Web Forms :: Validating International Zip Code?

Oct 18, 2010

I want to validate zip codes that belongs to most of country like USA,UK,Australia,India etc.....

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Web Forms :: *International* Address Based On Country And Zip/postal Code?

Mar 2, 2010

I am tasked with providing a membership form that requires users to given their postal addresses. The form needs to be very friendly to maximize data accuracy. So I am required to take the user's country and their zip code and from that pre-populate the town field. Moreover, this must be done in the official language of the country chosen e.g.Japan/Japanese. Since I don't really believe this is yet
possible, my starting point will be an English version of this.

Does anyone know of a database/web service that can provide*international* address information based on country and zip/postal code?

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Web Forms :: Validating Calendar Has Date Selected Through Code Behind?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to make sure a user selects a date in the calendar by checking for it with OnItemInserting command...since I can't just use a validation control. what I need to adjust in this code behind to cancel the request and activate the label when no date is selected? Apparently looking for an empty or null value won't work...


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Web Forms :: Code(regular Expression) Validating Textbox?

Oct 29, 2010

the text box should validate in such a manner that the special characters like <,>,%,!,? should not appear in the text box.if appears an erroe msg should be displayed representing invalid name.or else it sholud be processen....

can any one tell the code(regular expression) for the above mentioned.

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C# - Creating An International Website?

Jan 4, 2011

The question might sound weird, but I am planning to create a asp.net website, which when fully done, will ideally cater to all countries.I am currently in the architecture phase.. and is there anything that I should keep in might when doing this?

like,saving all datetime fields in utc

using user's timezone to display all time related data

all labels in the website to be localizable

is there anything else?

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International Phone Country Codes ?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using a dropdownlist in my application to choose from the international telephone country codes. Since I didn't find anything I wrote a script which fetched the data from a telecommunications site and formatted it as ListItems. In case anyone else is looking for the same information you can find it here:


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Pre-validation Of International Credit Cards?

Feb 15, 2011

I am currently using regular expression for VISA card validation from nopCommerce to validate Visa cards just before sending them to the payment processor. The problem is that it returns a false-positive with international credit cards; it returns "invalid number" for a valid international VISA card number.

Is there any way I can validate international credit cards? I would like to do some pre-validation before sending it to the payment processor, and my guess is that nopCommerce only works with US-based credit cards.

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Vb.net - Capturing International Personal Data (Name/Address/Phone)?

Feb 25, 2010

I am looking for the best way to capture and validate US & international personal data. I have to use ASP.NET 2.0 (vb.net) and no 3rd party web services. This are all client restrictions.

The main point of this is I have to toss their data to FedEx for a shipping quote. I think FedEx has a address checker but that web service was not approved in the scope of the project and its too late to get it added.

My current solution is to just let the field be required and free form then before I save their profile check to see if FedEx will return a quote. If it fails then I will ask them to recheck their profile or contact the admin.

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Manually Entering Special (unicode/international/extended) Characters In The URL Bar

Jan 6, 2010

I want to create a page that can read extended characters in the QueryString. While this normally is not a problem, there is one case where I don't manage: when the QueryString is manually entered (or even pasted).

Here is a simple test-case:


This works fine both when clicking the hyperlink or submitting the form. However, when you enter the special characters manually in the URL, or in some browsers even when you just highlight the URL bar and click Enter to open the page, the characters will be mangled. (You may need to empty your cache or perform a forced refresh to see these results.

In Internet Explorer 8:

Clicking the hyperlink shows the characters unencoded in the URL bar. Submitting the form shows the characters double-byte encoded (for example, the first character "å" (small letter a with ring above, unicode position 0xA5) is encoded as %C3%A5 instead of just as %A5. In both cases, the output shows the correct characters.After clicking the hyperlink (which creates an URL with readable characters), clicking the URL bar to highlight the URL and pressing Enter to open the page, shows square boxes instead of the characters as output. Note that you may have force a reload of the page to see this. The same happens when you enter characters manually in the URL bar.Highlighting the URL bar and submitting the double-byte encoded URL (as it is created by the form) shows the output as it should.Manually entering single-byte encoded characters ("%A5%B8%A6") will again show boxes instead of characters.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Replacing International Character,want To Avoid?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a webform (for posting ads) that has an AJAX HTML Editor (for ad description) and AJAX fileupload control to upload & display some images. If I don't upload any images (no postback is done) then the html editor will display the international characters correctly and the ad is then stored correctly.

As soon as I upload an image for display (and postback is automatically done), then the html editor will replace all the international characters with unrecognized characters. And the ad will be stored with those incorrect characters.

Is there any way I can avoid this? I'm still not exactly sure why the html editor automatically replaces all my characters when postback is done.Or is there another html editor that manages this better?

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MVC3 Razor Cannot Work With International Characters In Custom Html Helpers

Nov 16, 2010

I currently trying to convert a ASP.NET MVC2 application to ASP.NET MVC3 razor. I have a lot custom Html helper methods, which render html output, like the one below, which renders a button with some markup :

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<input type='submit' id='") .Append(buttonId) .Append("' name='" ) .Append(buttonId) .Append("' value='") .Append(buttonValue) .AppendLine("' class='myclass1 myclass2' />");return MvcHtmlString.Create(sb.ToString());

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Unicode - How To Convert Posted "english" Characters From International PC's

Jul 5, 2010

I have a WebForm search page that gets occasional hits from international visitors. When they enter in text, it appears to be plain ASCII a-z, 0-9 but they are printed in bold and my "is this text" logic can't handle the input. Is there any easy way in ASP.NET to convert unicode characters that equate to A-Z, 0-9 into plain old text?

