a little arrow in the upper right hand of the control and add an extender.

Well, now that ability to add an extender at design time is gone, and I don't know what happened.

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Web Forms :: Event Handlers Not Triggering Any Longer?

Sep 14, 2010

I've been working on a web form that has lost it's ability to respond to most event handlers, though code that I write in Page_Load still fires. No button click or text changed events will fire. This has been working for months, and suddenly stopped. I did a windiff comparison to an older version of the webform, and don't see anything suspicious.

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Web Forms :: This SqlTransaction Has Completed - It Is No Longer Usable

May 7, 2015

When I insert data to multiple table  record inserted successfully . But exception occur .

as "

This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable

My code is as bellow

string sqlMsg = string.Empty;
SqlTransaction trns = null;
using (con = new SqlConnection(clsConnection.GetSqlConnection()))
trns = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Keep Session Variables Active For Longer Period?

Jun 15, 2013

When user log's in with it's emaild and password, I have stored it's email id in session variable as: Session("user"). After logged in, If i leave the page kept opened OR ideal for sometime and after thatt if I select any option from user profile, the session variable get expired and send's me back to login page.  I want that if I would create 2 to 3 session variable's it should remain activated for longer period. So that even if page kept ideal for longer period and then if selects any option, the session variable's should not be expired soon.

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Forms Data Controls :: FindControl No Longer Works In Datalist?

Feb 9, 2010


now, I added information to the <headertemplate><table><tr><td>headers</td></tr></table></headertemplate>

and my label in the <itemtemplate><asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server"></asp:label></itemtemplate>

and now when I run my same code, I get [object reference not set to an instance of an object]

what gives? It was working until I added a header template.

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Forms Data Controls :: IDataReader No Longer Can Be Bound To Repeater .NET 4.0?

Nov 19, 2010

I had a web application that was binding a IDataReader to a repeater control. I converted the project from 3.5(2.0) to 4.0 and then I received the error:

An invalid data source is being used for rptData. A valid data source must implement either IListSource or IEnumerable.

So, I used a datatable instead and the binding worked. So it seems that they have removed this functionality with .NET 4.0.

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Web Forms :: Enter Key No Longer Submits After Adding LoginImageUrl To Asp:LoginStatus?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a login page inside of a master page. On the left-hand side of the master page in side a navigation menu, there is a search box with a button that is set to be the default submit button via code when text has been entered into the search text box.


ABOVE the search box is a ASP:LoginStatus control that when the user clicks "Login" it takes you to a login.aspx page which contains a ASP:Login control inside the same master page. Without setting the LoginImageUrl and LogoutImageUrl properties of the ASP:LoginStatus, the login/logout appears as text. And the enter button works when a user enters text into the search box (submits info to search service and takes user to search results) OR if the user enters their user name and password into the Login control and hits enter (logs in and redirects user based upon role). Everything works fine. Once I set the loginImageUrl and LogoutImageUrl properties of the ASP:LoginStatus though, the enter key no longer submits anything. It will just postback the page.

I'm guessing that adding an image to those properties cause the loginstatus to take the default behavior of a button. How do I prevent it from breaking the behavior of the enter key on everything else?

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Web Forms :: Input Array Is Longer Than The Number Of Columns In Table

Mar 16, 2013

I am trying to add row in DataTable CartDT using row[], which is a string array.

DataTable CartDT = new DataTable();
public void DataTableColumn()
CartDT.Columns.Add("Product_Name", typeof(string));
CartDT.Columns.Add("Product_ID", typeof(string));
CartDT.Columns.Add("ItemQTY", typeof(string));
CartDT.Columns.Add("Price", typeof(string));
CartDT.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(string));


Now when I execute it, it gives the error that "Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table" The array row[] has exactly 5 elements in it & also DataTable CartDT has also 5 columns. Now i am not able to find exactly where i am wrong.

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Web Forms :: How To Make The Label Only Show Text No Longer Then Labels Width

Nov 25, 2010

I have a small obsticle. I use labels to present data from database. Some data strings from database are very long which makes the labels very long too so it looks ugly because label is pushing everything to the side of the webpage. Setting label width works only when text is less then width which i set. How can i make the label only show text no longer then labels width?

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Web Forms :: Response.Redirect With Frame Work 4.0 / No Longer Funchtions And Returns

May 21, 2010

We have an aplication which works fine withing ASP 2.0 .NET Framework 3.5. Its a response. redirect call from inside ajax update panel, and it can not be outside. After updating to Framework 4.0 it no longer funchtions and returns "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed." without redirecting.

