Web Forms :: Add OnClick Code To An ImageMap?

Feb 24, 2011

I have an imagemap with 3 hotspots. One downloads a .pdf, the other two redirect to two other websites. Now they want to be able to track who downloads the .pdf file with our reporting program (VisiStat). To do that, I have to add some code to the OnClick event of the .pdf hotspot.


The code in the "VSLT('MyFile.pdf')" can be any name, that's what shows up in the reports.

I've tried doing this with a code behind OnClick event handler, but it can't see the javascript included in the asp page:


And I'm guessing that's where the VSLT code is at. I tried moving my code inline in the asp page, but it always says my sub is not a member of the page. What am I doing wrong? It seems like I'm just calling it or referencing it wrong.

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<asp:ImageMap ID="imageMap" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/MapImages/map.jpg" HotSpotMode="PostBack" OnClick="imageMap_Click">

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protected void imageMap_Click(object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

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<asp:Button ID="btnProcess" runat="server" Text="ProcessTrans" "
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<asp:Button ID="btnProcess" runat="server" Text="ProcessTrans" "
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Ive tried with three different webbrowsers with all plugins disabled. I've tried to turn of Causes Validation, - Nothing changes. I've tried to clean and Rebuild the project, - Still nothing. I've tried to create a whole new project, -Does'nt work there either. Other Information: A RadioButtonList OnDatabound Event works, but whenever i try to do a Button or ImageButton click event the code for the event never fires. Ive programmed several webapplications in other versions of visual studio and ASP.NET but I have never encountered this problem before.

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* Visual Studio 2010
* MVC 2.

Am I supposed to file a bug report or does anyone out there have a solution?

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since it was not posting back,i tried the following on page_load code behind

btnGenerateReport.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;" + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnGenerateReport, ""))

that worked well. but I tried to copy the javascript that got generated and pasted directly on design view


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OnClick Run SQL Code Output To Specific DIV

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<span onclick="MyPageMethod()"></span>

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Add ImageMap To Graph On PageLoad?

Jun 24, 2010

I have got a graph with x number of datapoints, the data for the graph is coming from a stored procedure. I want to make the labels for the datapoints hyperlinks and I believe the best way to do this is with an ImageMap.

I am needing some advice/guidance in achieving this. I understand how to use the imagemap control, but I need some in how to add the hotspots on pageload.

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Feb 10, 2010

i have written following code to access public variable of asp.net onclick event on button but its not giving me desired output.. please check it:

<asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="txtdisplay" ID="Button1"
Text="Browse all jobs in area"
OnClientClick="return navigateURL('index.aspx?c=<%=cityid %>')" />

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Web Forms :: Adding An ImageButton To The ImageMap Control As A Child Control

Mar 24, 2011

Adding an ImageButton to the ImageMap control as a child control. I am developing a map that will be contained some user-defined nodes. The user can click anywhere of the map to add the node to that location. X locations and Y Locations are stored in the database. Initializing the page all stored nodes will be created programmatically. My problem is that the created nodes are invisible. If I replace the ImageMap with a panel control then all dynamically created nodes will be visible but in this situation I cannot capture the X and Y locations.

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
btn.ImageUrl = "Images/..."
override protected
void OnInit(EventArgs e)
btn = new ImageButton();
btn.ID = "btn1";
btn.Style["Position"] =
btn.Style["Top"] =
btn.Style["Left"] =
ImageMap1.Controls.Add(btn);//... invisible nodes
// Panel1.Controls.Add(btn);//... visible nodes

So I have one of the following problems:

1. Adding child to the ImageMap Control OR

2. Capturing the mouse X and Y Locations in the panel

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C# - Stop Setting Onclick Event For LinkButton If No OnClick Event Was Explicitly Defined?

Feb 25, 2010

How do I setup a default setting so that if I do not set an OnClick (i.e the asp.net OnClick attribute) explicitly for an asp:LinkButton tag, it will not render an onclick(html attribute for javascript) attribute client side? By default, asp.net adds an onclick='doPostBack....' for the LinkButton.

Case for use:

There is a LinkButton tag on the page. For this page, if the user has one friend, I only want to run client side code if the button is clicked and would not for any reason want to make a post back. If the user has more than one friend I would want a click to trigger a postback.

Using any asp.net Ajaxtoolkit

Dynamically switching the control type (i.e. if friends == 1 use a asp:Hyperlink)

-I want to avoid this because it is not scalable. There might be many cases where I want an asp:Link tag to do a postback or to not do a postback depending on the user context or user attributes Using OnClientClick (I am using jQuery would like to avoid this)

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Web Forms :: Onclick For Image Button?

Feb 25, 2011

I had a button with onclick event (in .aspx page)

Customer Registration"

I have converted this button to image button like this:


It is not working and It gave me an error.

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Web Forms :: ImageButton OnClick - Get Information?

Sep 18, 2010

I created an image button called "pic1" with the OnClick feature. When clicked it runs "btnClicked". In the sub "btnClick", how would I get information? One example is to get the button tooltip. I tried this: request.form.item("pic1.tooltip"). That did not work.

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Web Forms :: Transfer Event OnClick?

May 28, 2010

have a user control that has a data repeater. When the ItemDataBound even is raised I create a html table which contains a button on each row. The button is created in a seperate class, not in the code behind, so when I attach the button click event I have to put the click method in the class that creates the control. However, when the button is clicked I need to open a modal form in the page that contains the button. How can I move the event back to the web user control with the sender object? I suspect I need to do something with a delegate or something, but I am having a hard time putting how to do that together. Can someone tell me how to do this?

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