Web Forms :: Wizard Control Navigation Links

Jan 24, 2011

I am using the Wizard control to create a webshop with steps. The wish is for horizontal navigation on top and the links should not link (plain text) yet but the links to previous steps should become links. My sidebartemplate:

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: How To Stop Wizard Control Next Step Navigation

Aug 11, 2010

I am using Wizard control for password recovery. at first step I am checking the UserName with chkUserName(UserName.Text) function if UserName presents, the function will return the User Id and will navigate to next step, if UserName is wrong the function will return 0 and should not navigate to next step, but should stop at index 0 i.e. at the same step.

I have tried some solutions but it is navigating to next step in both the conditions.

in aspx the code is like:


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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Navigation - Button For Options?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a wizard control, which has 3 steps and the last is a complete step. I put on him a button in order to enable the user the option to return to the first step. How could I navigate back to the fist step?

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Web Forms :: MasterPage Navigation Dropdown Links

Apr 15, 2010

I am creating navigation dropdown links on my masterpage. I've already created functional menu links with .jpeg images. What I want is when I hover over a particular menu link a drop-down of additional links is available. Do I need to use some type of javascript for this or can asp provide this functionality?

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Web Forms :: Hide All Wizard Navigation Buttons?

Jan 14, 2010

I have created a wizard control. Now i would like hide all the Navigationbuttons, for example

- stepPreviousButton
- FinishPreviousButton etc.

How can i do than in my code-behind?

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How To Implement Wizard Type Page Navigation

Jul 2, 2010

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 & .Net 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008. Ok, what I am referring to by 'Wizard type page navigation', is a site where you have a list of stages in a given process or workflow. There is some kind of visual denotation to indicate which part of the stage you are at. I have already implemented this part (albeit, it smells like a hack) via the following:
css class current denotes active page.
css class notcurrent denotes in-active page (i.e. page you are not on)

I declared the following method in a class called NavigationTracker.
public static String getCss(String val, String currView) {
String result = String.Empty;
String trimmedViewName = currView.Substring(currView.LastIndexOf("/") + 1).Replace(".aspx", "");
if (val.ToLower().Equals(trimmedViewName.ToLower()))
result = "current"; else result = "notcurrent"; return result; }

I have my stages in a control like this:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="TheProject.Models" %>
<link href="../../Content/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<% String currentView = ((WebFormView)ViewContext.View).ViewPath; %>
<table width="100%"> <tr>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("LogIn",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Log In</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("YearSelect",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Year Section</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("GoalEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Goals</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("AssessmentEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;">Assessment</td>
<td class="<%= NavigationTracker.getCss("SummaryEntry",currentView)%>" style="width:18%;"> Summary</td> </tr> </table>

To supplement this process, I'd like to create a user control that just has Previous & Next buttons to manage going through this process. So far, one snag I've hit is that this control cannot be put in the master page, but would have to be included in each view, before the form ends. I don't mind that so much. Clicking either the Previous or Next button submit the containing form to the appropriate action; however, I'm unsure on how to do the following:
1) Detect whether the Previous or Next button was clicked
2) Show/Hide logic of Previous & Next buttons at the beginning & end of the process respectively.

Another oddity I'm noticing with my application in general is that, after going through several pages of the process, if I click the back button, some values from my model populate on the page and others do not. For example, the text entered for a text area shows, but the value that had been chosen for a radio button is not selected, yet when inspecting the model directly, the appropriate object does have a value to be bound to the radio button. I may just need to put that last part in a new question. My main question here is with the navigation control. Any pointers or tips on handling that logic & detecting whether Next or Previous was clicked would be most helpful.

