Web Forms :: What Does Panel Visible True Or False Do

Oct 8, 2013

 what do you mean by below things..

divProgramm.visible=true | false| true;

i dont know how this thing is evalulted in asp.net c#.net.

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Web Forms :: What Is Difference Between Panel's Visible - True / False And Setting Multiview's ActiveViewIndex

Sep 8, 2010

I have a panel that contains several controls.

On the other hand i have a MultiView that contains Several view that in turn itself contains several controls .

In multiview we have to set ActiveViewIndex for the view which we want to see.

That same thing can be done through Panel containing another seleral panel's and setting its Visible property to True/False accordingly.

Is seems Multiview is just using this Visible property internally to render controls .Since other views (whose Index is not set to be active Index) are processed on the server for its Whole life cycle(I am confused here..whether i am right or not) .Same thing perhaps happen when we use a Panel insteed and use Visible=True/False. So, what is the difference between MultiView and Panel taking this scenario ?

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Web Forms :: Make Panel Visible True Of False Dynamically Reading Values From The Database?

May 1, 2010

I have a design page with two panel,... i have to make it visible true or false by reading the values from the database,...

Design code

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Web Forms :: Radiobuttonlist Item Make Visible True Or False?

Nov 9, 2010

I am using a radiobuttonlist in my project. Where i want to hide one of radiobuttonlist item visible true or false. according to the selection of the country. I am able to hide the radiobutton but the corresponding text is still displayed. How to hide both radiobutton and also the related text.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting ItemTemplate Visible As True Or False While Binding Gridview?

Jun 29, 2010

I've GridView with Template field as

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Review">
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgBtnReview" ImageUrl="~/images/agt_reload.png" runat="server" Visible="false" CommandName="Review" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("id")%>' />

Gridview is bound to a table. If a row in table has price greater than zero then the above mentioned Imagebutton should br visible in that row only.

Is it possible to do so.

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Web Forms :: Want To Set The Initial Visible Property Of An Image To False And Then In My Code Change It To True And Then Run A Sub Routine?

Aug 10, 2010

Hi I have a situation where I want to set the initial visible property of an Image to False and then in my code change it to True and then run a sub routine. My problem is that no matter how I order the code the sub runs before the image becomes visible. When I debug the image only becomes visible when it hits End Sub. Is there any way around this? Here's my code:


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SQL Reporting :: How To Set Image Visible True And False In Report.rdlc

Mar 30, 2011

I am working on sql reporting, i have placed four images in report.rdlc designer page but i want to set all of those images visibility true when databse return boolean value true because i have passed a datasource to report.rdlc , how can i do this.

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Security :: Get Visible True False In Password Recovery Control's Template ?

Jan 21, 2011

i am using password recovery control. but i have one difficulty that when user click on the "Forgot Password" link he will redirect to enter "UserName" view of password recovery template. and when user enter "User Name" and click submit button he will redirect to the "Question" view of the Password recovery control and then user click on the "Cancel" button. but when user again click on the "Forgot Password" link the "Question" view is displayed instead of the "UserName" view. i m not able to reset Password control to "UserName" view.

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Panel Visible=true Has No Effect?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a Panel that I'm setting visible=true explicitly. The debugger passes over that line and visible still evaluates to False on the next line. Obviously as a result, the Panel is not shown. How is this possible?

pnlValidate.Visible = true;
if (IsPostBack) return;
<asp:Panel ID="pnlValidate" runat="server">


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AJAX :: Setting Value Of Textbox Inside Panel Which Is Set To Visible False

Mar 9, 2010

I have an update panel which has 2 set of controls each in their own separate panels. We can select either panel by a checkbox list and they become visible. Now I am trying to set a value by javascript in the panel that becomes visible on my checkbox click but the problem is that I cant access the controls through javascript as they are not rendered on page as visibility is false.

I cant find the controls inside the page source even though they are visible on page so javascript cannot access them. Is there any way other than doing a postback and setting them visible to access them via javascript?

