Web Forms :: How To Use Listview Control With Ado.net(without Wizard

Feb 8, 2010

how to i can use listview control with ado.net(without wizard),and insert image in itemTemplate when nothing is present in html code section....(i use an sql query to retrieve data,and i have image name in db,but i dont know howto show it in listview)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Push Down Outer ListView From Nested ListView Control

Mar 13, 2011

I have anested ListView control. I also implemented a jQuery to automatically expand the TextBox control inside of the nested ListView Insert Template. The problem is, when the Textbox expand, the outer ListView control is not; therefore, the Textbox control expands underneath the buttons of the outer listView control. How do I expand the outer ListView control as the nested ListView textbox is automatically expand? One great example is in Facebook where if I add a response comment, it'll automatically push any comments below mine down. If nested Listview control is not the best way to do this, what are my options?

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Web Forms :: Cause Validation In Wizard Control?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a wizard control and in one of the steps, I checked the input box if it's blank or not. By doing this, now the sidebar link and other steps all cause validation = true. How can I resolve this problem so that the cause validations for sidebars and other steps are false?

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Web Forms :: The Wizard Control Lose The Value?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a Wizard server control to collect data and send it as an Email in the last step the problem i think that the page post back and clear the fields:


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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Navigation Links

Jan 24, 2011

I am using the Wizard control to create a webshop with steps. The wish is for horizontal navigation on top and the links should not link (plain text) yet but the links to previous steps should become links. My sidebartemplate:

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Jan 18, 2010

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Web Forms :: Can't Find A Control Within A HeaderTemplate Of A Wizard

Jan 11, 2010

I'm currently experiencing issues when I try to update the text value of a label. The label is located within a HeaderTemplate. The HeaderTemplate is within a Wizard control. why I'm uable to access it directly or with using findcontrol?

I believe that Findcontrol returns back a null when I go that route. Here's a code snippet below of what I'm working with. I'm trying to update lblCurrentJob with text that changes based on what the user selects on my page.


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Wizard Control And ObjectDatasource?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a dynamically created wizard control in the Page Init subroutine and accompanying NextButtonClicked event attached. It seems that when clicking the next button in the wizard and firing the event which is supposed to in turn insert a row in the db via an objectdatasource outside of the wizard, the insert is executed as many time as there are wizardsteps. For example, if there are 5 wizardsteps, then when looking at the data in the database there are 5 rows for what would be each insert from each wizardstep - and if there were 4 then 4 rows would be insterted for each step and so on...Is this something to do with adding the even dynamically and using the objectdatasource to insert??? I can't put my finger on the repetition....Basically....I create a wizard control dynamically which is much a like a quiz (each wizard step would be a question) - the number of wizard steps is contingent on a value retrieved from the database.
The user enters data on each step which is inserted via the Objectdatasource when the NextButtonClick event is fired.

Duplicate rows are inserted in the database for the value of the wizardstep just completed.
The number of identical rows are equal to the number of the wizard steps created for the control.
This happens for each wizard setp in the control except for the finalbuttonclick event.
All the controls in the step have a unique ID.If anyone has either a solution, or a way to possibly spot check this to determine if it is a bug or not,

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Web Forms :: Asp Wizard Control ViewState Lost

Mar 14, 2011

I have an ASP Wizard control. On my first step I have two listboxes, The first listbox item is populated from the server, when the page loads.User then selects data from ListBox One and Moves it to ListBox2. Then clicks on the NEXT button of the wizzard. Somehow when the user clicks on next the ListBox2 is empty.I use jquery to move data from ListBOx1 to ListBox2.


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Web Forms :: How To Data Bind A Control Only Once In A Wizard Step

Jan 22, 2010

I am databinding a dropdown list in a wizard step (as long as not the first step). In the Page_Load event, I put the databinding in if (!IsPostBack) block - There is no binding happening, I guess because the system treat the next button click on the previous wizard step triggering a postback.

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Web Forms :: Find Control In A Textbox Present In A Wizard (in VB)?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a wizard named as "Wizard1" which has a Textbox named "tbRegion". Now I want to get the value from the textbox into a label "Region". Now this textbox is in step 2 of the wizard.

So right now I have tried:


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Web Forms :: How To Stop Wizard Control Next Step Navigation

Aug 11, 2010

I am using Wizard control for password recovery. at first step I am checking the UserName with chkUserName(UserName.Text) function if UserName presents, the function will return the User Id and will navigate to next step, if UserName is wrong the function will return 0 and should not navigate to next step, but should stop at index 0 i.e. at the same step.

I have tried some solutions but it is navigating to next step in both the conditions.

in aspx the code is like:


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Web Forms :: Wizard Control, Add A Checkmark With Completed Steps?

Aug 5, 2010

I like to use a wizardcontrol on my site. I like to use a radiobuttonlist on each step.

I would like that once an item of a radiobuttonlist is selected, a check mark becomes visable next to the active step title on the sidebar.

