IE 8 Will No Longer Accept Cookies From Localhost?

Mar 5, 2011

I had to disable cookies for some testing in a web application. now for some reason in IE I cannot get cookies working on localhost any more. They work as expected in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, but for some unknown reason I cannot for the life of me get cookies working on localhost. I have tried literally every setting imaginable with absolutely no luck. If I change the Url to 'localhost." it works as expected, but when I just use "localhost", without the "." period, cookies are absolutely not written. What the heck did i do? I tried upgrading to IE 9 and that didn't work. I reverted back to IE 8 and still have the same problem. I'm going absolutely mad trying to firgure out what is causing this. I tried tools, internet options, privacy, advanced, and explicit tell the browser to accept all 1st and 3rd party cookies and I'll be damned if I'm on a localhost site, the cookies are not written. This has worked perfect in the past, so it's no doubt some setting I changed but I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell is going on. If anyone has any idea of how I can remedy this, please do let me know. I've tried every setting imaginable with absolutely no luck. I hate internet explorer but that a conversation for a different day.

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Prevent Records From Being Created For Users Who Don't Accept Cookies?

Oct 8, 2010

I am using ASP.NET profiles with allowAnonymous="true". I am NOT using ASP.NET membership. I recently took a hard look at the aspnetdb database and noticed that although my site gets 600-800 unique visitors daily, there are 4000-5000 "users" being created in the database.

Clearly what is happening here is the users with cookies disabled end up creating a record for every request.

My question: How do I prevent user and profile database records from being created if the client doesn't support cookies or has them disabled?

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Javascript - How To Get And Set Cookies / Getting Different Values For The Cookies In Different Pages?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm handling cookies using JavaScript to store some values in my web application.I use document.cookie to save some values (converted into a lengthy string). But i want that value to be accessible across all the pages in my application.When i try to get that value from a different page, i get the values pertaining to the document in the current URL.

In short i save the value in the cookie in http://myapp/doc1.aspx and want to retrieve it in http://myapp/doc2.aspx

So is document.cookie is pertaining to a single document scope? How can i save/read cookies across the site?

Update.This is how i get and set cookies

function getCookie(c_name)
try{ [code]...

But i'm getting different values for the cookies in different pages.

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Nov 23, 2010

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DateTime cookieExpires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
for (int i = 0; i < HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Count; i++)
new HttpCookie(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[i].Name, null) { Expires = cookieExpires });

this will error with an OutOfMemoryException because the for loop never exits - each time you add a cookie to the Response, it also gets added to the `Request.

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Does The Request.Cookies Collection Get Copied To The Response.Cookies Collection

Apr 1, 2011

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I have been maintaining a web application that is written using C# in VS2005 for about a year. Recently TFS was reorganized and my supervisor moved all the source code from one lacation to another. Since then I have not been able to get the application to display properly. It took me a while but I finally figured out that the issue is tied to the StyleSheetTheme property of the page declarative tag. When I removed it I can compile but the page doesn't render properly. When i add it almost all of the controls fail with this error: "An unhandled exception has occured. Cannot instantiate type 'WebPart' because there is no public parameterless constructor". This even happens on standard ASP.NET controls. I started to upgrade the application to VS 2008 but that has opened up all sorts of problems. I need to get this application running so I can continue to maintain the application.

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I have the following code in my Global.asax file:


To provide neat and tidy error urls like "/Error/404/TheNameOfTheRequestedPage". This works fine from VS 2008, but once published to my local machine, I get the default error page:

Error Summary

HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or
is temporarily unavailable

I've chosen not to use system.web/customErrors because I don't have access to Server.GetLastError() from there (or at least it's never worked for me) and I want to get the http code.

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IIS Express Requests Take 4 Times Longer To Execute

Jan 25, 2011

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1.IIS Express has slighter higher requests per second, and total transactions served than normal IIS.

2.IIS Express is executing up to 100 requests at a time, while normal IIS on windows 7 is limited to 10 as designed.

3.IIS express is using 30% higher cpu, probably because of additional requests it handles at a time.

4.But on average Express requests take much longer to complete..up to 4 times longer. see Request Execution Time performance counter and time analysis (first and last byte). Express is only able to beat IIS in total requests served because it can handle more requests at a time! Theories

1.Could the fact that IIS express is printing each request to command line window even with trace set none be slowing it down.

2.I also noticed a lot of additional modules registered in IIS express applicationhost.config that are not in IIS applicationhost.config. Could then extra debugging/tracing modules be causing the problem.

3.I notice IIS express does not have FileCache and HTTPCache modules. Could that be why?

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Aug 26, 2010

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Now when I try this using NUnit on the new configuraiton it just skips over my breakpoints.

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Session Expires And User Is No Longer Valid?

Aug 3, 2010

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How should I handle this scenario?

User logs in. Administrator deletes user (or deactivates...the point is they can't log in any more). User's session expires. User navigates to a page or makes a request, or whatever.

Currently if this scenario occurs, NullReferenceExceptions are thrown all over the place, because the ASP .NET framework calls GetUser() which returns nothing because it can't find the user in the database (and there's nothing in the session because it expired).