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Gridview .net - To Show A Listing Of Domestic Sales And International Sales?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a grid view to show a listing of domestic sales and international sales. I share the same grid view for both. So if i select 'Domestic' radio button, i have to change the label of first column as 'SalesNo' and also set the sort expression as 'sales_No', if i select 'International' radio button, i have to change the label of first column as 'ExportNo' and also set the sort expression as 'export_No'. How can i do it using C# ?

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Web Forms :: WebControlCaptcha Is Not Validating?

Dec 14, 2010

I use an asp Login control with WebControlCaptcha as shown in the above code. The problem is that the captcha control always returns false when UserValidated method is called. I tried to use captcha control on another webpage without the login control it works.

protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)

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Localization :: International Characters / Application Is Changing The Characters

Jan 5, 2011

I have a application that takes a tab delimited text file parses and the inserts the data. Some of the data has international characters. My problem is it appears that my application is changing the characters. For Example the file might contain something lke this Andrlová and is converting it to this Andrlov�

I am passing this into a sproc. The datatypes for my paramater & DB Field is nVarChar(50). If I insert the data directly into my table or if I call my sproc from a query window and pass in some data it works fine, but when my app touches the data it appears to get messed with.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Validators Not Validating

Sep 7, 2010

I can't seem to get any sort of validator to fire when validating my DropDownList. I just want to make sure that it isn't left at "--Select--" when the user presses the Add button on the page. I've tried a range validator and required field validator and neither seem to fire at all. My DropDownList contains ID which is an int that is hidden and Name which is a string that is displayed. The ID is -1 for "--Select--". I use these all the time and can't understand why the page in this new solution is any different from other solutions I have done in the past. What have I missed?

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Web Forms :: Validating 2 Text Box Control

Mar 2, 2010

I have 2 text boxes one for first name and one for last name. If the user enters a first name then the last name cannot be empty. Is there a validation control i can use and how can i display the message in the validation summary.

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Web Forms :: Validating An Email Address?

Jan 26, 2010

We are developing an Intranet application that looks up some data for a user through hooks into Active Directory. However, our Network guys don't always enter in a users email address when creating a new user. Therefore, our user database is missing the email address for over half of our users. We have over 10,000 users, therefore asking them to enter 5000+ email addresses into each missing email address field in Active Directory isn't an option. I already know how to validate that an email address is correctly formatted using Regex. What I need is a way to lookup the email address entered in the email address textbox and see if it exists on Outlook/Exchange (or looking up the email address using the First Name/LastName would work). If it does exist then the address is valid, if it is invalid then the user typed in the wrong address. I've tried to do something with CDO, but have had no luck. We use Outlook 2003 and ASP.NET 2.0.

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Web Forms :: Validating A ReadOnly Textbox?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a textbox that is set to readonly so users won't try to type something in it. It is then populated when a treenode is clicked. I want to validate what is in the box after it's populated from the treenode click but if i have it set to readonly, in the codebehind it shows up as an empty string. if i take the readonly off it shows up populated. what would you do about this?

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Web Forms :: Positioning The Validating Control

Jan 7, 2010

I have several fields for my custom form, When i create new Validator for that textbox1, it mess up with the alignment of my fields and takes the text or the texbox to another place. I tried absolute positioning, but when i run the page i see that the validator text showin in the wrong place, What should i do to keep the layout of my page beautiful while i using validations for each field in my form?

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Web Forms :: Validating Employee ID With SQL Server?

Sep 6, 2010

I am designing a validation form which has a textfiled for inserting Employee ID and a submit button for parsing inserted value. On clicking that button the SubmitButton_Click() validate the inserted value against SQL Server database. The database has a table name EMPLOYEE containing ID and Name of employees. Now I have designed the .aspx page but stuck in the rest of the job.

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Web Forms :: Validating Date And Time?

Jan 11, 2011

I have 2 textboxes in my page. One is supposed to hold the Date and the other Time. These 2 data are merged when saving into one database field having a datetime datatype. Upon retrieve, the datetime field value is split into 2 and put into the Date Textbox and Time TextBox.

Upon input, when I am trying to update, the validator always says "Invalid Time."


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Web Forms :: Validating Field For Numeric?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a textbox field that I want to validate and make sure if they enter a value it is numeric

I was looking at the RegularExpressionValidator control to do it? I noticed you code funny characters

I set the control to validate field to my text box

In the validationExpression what do I put to tesdt if field is numeric?

they can enter say 99 or 85.76 etc..

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Web Forms :: Validating Textbox For Numeric Values?

Sep 2, 2010

I want to validate a textbox that only a numeric currency value can be put into it, for example 0.00. I thought the following code was correct but it doesnt seem to wrk, its causing an error on my page and when I remove it the page is fine, it doesn't actually give exact details of the error on the page just says "syntax error" in the browser that is all.


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Web Forms :: Validating With A Custom Html Form?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a custom html form, I created new asp.net site in the web developer 2008.

My question is, When i create a validating for this textbox and run the page, it tells me error, i tried to make the validating control id and (control to) same as name and id of my textbox but all didn't not work out?

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