Server.trasfer gves the same error as well as and does not work

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Forms Data Controls :: Databound DDL Inside Formview When SelectedValue No Longer Exists?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a page that has a formview on it. Client info, name, address, usual stuff. The formview is populated by a DataSource, that calls a SQL stored procedure for the client info. It all works great.Within the formview, I have a dropdownlist for the Staff assigned to the client (StaffId is a member of the Client record called during the Formview binding). When the formview is in Item mode, the Staff name appears in a label, when in Edit mode, the dropdownlist
is bound and populated by another DataSource that calls a stored procedure of ActiveStaff. When the assigned staff exists, the StaffId is correctly bound to the DDL SelectedValue and the current staff name appears selected in the DDL when in edit mode, as it should.

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C# - Application_Error No Longer Triggers When Published To IIS?

Oct 22, 2010

I have the following code in my Global.asax file:


To provide neat and tidy error urls like "/Error/404/TheNameOfTheRequestedPage". This works fine from VS 2008, but once published to my local machine, I get the default error page:

Error Summary

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or
is temporarily unavailable

I've chosen not to use system.web/customErrors because I don't have access to Server.GetLastError() from there (or at least it's never worked for me) and I want to get the http code.

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IE 8 Will No Longer Accept Cookies From Localhost?

Mar 5, 2011

I had to disable cookies for some testing in a web application. now for some reason in IE I cannot get cookies working on localhost any more. They work as expected in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, but for some unknown reason I cannot for the life of me get cookies working on localhost. I have tried literally every setting imaginable with absolutely no luck. If I change the Url to 'localhost." it works as expected, but when I just use "localhost", without the "." period, cookies are absolutely not written. What the heck did i do? I tried upgrading to IE 9 and that didn't work. I reverted back to IE 8 and still have the same problem. I'm going absolutely mad trying to firgure out what is causing this. I tried tools, internet options, privacy, advanced, and explicit tell the browser to accept all 1st and 3rd party cookies and I'll be damned if I'm on a localhost site, the cookies are not written. This has worked perfect in the past, so it's no doubt some setting I changed but I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell is going on. If anyone has any idea of how I can remedy this, please do let me know. I've tried every setting imaginable with absolutely no luck. I hate internet explorer but that a conversation for a different day.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Will No Longer Show The Data - Datagrid Datasource = Null

Feb 25, 2011

I am familiar with populating a gridview with data. I am able to bind the Data pulled from the database into the gridview

gridview.DataSource = myDataTable;

If I write the following code, teh gridview will no longer show the data

gridview.DataSource = null;

My question is , I want to make the same thing with a user control that contain a gridview. when I use the user control in an aspx page, I am able to populate it with data, but when I try to make this code, the Datasource does not show, instead, I see .DV. So I tried this code but then , I do not see DataSource property instead I see DV (DataView), when I put .DV = null, I get an error message that the object is not in existed. any idea how to clear the user control gridview from its data.

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SQL Server :: This SqlTransaction Has Completed - It Is No Longer Usable

Jul 16, 2010

Normallt I would put the rollback in the catch, but I want to make sure it worked. I got "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable."


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IIS Express Requests Take 4 Times Longer To Execute

Jan 25, 2011

I have uploaded the WCAT results run on windows 7, same script, to http://d1yb9lkqglrfzu.cloudfront.net/IISExpress-100VU-MachineConfig.zip ts: included XSL in zip.

1.IIS Express has slighter higher requests per second, and total transactions served than normal IIS.

2.IIS Express is executing up to 100 requests at a time, while normal IIS on windows 7 is limited to 10 as designed.

3.IIS express is using 30% higher cpu, probably because of additional requests it handles at a time.

4.But on average Express requests take much longer to complete..up to 4 times longer. see Request Execution Time performance counter and time analysis (first and last byte). Express is only able to beat IIS in total requests served because it can handle more requests at a time! Theories

1.Could the fact that IIS express is printing each request to command line window even with trace set none be slowing it down.

2.I also noticed a lot of additional modules registered in IIS express applicationhost.config that are not in IIS applicationhost.config. Could then extra debugging/tracing modules be causing the problem.

3.I notice IIS express does not have FileCache and HTTPCache modules. Could that be why?

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