Web Forms :: Access Members Control On MasterPage?

Dec 17, 2010

The website will have public and private (members) access.I'm using VB and MS access database. Registering, login, MasterPage (Master1), default.aspx and users (members.aspx) pages are already set up. What I wanted or what I'm thinking to do is to also base the members.aspx on the MasterPage.

When a user logged in, I wanted to add additional menu (reserved only to members) to the MasterPage and
remove/hide unnecessary menu. Here is a scheme of what I want:

MasterPage + default.aspx: (visible to the public)
Menu11, Menu12, Menu13
Menu21, Menu22, Menu23
MasterPage + members.aspx: (When user login)
Menu11, Menu12, Menu13
Menu31, Menu32, Menu33

If the user logout, it will return to MasterPage + default.aspx. Nowing that if the user authentication successful, he will redirected to members.aspx,

1. how can I, when loading members.aspx, manage the MasterPage so that I can show and hide some of its menu? how to use members controls on the MasterPage?

2. in case I'm wrong with what I'm trying to to do, what is your advice?

3. FYI, I'm using VB. Any code in C# will also be OK. I will just have to convert it.

4. I might probably use placeHolder to show and hide these menu in the Page_load event of members.aspx (refer to what I don't want in 3).

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Site.Master page:


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CType(MasterPage.FindControl("PanelLogin"), Label).Visible = False

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Dim useCSS as boolean = 0
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document.getElementById('<%= asd.ClientID%>')

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Feb 10, 2011

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