I had a thought to put a hidden field in the control that displays the Previous & Next buttons. Depending on what button was clicked, I would use javascript to update the hidden fields value. The problem now seems to be that the hidden field is never created nor submitted with the form. I've amended the controller post arguments to accept the additional field, but it never gets submitted, nor is it in the FormCollection. Here is the code for the hidden field. Note that its being generated in a user control that is called inside of the form on the parenting view (hope that makes sense).
<% Html.Hidden("navDirection", navDirection); %>

In short, the solution was to have a Navigation class like the one suggested with logic to determine the next or previous page based on the current view & a string list of all views. A partial view / user control was created to display the Previous / Next buttons. The user control had 2 hidden fields: 1) One with the value of the current view 2) a field indicating navigation direction (previous or next). Javascript was used to update the hidden navigation field value depending on what button was clicked. Logic in the user control determined whether or not to display the 'Previous' or 'Next' buttons depending on the first and last views in the wizard when compared to the current view. All said, I'm pretty happy with the results. I'll probably find some code smell issues when I return to this, but, for now, it works.

Here is the code for the control I built to display the 'Next' & 'Previous' navigation buttons:
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Project.Models" %>
<link href="../../Content/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" > function setVal(val) {
var nav = document.getElementById("NavigationDirection"); nav.value = val;
} </script> <% String currentView = ((WebFormView)ViewContext.View).ViewPath;
String navDirection = "empty"; currentView = NavigationTracker.getShortViewName(currentView); %>
<input type="hidden" value="<%= currentView %>" name="CurrentView" id="CurrentView" />
<input type="hidden" value="<%= navDirection %>" name="NavigationDirection" id="NavigationDirection" /> <% if( currentView != NavigationTracker.FirstPage) { %>
<div style="float:left;"> <input type="submit" value="Previous" onclick="setVal('previous')" />
<!-- On click set navDirection = "previous" --> </div> <% } %>
<% if (currentView != NavigationTracker.LastPage) { %>
<div style="float:right;"> <input type="submit" value="Next" onclick="setVal('next')" /> <!-- On click set navDirection = "next" --> </div> <% } %>

From there, you render the control just before the closing tag of a form on views you want it like so:
<% Html.RenderPartial("BottomNavControl"); %> <% } %>

Now I can't really post all of the NavigationTracker code, but the meat of how it works can be deduced from the selected answer and the following snippet that returns the name of the view, based on the current view and the direction (previous or next).
public String NextView { get {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.NavigationDirection)) return string.Empty;
int index = this.MyViews.IndexOf(this.CurrentView); String result = string.Empty;
if (this.NavigationDirection.Equals("next") && (index + 1 < MyViews.Count ) {
result = this.MyViews[index + 1]; }
else if (this.NavigationDirection.Equals("previous") && (index > 0)) {
result = this.MyViews[index - 1]; } return result; } }

Now, doing all of this has a few side effects that could easily be considered code smell. Firstly, I have to amend all of my controller methods that are marked [HTTPPOST] to accept a NavigationTracker object as a parameter. This object contains helper methods and the CurrentView & NavigationDirection properties. Once this is done, I can get the next view the same way in all of my actions:
return RedirectToAction(nav.NextView);
where nav is of type NavigationTracker.
Another note is that the FirstPage & LastPage properties of NavigationTracker are static so I'm actually using NavigationTracker.FirstPage in my global.asax.cs file for my routing. This means I can go to my NavigationTracker class and change the flow in one place for the entire application.

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Dynamically Show / Hide Wizard Navigation Controls

Oct 15, 2010

I have a <asp:Wizard> control with 6 or so steps. In the first 3 steps, I want to hide the default Wizard navigation (Next button, etc.), as each WizardStep's contents will handle that. For the last 3 or so steps, if possible, I want to use the built-in navigation. I've modified the <StepNavigationTemplate> contents, but that alone doesn't cut it, because it affects all steps. Here are my options:

Find a way to dynamically show or hide the StepNavigation from the codebehind. (I feel like this might be best -- is it possible?)
Use StepType with <StartNavigationTemplate>, <StepNavigationTemplate>, and <FinishNavigationTemplate> to switch between navigation options (marking multiple steps as "start" or "finish" feels like it's abusing the mechanism)
Switch to a <asp:MultiView> and handle navigation manually (I'd rather not do this)

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Forms Data Controls :: Control Which Nodes Automatically Expand With A TreeNode Navigation Control?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a sitemap with about 50 nodes. I want to expand the nodes for specific links directly related to the node group to which the current page belongs. Currently, when I navigate to a page, all nodes are expanded by default. Is there a properly I can use to control this behavior?

