Web Forms :: Unable To Set Default Path To File Control?

Mar 4, 2010

i can't able to set default path to file control

<input type="file" id="file" />

is there any other round about way to fix this issue.

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Web Forms :: To Get Filename And File Path Using HTML File Control In Aspx Page?

Jan 6, 2011

I am using HTML file control and HTML image control in .aspx page (for uploading image and showing on web page). It is working fine. But I am unable to get that uploaded image file path and file name in .aspx.cs page. And also tell me how to save selected image in MS ACCESS database.

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Full File Path In Of The Uploaded File In FileUpload Control

Jul 17, 2012

How to get the full path of the file that is selected using the fileuploader.

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Web Forms :: How To Get The File Path Using The FileUpload Control

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The requirement is that the whole original file path be saved to the database; for example: L:folder1folder2xyz.doc. However; the FileName property of the FileUpload control will only give "xyz.doc". We are interested in obtaining the full path only and really not interested in using the control to do any upload.

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AJAX :: Capture The Full File Path From Async File Uploader Control?

Sep 2, 2010

I have an Async File Uploader control inside a Repeater which is inside an update panel. Now,I am uploading the file into ftp,so I am not uploading the video file,using SaveAs() method. For uploading the file in ftp,I have this UploadFile method which takes these four parameter:FileName, UploadPath, FTPUser, FTPPassword.Now this FileName,I have to send the full file path. My UploadComplete event looks like this:

<pre lang="cs">protected void AsyncVideoUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)
{//VideoPath is a session variable
VideoPath = string.Empty;
if (AsyncVideoUpload.HasFile)
// string filepath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName;
string filepath = e.filename;//above two captures only the file name,but I want the total path,like c:/MyDocuments/...
UploadFile(filepath, "","test","Value*12");
VideoPath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName;

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Web Forms :: How To Get Folder Path When Select File By FileUpload Control

Jul 29, 2010

i have some problem here, i am working in web page, there is some required for folder path when select file in fileupload control,

like in IE FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName, i can get full path

but not in chrome and Mozilla browsers,

any one know how to do it...

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Web Forms :: File Upload Control - Could Not Find A Part Of The Path Error

Feb 18, 2013

I want when no choose file  file upload control  update success full

In this code image change image update success.but when  i click  edit button  and not choose file from upload control.and click update button.it show error.

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:websiteschange image in gridview finalimages'.


<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" Font-Names="Arial" OnRowEditing = "OnRowEditing" OnRowCancelingEdit = "OnRowCancelingEdit" OnRowUpdating = "OnRowUpdating">
<asp:BoundField DataField="ID" HeaderText="ID" ReadOnly="true" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="FileName" HeaderText="Image Name" ReadOnly = "true"/>

[Code] .....

In this code image change image update success.but when  i click  edit button  and not choose file from upload control.and click update button.it show error.System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:websiteschange image in gridview finalimages'.

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C# - Getting The Full File Path When Using A File Upload Control?

Dec 20, 2010

I wrote some code to upload files to amazon S3, if I put a full file path manually It successfully uploads the file from my computer. What I'm trying to do is use a file upload control and store the full path in a variable so that I can use it for my amazon method. Ive read everywhere it seems that the browser won't let you get the full file path for security reasons.

How can I get the full file path? Should I just store the files on my webserver and point my amazon method to the server path, and then use the file upload control to tell it what the filename is?

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Jul 11, 2010

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Apr 15, 2010

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Sep 10, 2010

i want to set default value in Fileupload control.Because when i select file name using fileupload then save that file to sqlserver database i got problem when no file is select. so i found alternate of that i should store default image into database through fileupload control but now my query is how to set default image to fileupload control. i want source code.