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView No Results / Button To Become Visible (btnInsert.Visible=true)?

May 20, 2010

I have a gridview that is bound to a SQL datasource and is filtered via FilterExpression,

the FilterExpressoin is using Contro Parameters in a for of textboxes.

I want a certain button to become visible (btnInsert.Visible=true) when the filterExpression returns no results.

what event should I use? what is the code for that?

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Data Controls :: Alert Return False On Confirm True And Return True On Confirm False On Value Exists

Mar 26, 2016

I have an approve button.on clicking on this button it should show that an inactive value is present .Onclicking yes conformation it should save the data or else clicking on no conformation should return false; how i will do that?After alert it always submit the data. 

protected void ibtApprove_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

string otherAffiliateName = txtRequestedAffiliate.Text;
int inActiveAffiliates = new BLRating().InActiveAAffiliateChecking(otherAffiliateName);
if (inActiveAffiliates > 0)


This is the code i used.how i wiil stay back on Confirm 'no' click?

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AJAX :: Update Panel To NOT Visible,makes The Media Player's Panel NOT Visible?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a web page that I have a media control player on along with other controls in a table.It's a training video, so the controls are not visible.So the user can advance to the next web page,I thought I would have a button control inside an update panel with a time control so that the user had to watch the video and then the button control would appear after the video completed.I'm setting the button update panel to NOT visible and then turning it one when the time control elapses the same amount of time that the video runs.My problem is that when I set the visible property of the update panel to NOT visible it also makes the media player's panel NOT visible too.They are in two different panels.The medial player in a standard panel and the timer control connected witha separate panel that contains the button for the user to proceed. When I set the visible property to "true" the media player runs but the update panel with the button is visible also.


This is the code for the update panel and continue button that is in a separate table cell.I even split the table and so this is in a completely separate table but I still get the same behavior.

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Web Forms :: Autoeventwireup / Set It True Or False?

Aug 31, 2010

i am using autoeventwireup="true" .i know this means it automatically combined page events of page life cycle.but when i set it to false form is running well and i dont need to write any code.so what is the diffrence what is set it true or false

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Web Forms :: How Can Validate The Checkbox Is True Or False

Feb 5, 2010

how can validate the checkbox is true or false...

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Web Forms :: Label Does Not Show When Set Visible True

Jul 23, 2012

I have 3  image button  in my page 

1- Imgabout_Click  
2- Imgpro_Click  
3- Imgcontact_Click

According to code when i click each of these image button some label visibility be true or false i don't have any problem with  

1- Imgabout_Click
2- Imgpro_Click  there is problem with
3- Imgcontact_Click

When I click on  imgcontact_Click it lblcall.Visible = true;  and I can see lblcall(this is label) in my page after that i click on Imgpro_Click or  -Imgabout_Click when I click these 2 image button lblcall.Visible = false until now every thing work correctly but when i click on  imgcontact_Click again it should lblcall.Visible = true again but it didn't

I mean when I click on this image button i can't see  lblcall in my page i think it didn't do  lblcall.Visible = true it happened when i click this image button for second time why?

protected void Imgabout_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Imgabout.ImageUrl = "~/image/aboutus.png";
Imgapro.ImageUrl = "~/image/imgpro1.png";
imgarticle.ImageUrl = "~/image/imgpro1.png";
imgcontact.ImageUrl = "~/image/imgpro1.png";

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist Not Binding On Visible False?

Oct 10, 2010

i have a textbox1 and drop down list 1

i am filling drop downlist from Sql datasource and textbox1.text=Dropdownlist1.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()

all working fine but if i set dropdownlist1.visible = false than textbox1.text = empty string I need to hide the dropdownlist1 and in the same time i need the selecteditem of dropdownlist to be in the Textbox1.text

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Web Forms :: How To Make Listbox Visible False On Going To Next Row

Dec 16, 2010

i used this tutioral [URL] and i change as per my requirment and i got this gridview its working fine


I have one problem:-

On going to next row i need to make listbox visible false only this current row listbox only to be shown same on going next row above row listbox will not show and this current row listbox only shown

After: how to do this....

