Web Forms :: Whether To Display Time From Client Or Server

Dec 9, 2012

I want to know that i am collecting a feedback form from user in which i am recording the time of submission, i want to know whether i pick the time from the client machine or from the server,why i am confused is that if the client machine is not having the correct time and it is delayed by say some hours and when anyone replies to the form the reply time is displayed before the question is posted which is not possible.

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The ShowTime Function Returns Server Time Or Client's Time

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<script type="text/javascript">

function ShowTime() {

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Client / Server DateTime - Save To DB With Correct Time Zone

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Web Forms :: Display Start And End Time Based On If Current Time Falls In Range

Dec 23, 2013

I need to do to the following:

Find if the current time falls within hourly ranges  and display the start hour and end hour of that range in labels.


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2. which place 3.

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Dec 12, 2010

If I have something like the following:

<asp:TextBox id="test" runat="sever"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="test"
<asp:Label runat="server" id="lblStatus"></asp:Label>

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Display System Date On First Time Page Display?

Jan 17, 2010


I have an asp.net web page and i would like to display the system date, on the first time page display?

Can this be done in asp.net or must it be passed from C# or is it a Javascript type thing.

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May 25, 2010

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Web Forms :: Display One Validation At A Time?

Apr 3, 2012

I am having two text box for "Password" and "confirm password".

The password should be minimum of 6 charecters.

when the password is minimum of 6 charecter it shows a error message and when the confirm password and password is not matching it shows the error message.

It displays both the error message at a time.

Is there is way to display one by one.

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"<asp:CompareValidator SetFocusOnError="true" ID="CompareValidator2" runat="server"                    ControlToValidate="txtconfirmPassword" ControlToCompare="txtPassword" ErrorMessage="Password and confirm password should be same."></asp:CompareValidator>"

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Web Forms :: Date Time Display

Apr 19, 2012

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 lbl1.text=    Fri 4/20 (Today) =>should display the Today's date in the following format
 lbl2.text=   Thu 4/19 (Yesterday)=> display the yesterday date.
lbl3.text =  Wed 4/18= >Day before yesterday .

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Mar 25, 2010

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Oct 11, 2010

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Dec 27, 2010

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Nov 18, 2010

I tried myrepot.printtoprinter(1,fales,1,1) but thats working only for development machine. Not working on Hosted server!!!

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