For this I have changed the sidebar to a templated sidebar, added a picture of a checkmark next to the sidebarbutton, and put it's visebility to false.

now I have to write some code to set the visebilety of the specific checkmark to true.

I have tryed this:


But then the control is not found. I guess becouse findcontrol is only looking in the active wizard step, and not in the sidebar.

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Web Forms :: How To Print The Div Content Of The Last Step Of My .net Wizard Control

Nov 24, 2010

How can I print the div content of the last step of my .net wizard control?I've got a javascript print function that tries to get hold of the div element but because it is not on the first step it won't be available (only the first step controls are accessible through document.getElementById).

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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Navigation - Button For Options?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a wizard control, which has 3 steps and the last is a complete step. I put on him a button in order to enable the user the option to return to the first step. How could I navigate back to the fist step?

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Sep 1, 2010

How can I set the value of WizardStep.IndexOf() programatically? eg.


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Web Forms :: Summarize Radiobutton Selections From Wizard Control?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a wizard control handling multiple radiobuttonlists. This is done so a customer can make a selection on one radiobuttonlist then move onto the next one. Each radiobuttonlist pulls selections from table in a database. Each time a customer visits the page, I want them to make selections on each radiobuttonlist then have those selections show up on a summary page when the customer presses checkout. From there, the customer can enter their information which will be stored along with their selections in a separate order table.

So far I have the wizard control set up with each of the radiobuttonlists getting pulled from the database. how I can have these selections show up on a summary page then get stored with the customer information in another database.

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Web Forms :: Print The Finished Output Of A Wizard Control?

Feb 3, 2010

Anyone ever try to print the finished output of a wizard control? That is, after the user fills out all 5 steps of the wizard, the user clicks "print" to print all the data from steps 1-5. Normally, a bit of javascript will do the trick, but each time you go to a new "step" the page is refreshed and controls are added/removed from the page.

So if nametxtbox is in step one, when you click step two the control is removed from the page. If I could just pull the values from steps 1-4 from whereever they are stored (session state?) that would probably be good enough. I could load all the values on one page & run some javascript from there.. Not sure where to go from here..hoping for someone will be able to guide me in the right direction...

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Web Forms :: Wizard Control - Forcing NextButton Click?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a problem at the moment that I cannot figure out how to solve. I have an asp:Wizard control on my page, which contains a google map. Now, for google maps, you need to specify what html will be put into the info windows (the little bubble that comes up when a marker is clicked).

What I want is for my info window to have a 'Select and Continue' button in it, which would act the same way as if the user clicked the next button on the Wizard at that time.

So when I create the html for the info window, I have the following:-


However, the page just seems to reload, and the wizard doesn't move on to the next step.

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Web Forms :: Wizard Server Control And Relational Data?

Jan 17, 2010

I am building a web based insurance application with VS 2008. Using the web wizard to enter newly created policy data and related information.My question is how to handles relational data in the wizard and saving that back to the database.A general idea of the setupEach policy can have multiple policy periodsEach policy period can have multiple sections and multiple policy feesSO The new wizard allows for a single policy entry, then we move to enter the policy periods. Which can be one or many per new policy, then we move to the sections and fees which can be ne or many per policy period.Each part is a step on the wizard. Policy, Period, Sections, Fees.The multiple entries are handled with an aspxgridview.NO problem in entering the data and completing the wizard, except when it comes to actually saving the data.Saving the policy and policy period information is easy because I can get the policyID value and assign that to each policy period.Problem comes in when I save the period child info. Because I can have multiple periods, I can't determine which child data (Sections and Fees) belong to which period so as to get the period ID.What process would you suggest, and how can I achieve this.I have thought of only allowing period entry per new policy. This will certainly solve the problem in a way, but does not conform to business rules.

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Web Forms :: Navigate To Specific Step Of A Wizard Control?

May 7, 2015

I have 2 pages , In which one of them is having wizard control with 3 steps..i want to redirect from other page to this page and automatically open Step No. 2 ..How ?

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Web Forms :: How To Display Error Message For Wizard Control

Nov 29, 2012

I added 3 steps in Wizard Control. Step1, Step 2 and Step 3. Step 1, and step 2 has AllowReturn property = false.

I want to display an error message if user clicks on the SideBar's hyperlink. "You can't go back" ....

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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Persist The State While Closed The Browser?

Feb 28, 2011

I am using Wizard Contorl in one of my project, I want to maintain the state of the wizard control at any step .Let me explain further , let suppose when user is at Step 4 out of Step 10 and then user would close the browser so the state should be persisted and when the user come back again to the same URL the step would be 4.

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Web Forms :: Wizard Control - Disable Validation When Sidebar Is Clicked

Dec 17, 2010

Does anyone know of a way to disable validation for a step when a sidebar link is clicked?

I know there is a 'CausesValidation' property for linkbutton, but how would one apply it to the siderbar items?

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Web Forms :: Wizard Control Doesn't Work In Content Page?

Sep 24, 2010

i am using wizard control in content page.if i use it in normal aspx it works.but not in content page.i use same code for aspx and content pages

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