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Web Forms :: Navigation Control Appear Behind The Panel?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a small a problem with my navigation control. My navigation control has many menuitems. But here is just an extract to explain my problem.

<asp:MenuItem Text="Customer">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerLogin.aspx" Text="Log In"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerProduct.aspx" Text="Product"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerInformation.aspx" Text="Information"></asp:MenuItem>

so when i put my mouse on Customer, the child menuitem drops vertically. The problem is I have a panel on the page which I use Gray Color as it background color and child menuitems are hidden behind that panel. Is there a way to show the menuitems on top of the panel beside moving the panel further down?

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Web Forms :: Navigation In Menu Control Browser IE7?

Feb 28, 2010

I am a student and .net freshers.I have been working on a website using asp.net and has used menu control in it.it has various sections like home,about us ,customer care and i have set navigate url for each menu parts and submenus .but it is not navigating to respective pages while it is opened in browser. I have seen sitemap usage and iE8 compatiblity articles does it needs to be done ...cant it workout just by setting navigate url in property of menu?

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu Control Horizontal - Multiline?

Jan 7, 2010

I've built a website with a Horizontal Menubar at the the top of the site, it works fine the only problem is now that i have added more items to the website map it has now grown wider than the site, so what i would like it to do is when it gets to a certain width drop down and start adding the node links underneath. i tried setting the width property of the <asp:menu> but this did not seem to do anything at all. I could obviously add a second menubar linking to another sitemap but i would like to be as dynamic as posssible. Plus the menu is baseed around the role structure so some users may only see 5 items where admins, supervisors etc may see around 30 level 1 menu items with multiple subitems. so in short how to i make the menu wrap round to the next line when a certain length is reached

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Web Forms :: Disable ToolTip On Asp - Menu Navigation Control?

May 26, 2010

How to get rid-off ToolTip showing when people hover over menu items in asp:menu navigation control? The ToolTip itself covers pop-out sub-menu and very irritating. ToolTip actually displays "description" from Web.sitemap. I thought to delete "description", but that would be nice to have for asp:SiteMapPath.

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Web Forms :: Make Mega Dropdown Menu Using Navigation Control?

May 7, 2010

how can i make a mega dropdown menu using asp net navigation control

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Web Forms :: Put Multilevel Navigation Structure (from A Database) Into The Menu - Control

Jul 23, 2010

In classic ASP I would write some logic to get a nice menu on the site, but now with the Menu-control, it's as easy as it gets.. Maybe to easy. I can't quite figure out how I would do this.. I have a multilevel navigation structure (from a database) that I want to put into the Menu-control, but I don't know which approach is the best/easiest way for me..

I'm all into performance, usability and all that.. The only thing I have really decided is that I want to use the Menu-control, I haven't decided what datasource I should use or how to style the individual links my way The data is coming from a database and is not supposed to be changed very often (maybe once or twice every month).. Thought of making an XML-sitemap, but also of making some sort of SQL-hookup.. I'm leaning towards the XML-sitemap because it wouldn't take long to generate the XML every time the navigation changes and that won't happen very often. The next issue is styling, how to do that? I have the neccesary css ready for the individual links, but I'm still unsure of how to get it to the Menu-control.. The css I have looks like below and in its current form is intended just for the anchors


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Web Forms :: How To Use Listview Control With Ado.net(without Wizard

Feb 8, 2010

how to i can use listview control with ado.net(without wizard),and insert image in itemTemplate when nothing is present in html code section....(i use an sql query to retrieve data,and i have image name in db,but i dont know howto show it in listview)

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Web Forms :: Cause Validation In Wizard Control?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a wizard control and in one of the steps, I checked the input box if it's blank or not. By doing this, now the sidebar link and other steps all cause validation = true. How can I resolve this problem so that the cause validations for sidebars and other steps are false?