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AJAX :: Upload Default File When No File Is Selected In FileUpload Control

May 7, 2015

How to set default file in  <asp:FileUpload />

When a FileUpload is null then i want to set defualt file .

regarding my code :

Byte[] imgByte = null;
if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload1.PostedFile != null)
HttpPostedFile File = FileUpload1.PostedFile;
imgByte = new Byte[File.ContentLength];
File.InputStream.Read(imgByte, 0, File.ContentLength);

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Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to only display the desired file type in the file type dropdownlist in the browser window when we click the browser button of the fileupload control of asp.net? If yes then how?

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Web Forms :: How To Select Default Folder Location In File Upload Control

Aug 5, 2010

Can i retrict the windows dialog to select only files from the selected folder and avoid to navigate from another folders?i am selecting from server side.

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C# - Getting The Path Of A File Using Fileupload Control?

Nov 22, 2010

I am using a fileupload control to display the contents of a text file in a textbox..if i use this

<asp:FileUpload ID="txtBoxInput" runat="server" Text="Browse" />
string FilePath = txtBoxInput.PostedFile.FileName;

it will get only the file name like bala.txt.i need like this D:New Folderala.txt

Instead of fileupload control i have used textbox to get the path like this D:New Folderala.txt

<asp:TextBox ID="txtBoxInput" runat="server" Width="451px"></asp:TextBox>
string FilePath = txtBoxInput.Text;

But i need browse button instead of textbox to get the path..

EDIT:My button click event

protected void buttonDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string FilePath = txtBoxInput.PostedFile.FileName;
if (File.Exists(FilePath))
StreamReader testTxt = new StreamReader(FilePath);
string allRead = testTxt.ReadToEnd();

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.net - Possible To Keep File Path Across Post Backs With The FileUpload Control?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a situation where I want a user to select a file, then select an option from a DropDownList. When they select an item from the DropDownList I do an auto post back and do some stuff with the file, but this causes the path to clear out. Is there some way that I can keep the path from clearing out?

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AJAX :: Get Physical Path Of A File Using FileUpload Control

Jul 17, 2015

I am having a fileuploade control on my aspx page. On button click I want the physical fullpath of my file, which i am going to upload on server. If the file is in desktop then it should show C:Users Admin1DesktopSampleHonourImages.png

I have used Path.GetFullPath(Fileupload1.FileName) but it is giving C:Program Files (x86)IIS ExpressHonourImages.png instead of actual path

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Path Client Side Upload By Default?

Mar 3, 2010

I used the FileUpload and all is ok, I dont have problems, but I need put the path for the upload by default, in the load of the page, or java script,, but the FileUpload. values is only read , how i can change this value? when the user click in browse the choose file, make a filter by the path for default for example seacrh in c:d.... or the box Choose File how i can write the file name by default?


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Jun 29, 2010

I want to get full path which user selected in file upload control.

how can we do it.

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C# - Assign File To Be Uploaded Path To FileUpload Control After Postback

Mar 16, 2011

i hv postback event executing after i am trying to upload a file to server to ask for conformation by the user. after postback fileupload control gets cleared and i am not able to get its value after postback. controls viewstateEnabled property is true. How do i assign a file path to fileupload control after postback.

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<path> Is Denied When Using The FileUpload Control To Save The Uploaded File?

Apr 21, 2010

I am running Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, ASP.NET 4, IIS 7 and getting the error :Access to the path <path> is denied when using the FileUpload control to save the uploaded file to this directory.I have given the directory in question full access to Network Service but that makes no difference.I have even given the directory full access to Everyone but it still gives the same error.Totally baffled by it

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Set The File Path In Attachment / Assign The Path In Code?

Sep 15, 2010

I am using to send attachent from my host.. The file is located on my abc folder on my root, so it' like this:


Attachment attachFile =

How can I assign the path in the above code?

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AJAX :: Upload / Save Multiple Files In Folder And File Name / Path In DB Using FileUpload Control

May 7, 2015

[URL] .... I am referring to the link given mentioned above, i want to save image details into database of each file, if i select two files i want to save filename in database in each row. ist file in 1 row , second file in next row with file name.

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JQuery :: Change Default File Extension Of Fileupload Control?

Jan 7, 2011

how to change the default file extension,to any file what we need,using javascript.

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