C# - Getting The Full File Path When Using A File Upload Control?
Dec 20, 2010
I wrote some code to upload files to amazon S3, if I put a full file path manually It successfully uploads the file from my computer. What I'm trying to do is use a file upload control and store the full path in a variable so that I can use it for my amazon method. Ive read everywhere it seems that the browser won't let you get the full file path for security reasons.
How can I get the full file path? Should I just store the files on my webserver and point my amazon method to the server path, and then use the file upload control to tell it what the filename is?
I have an Async File Uploader control inside a Repeater which is inside an update panel. Now,I am uploading the file into ftp,so I am not uploading the video file,using SaveAs() method. For uploading the file in ftp,I have this UploadFile method which takes these four parameter:FileName, UploadPath, FTPUser, FTPPassword.Now this FileName,I have to send the full file path. My UploadComplete event looks like this:
<pre lang="cs">protected void AsyncVideoUpload_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e) {//VideoPath is a session variable VideoPath = string.Empty; if (AsyncVideoUpload.HasFile) { // string filepath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName; string filepath = e.filename;//above two captures only the file name,but I want the total path,like c:/MyDocuments/... UploadFile(filepath, "","test","Value*12"); VideoPath = AsyncVideoUpload.PostedFile.FileName; } }</pre>
I would like to use HTML input file type in my aspx page to allow user to browse for a excel file and then read the content of the excel sheet programmatically.If I want to read the excel sheet I need the full path of the file to connect to the excel sheet using asp.net.I do not understand how can I get the full path of the file.I know I can get the filename using postedFile.FileName property.But I need the full path of the file.
I am using the async file upload control to upload to a image file. I want the user to upload only jpg files. And for that I am checking the uploadedfile content type in server side, after the upload complets. I wanna check this, before upload starts. There is one javascript method
function startUpload(sender, args){}
but how to access the content type of the file selected by user.
I want when no choose file file upload control update success full
In this code image change image update success.but when i click edit button and not choose file from upload control.and click update button.it show error.
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:websiteschange image in gridview finalimages'.
In this code image change image update success.but when i click edit button and not choose file from upload control.and click update button.it show error.System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:websiteschange image in gridview finalimages'.
i have used file upload on one of my web page..the file path is not shown in google chrome..rest in all browser the path is shown..in google chrome only the file name is shown and not the whole path..i want the path to be shown in google chrome
I have a file uploader I would like to be able to have a folder added to the folder path on upload based on a textbox.text "MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename))"
I have Dim folder as String = textbox.text how do I add folder to MapPath("~/Uploads/"
it currently checks for .xml files how can I add more .doc .gif etc
Dim savePath As String = MapPath("~/Uploads/" + Path.GetFileName(e.filename)) 'Validation for file extension If Path.GetExtension(e.filename).Contains(".xml") Then Return End If
I have used a FileUpload control in my web page. Now I want that when the textbox of the control is blank (i.e no file name mentioned), the upload button should be disabled. Only after the some file name is mentioned, the buttong should get enabled.
I have a FileUpload control in an UpdatePanel and when user select a file, the full file path will will be stored in a hiddenfield, and during postback, i would like to assign the full file path in the hiddenfield back to the FileUpload control textbox, possible to achieve that?
[URL] .... I am referring to the link given mentioned above, i want to save image details into database of each file, if i select two files i want to save filename in database in each row. ist file in 1 row , second file in next row with file name.
in my case. iam replacing some data in document and saving in client side. so itz automaticaly saving in thw client side(normally in the Temp folder). i want to get that full path from the client side.
I have a VS 2008 web application that I need to capture the full file path (directories and file name) from the selected file. So user selects a file and then clicks on one of the buttons which transfers control to my code for processing. So how do I get the file path? I can get the file name, but not the path.
I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.
I want to upload files to the web servers from the client machines.
Can i upload a file on a network share folder using file upload control?
I would like to create a share folder on a file server sitting next to the web server. If i upload the file from the network share folder instead of uploading it from the client machine does it make any difference?
Will the file be stored in a temporary location before copying to the final destination? Where will be the file stored in this case of uploading it from share folder?
I am trying to select one image file from desktop with file upload control. but i am not able to get the full path of the image if it is selected from desktop. i am getting full path if the file is selected from any other place but its showing error for the desktop.
am a newbie to programming so please bare with me!I introduced a file upload control on one of my pages. There is a button click event for the upload which triggers not only the upload but also an insert into a table in my database.Every aspect of the button click event for this upload is working as expected; however I do have a couple of queries because the results are not quite as I would like them. I am using asp.net 3.5 and C# in code behind page.
I have a simple table with 3 columns in my database: Username, PhotoTitle and PhotoUrl. In the button click event I grab the PhotoUrl like such -string photoUrl = FileUpload1.PostedFile.Filename; (I am using the photo url from my images folder in the application to show photos in Gridviews etc. I prefer this to storing the actual image in the database for the moment until i am a bit more experienced since i don't know much about varbinary dbtype.). When the button is clicked for the upload, the details of the photo are saved in the database table, but it's the full path of the file on my laptop which is store (C:/Documents/.../filename.jpg) opposed to "Filename.jpg" for example, which i obviously would prefer because in the application photos are displayed using the"~/images/Filename.jpg" path. How can I save the file name with the extension alone in my table (without the full path)?
The second problem is basically regarding the actual photos being uploaded. They are"saved as" inside folder for the solution as anticipated, but only on the laptop harddrive, which means that I have to manually drag each photo uploaded into the images folder within Solution Explorer, from a Windows Explorer window, in order to be able to display them in Gridviews etc (with the "~/images/Filename.jpg" call in the .aspx code). This is not acceptable of course since the site users would expect to see their photo after the upload, and they would not be able to drag the file into the ~/images/ folder. How can I get round this second slight problem; i.e. is there a way to upload photos directly in the folder so that they show directly on the solution explorer?I hope my explanations of those two little problems I have didn't confuse you all?
I am trying to write a page to read the Excel file provided by the user. I know I can't use the FileUpload to get the full path of the file from the client PC. This give me the problem when I write the connection string for the Excel file:
Without the full path, I can't replace the Data Source by a variable and I definitely can't assume all users will have their Excel files named Book1.xls located in C:Doc all the time.
I am using HTML file control and HTML image control in .aspx page (for uploading image and showing on web page). It is working fine. But I am unable to get that uploaded image file path and file name in .aspx.cs page. And also tell me how to save selected image in MS ACCESS database.