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Web Forms :: The Wizard Control Lose The Value?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a Wizard server control to collect data and send it as an Email in the last step the problem i think that the page post back and clear the fields:


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Web Forms :: How To Work With Navigation Menu And Assign Pages In Navigation Menu In Master Page

Aug 25, 2010

Iam using masterpage and i want to use navigation menu ,but i don't want to use sitemap concept

how to work with navigation menu and assign the pages in navigation menu in master page

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show And Expand All Items In A Navigation Control

Sep 30, 2010

I am using a SiteMap data source boudn to a navigation control. I would like to also put this in the footer (sort of like the bottom of Yahoo! pages) where all items are expanded and static.

So my major heading would be across the top (horizontal) and the sub items would be indented vertically below and always expanded. Is there a way to do this? Check out the bottom of the BlackBerry DEVCON 2010 site for an example:[URL]

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Enable / Disable TreeView Navigation Control

Feb 9, 2011

In asp.net(C#) i'm using masterpage and childpage.

in masterpage i used TreeView Navigation control to view the Childpage.

.What my doubt is......when i select the navgation control

my TreeView Control should be disable and when i click cancel button in Child page it will enable..

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Web Forms :: Navigation Using Dropdown List Control Embedded In The Master Page

Mar 15, 2010

I have a drop down list embedded in a menu panel in my master page. This ddl fetches it's list items from my SQL Server. They are:

1. Select a type --appended during page load

2. Green type -- fetched from SQL server via a datasource

3. Red type -- fetched from SQL server via a datasource

4. User Manual -- appended during page load

For the sake of simplicity my website has 4 pages. When the 'Select a type' list item is selected - the user should be taken to a general 'Introduction' page. When the 'Green type' - the user should be taken to a 'Green' page - and etc.

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Web Forms :: How To Put The Wizard Control Sidebar In The Right Side

Jan 18, 2010

by default when u put the DisplaySideBar=true it automatically go to the left side, how can i put the sidebar to the right side?

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Web Forms :: Can't Find A Control Within A HeaderTemplate Of A Wizard

Jan 11, 2010

I'm currently experiencing issues when I try to update the text value of a label. The label is located within a HeaderTemplate. The HeaderTemplate is within a Wizard control. why I'm uable to access it directly or with using findcontrol?

I believe that Findcontrol returns back a null when I go that route. Here's a code snippet below of what I'm working with. I'm trying to update lblCurrentJob with text that changes based on what the user selects on my page.


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Wizard Control And ObjectDatasource?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a dynamically created wizard control in the Page Init subroutine and accompanying NextButtonClicked event attached. It seems that when clicking the next button in the wizard and firing the event which is supposed to in turn insert a row in the db via an objectdatasource outside of the wizard, the insert is executed as many time as there are wizardsteps. For example, if there are 5 wizardsteps, then when looking at the data in the database there are 5 rows for what would be each insert from each wizardstep - and if there were 4 then 4 rows would be insterted for each step and so on...Is this something to do with adding the even dynamically and using the objectdatasource to insert??? I can't put my finger on the repetition....Basically....I create a wizard control dynamically which is much a like a quiz (each wizard step would be a question) - the number of wizard steps is contingent on a value retrieved from the database.
The user enters data on each step which is inserted via the Objectdatasource when the NextButtonClick event is fired.

Duplicate rows are inserted in the database for the value of the wizardstep just completed.
The number of identical rows are equal to the number of the wizard steps created for the control.
This happens for each wizard setp in the control except for the finalbuttonclick event.
All the controls in the step have a unique ID.If anyone has either a solution, or a way to possibly spot check this to determine if it is a bug or not,

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Web Forms :: Asp Wizard Control ViewState Lost

Mar 14, 2011

I have an ASP Wizard control. On my first step I have two listboxes, The first listbox item is populated from the server, when the page loads.User then selects data from ListBox One and Moves it to ListBox2. Then clicks on the NEXT button of the wizzard. Somehow when the user clicks on next the ListBox2 is empty.I use jquery to move data from ListBOx1 to ListBox2.


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