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Is It Possible To Configure Things So That IE7 Waits (much) Longer Before Giving Up

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Using tutorials and some examples of handling membership permission on our site, i have a page that was built using examples found in those pages.. Anyway, now that it is all setup and working ran into first issue.. If a role is setup with a space in the name like this ("Read Only") then you get an error when you try to add someone to that role. But if i change it to be ("ReadOnly") it works fine and no issues..



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Web Forms :: This SqlTransaction Has Completed - It Is No Longer Usable

May 7, 2015

When I insert data to multiple table  record inserted successfully . But exception occur .

as "

This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable

My code is as bellow

string sqlMsg = string.Empty;
SqlTransaction trns = null;
using (con = new SqlConnection(clsConnection.GetSqlConnection()))
trns = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

[Code] ....

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MVC :: 2 NerdDinner - Data No Longer Saves After Adding ViewModel

Sep 3, 2010

I am creating the NerdDinner application via the Professional ASP.NET MVC 2 book, and once I got to the ViewModel part (pages 88-91), I noticed none of my data was saving any longer. I discovered several errors and areas of confusion in these pages of the book, which I will list now.

Page 88: When it says to add the DinnerFormViewModel class, it doesn't say what folder to add it to. On page 89, the Inherits example (NerdDinner.Controllers.DinnerFormViewModel) implies it was added to the Controllers folder, but if that were so, the code on page 88 would need to use Models.Dinner instead of just Dinner. No big deal; just put it in Models and change the Inherit statement on page 89 to use NerdDinner.Models.DinnerFormViewModel.

Page 89: At the bottom of the page is some wrong code. Since the properties of Dinner are now one level deeper, all references to m.Title, m.Country, etc, need to be m.Dinner.Title, m.Dinner.Country, etc. The statements above the code are also incorrect ("Notice... we are not changing the names of the input elements... the form elements will still be named...") -- the form elements will actually change from "Title", "Country", etc to "Dinner_Title", "Dinner_Country", etc.

Page 90 (Code Snippet 1-53): This was the one that broke the data saving. Now that the form elements have prefixes, the TryUpdateModel(dinner) needs to pass a prefix, like TryUpdateModel(dinner, "Dinner"). This will append "Dinner_" to the element names so that they can be found on the form.

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Regex - RegularExpressionValidator Fires If String Contains Or Is Longer Than 250 Chars

Oct 25, 2010

What is the regular expression for a RegularExpressionValidator so it fires if the string in the validated control contains a r is longer then 250 chars?

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Configuration :: DateTime No Longer Is Supported In SQL Server 2005?

Mar 28, 2010

I have been working on developing a website using -

Visual Studio 2008 Professional (.NET 3.5) and SQL Server 2000.Now I have it work perfectly on my local machine. Now when i upload my website on my Windows 2003 Server, I get an error saying

"Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Parameter' does not have a public property named 'DbType'".

It alse gives me error when there exist a Date in the Page Designer but that's fine when I use DateTime. I think this might be an issue since DateTime no longer is supported in SQL Server 2005.

Now to resolve this issue on my server thus far I simply rename them to Type and DateTime and all is well. But On Changing and editing locally and then uploading again, I need to redo that.

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C# - Delete Files When Custom Control Is No Longer Used Any Event?

Mar 24, 2011

I have created a custom control which uploaded files to the server . These uploaded files list that is the name of the file and the file path i save in a session and the files i save to a temp directory .

Now, I want to delete these files as well as clear the session when this control is no longer used .How do i find whether the control is no longer used in the page . I should be doing this from the Custom control and not from the Page ?

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DataSource Controls :: L LINQ TO SQL Be No Longer Supported In .NET Framework ?

May 8, 2010

ASP.NET 4.0 comes up with a bulk of noticable improvements , including freshment of LINQ to Entities model. Other than this , I still remember another .net built-in ORM framework "LinqToSQL" which provides a lighter and more direct way to interact with SQL-server based db system. However, it seems no term concerns "Linq to sql" in .net 4.0 pulication announcement. So I think it might be deprecated in the furture due to .Net team's plan. I wonder if .NET team decide to just choose entity framework to fully serve as the .NET official ORM implement and no longer develop 'LinqToSQL' . Is LinqToSQL really an attemptive speck and not worth holding in the furture?

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Web Forms :: Keep Session Variables Active For Longer Period?

Jun 15, 2013

When user log's in with it's emaild and password, I have stored it's email id in session variable as: Session("user"). After logged in, If i leave the page kept opened OR ideal for sometime and after thatt if I select any option from user profile, the session variable get expired and send's me back to login page.  I want that if I would create 2 to 3 session variable's it should remain activated for longer period. So that even if page kept ideal for longer period and then if selects any option, the session variable's should not be expired soon.

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IIS Configuration :: How To Maintain Session For A Longer Time In Server

May 7, 2015

I have added code in web.config file for session of 2 hours.

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120"></sessionState>

It works on local but when the code is published session expires in just 10-15 minutes.

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Accept An Out Parameter In Ajax?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a static function in the aspx page with this signature:

public static bool UserNeedsToBeAlertedPwdReset(out DateTime dtExpires)
DateTime dt = DateTime.MivValue;
return true;

So I want to call this function from the client side, using the jQuery Ajax. How do I get a hold of the out value? Edit Alternatevly I could check for nulls if this is possible with Ajax + jQuery like that:

ublic static DateTime? UserNeedsToBeAlertedPwdReset()
return null;
return DateTime.Now;

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