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Web Forms :: PostBackOptions In .NET/ The Autopostback Property Is Not Functioning (for True Or False)

May 27, 2010

In the postback option class, the autopostback property is not functioning (for true or false) to forcibly set the the post back event on web page load as defined at the MSDN Url http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.postbackoptions.aspx

A client side validation retrieves the GetPostBackEvent reference successully but fails to to load the page as a forced post back event. The options being set are a) ActionURL, Autpostback , RequiresJavaScriptProtocol and perform validation.

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Web Forms :: Visible False Loses Data On Postback?

Feb 1, 2011

I have the following simple code:


So when i select "Yes" from the first drop down, the "hiddenDetail" label becomes visible and when i select "No" from q1 the "hiddenDetail" label becomes invisible.The problem is that because i am using AutoPostBack when you select "No" the "hiddenDetail" loses its children (i.e. the label inside it) which is obvious why but i am wondering, is there anyway i can make the "hiddenDetail" invisible (sort of like display:none in style) in VB without losing its children. Or is my only option to work with this in

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Check If A Row Is True Or False In A Databound Item

Mar 4, 2010

how do i check if a bit value is true or false and if false, then write another value.

Here is my code

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "gp_referral").Equals("False")?"":"xxx"%>

Am trying to check if gp_referral is false, and if so then write xxx, but in my code, whether true or false it evaluates to xxx

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Forms Data Controls :: Evaluating A Boolean True/false Within An Label Tag

Dec 10, 2010

I have an asp:label field for and expire date that should either display "Never" if the database field ([msDS-UserDontExpirePassword] this is a bit - true/false - field) is True, or otherwise display a date (pwdExpireDate).

My code doesn't throw any errors but I can' fully test it without putting it into production. Can someone tell me if this is correct? Also, there is no code-behind and I can't use code behind for this.

Here's the code:

The label: <asp:Label ID="lbUserPWExpireDate" Text='<%# ((bool)(Eval("[msDS-UserDontExpirePassword]"))==true ? "Never" : Eval("pwdExpireDate", "{0:M/dd/yyyy}")) %>' Runat="Server"/>

The query: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="GetUserExpireDate" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:USER_PREFERENCESConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT DATEADD(day, 59, pwdLastSetDateGMT) AS pwdExpireDate, [msDS-UserDontExpirePassword] FROM LDAP_Users WHERE mail = @USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS" OnSelecting="GetUserExpireDate_Selecting"> <SelectParameters> <asp:SessionParameter Name="USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS" SessionField="USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS" /> </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

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Forms Data Controls :: Bit Field, When Display It Shows True / False?

Mar 26, 2010

The following is a bit field, when display it shows true / false. How can i change the below to show a checkbox....

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="calc_flag" Visible="True">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("read_only_flag") %>'></asp:Label>


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Forms Data Controls :: Converting Formview Checkboxes From Yes / No To True / False?

Jul 9, 2010

I've got a checkbox where the column is a Yes/No string and I need to convert this to a True/False in both directions. The database exists already and I can't change it or I would just change it to a bit column.

I tried this and it didn't work even in one direction.


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Forms Data Controls :: Need Gridviews Visible Property False?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a form with a ton of gridview controls on it. All of which are driven by a dropdown list control. When I select a value from the dropdown list control it populates the 5 gridview controls with data from the database.If there are no rows associated with the record from the dropdown list then I am going to set the visible property of all of the gridview cotrols to false.

I know how to set the property I just need to know where I would set it and what I would check.I can put my code in the selectedindexchanged event for the dropdownlist control but how do I check to see if there are no rows associated with that value? Maybe some sort of If gridview1_rowdatabound = 0 then...

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