Web Forms :: Overlay Image Over An Imagemap?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm working on Framework 3.5 in an asp.net project.

I need to overlay an image over an imagemap.

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C# - Adding Dynamic Image Overlay To Databound Gridview?

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to add an image overlay of a cell within a data bound gridview cell in ASP.Net (C#). The effect is designed to have a string within the image that is going to sit on top of the image that is pulled from the server.

IE: Database contains path to images. Data grid is pulling these images in based on the ID of the items in question. I need to pull the price from the database and lay it onto an image that is placed over the data bound image cell.

SQL Statement gets results.

Results contains path to image for items.

Items are sometimes on sale, so a special overlay is needed.

Overlay will have a varying price overlaying it.

I tried to break it down into easy portions. I am not sure if I am over thinking things or not but I can't find a feasible way to do this. The data is converted to a table due to the data grid control in ASP.Net, and there isn't any way to determine the IDs after the table is created.

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Web Forms :: Set Each Hotspot In ImageMap Unique ID?

Jul 10, 2010

I ImageMag i have set different hopspots. Can you tell how to set each hotspot a unique ID ?I have to pass these ID to some other controls so that some effect take place on mouse hover.presently, effect takes palce when mouse hovers on any part of the image. I want to restrict that effect only for hotspots.

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Web Forms :: Add OnClick Code To An ImageMap?

Feb 24, 2011

I have an imagemap with 3 hotspots. One downloads a .pdf, the other two redirect to two other websites. Now they want to be able to track who downloads the .pdf file with our reporting program (VisiStat). To do that, I have to add some code to the OnClick event of the .pdf hotspot.


The code in the "VSLT('MyFile.pdf')" can be any name, that's what shows up in the reports.

I've tried doing this with a code behind OnClick event handler, but it can't see the javascript included in the asp page:


And I'm guessing that's where the VSLT code is at. I tried moving my code inline in the asp page, but it always says my sub is not a member of the page. What am I doing wrong? It seems like I'm just calling it or referencing it wrong.

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Web Forms :: ImageMap Png / Jpg Images Not Rendering Properly

Jun 3, 2010

I have a page where an image does render properly in Chrome, Safari, Firefox unless I set the image type to .gif:

<asp:ImageMap ID="ImageMapTFS" runat="server" HotSpotMode="Navigate"

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Web Forms :: Displaying Overlay Message Popup Box

Aug 20, 2013

How to display an overlay in asp.net web application  as in case of jabong website.

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Web Forms :: How To Design Popup With Background Overlay

Apr 27, 2016

<div id="myModal" class="modal fade overlay">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">


<img class="img-responsive" src="../images/btn_filter.png.png" alt="filter" title="Filter" style="float: right; padding-right: 20%;" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"/>

This is my image  to open the popup. how i will show the popup as shown in figure and overlay the background

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Add ImageMap To Graph On PageLoad?

Jun 24, 2010

I have got a graph with x number of datapoints, the data for the graph is coming from a stored procedure. I want to make the labels for the datapoints hyperlinks and I believe the best way to do this is with an ImageMap.

I am needing some advice/guidance in achieving this. I understand how to use the imagemap control, but I need some in how to add the hotspots on pageload.

I have a store procedure which will return the pixel coorinates of each datapoints on the graph, I just need some with the code and how to loop through each record and add a hotspot for it.


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C# - OnClick Event For ImageMap Never Being Invoked?

Jun 4, 2010

I have an ImageMap control in an ascx file of mine. I'm trying to make something happen when the user clicks on an area in the map, but the page just posts back without my "imageMap_Click" event handler never being invoked.

<asp:ImageMap ID="imageMap" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/MapImages/map.jpg" HotSpotMode="PostBack" OnClick="imageMap_Click">

My imageMap_Click looks like this, just to see if it's invoked at all:

protected void imageMap_Click(object sender, ImageMapEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

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AJAX :: Modal Popup On An ImageMap?

Jun 25, 2010

I have an image, it is an Organization Chart to be specific. The Org Chart has ImageMaps on every branch on it. It has 13 branches.

How can I deploy a ModalPopup, say, i f I click on "The Manager's" link (the ImageMap), it'll display a ModalPopup containing the "The Manager's" details? "The Manager's" details is retrieved from a database.

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Jun 18, 2010

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Adding A Div Overlay To Each Item Of A Repeater Control

Jan 19, 2010

I've added a div overlay to my repeater control using absolute positioning. Predicably, this simply renders all of the divs in the same place. Is there any way that I can put this overlay over each row of my repeater?

<table style="border-style:None;width:350px;border-collapse:collapse;">
<b>User Name</b>
<b>Last Logged On</b>
<asp:Repeater ID="rptUsers" runat="server"
<div style="position:absolute; top:57px; width:350px; height:16px;" />
<asp:Label id="lblUserID" runat="server" Text='<% # Eval("ID") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:Label id="lblUserName" runat="server" Text='<% # Eval("UserName") %>' ></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblUserRole" runat="server" Text='<% # Eval("UserRole") %>' ></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblUserLastLoggedOn" runat="server" Text='<% # ((DateTime)Eval("LastLogin") != DateTime.MinValue) ? Eval("LastLogin") : "Never" %>' ></asp:Label>

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AJAX :: Update Progress Center In Overlay?

Mar 25, 2011

i'm trying to place a updateprogress control within a masterpage and have it display as an overlay centred both HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY.

Just can't seem to get a div to centre in the middle of the page

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C# - An ImageMap For A Navigation Menu Considered Good Practice?

Feb 2, 2010

Should I use an ImageMap to create a navigation menu?

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C# - Producing A Form From An Overlay From Reporting Services Rdlc Reports

May 25, 2010

I am not sure what you call it in other technologies, on the IBM i (or iSeries) we call it overlays. The overlay is an image of a form that is stored on the server then a program generates the form with fields from the database so you can eliminate preprinted forms.

I had a problem last year with the method I was trying at the time. It was a rush job at the time to be revisited at a later point. The work-around at the time was to export to PDF. So now it is "later" and once again is a rush (imagine that). This is all done through a web-based interface.

So how do you generate forms from something that was once a preprinted form? What method do you recommend? This is a legal form and must be filled out a certain way and can have many in a batch (up to 50 or so). I would prefer to not have them print one page at a time.

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Web Forms :: Adding An ImageButton To The ImageMap Control As A Child Control

Mar 24, 2011

Adding an ImageButton to the ImageMap control as a child control. I am developing a map that will be contained some user-defined nodes. The user can click anywhere of the map to add the node to that location. X locations and Y Locations are stored in the database. Initializing the page all stored nodes will be created programmatically. My problem is that the created nodes are invisible. If I replace the ImageMap with a panel control then all dynamically created nodes will be visible but in this situation I cannot capture the X and Y locations.

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
btn.ImageUrl = "Images/..."
override protected
void OnInit(EventArgs e)
btn = new ImageButton();
btn.ID = "btn1";
btn.Style["Position"] =
btn.Style["Top"] =
btn.Style["Left"] =
ImageMap1.Controls.Add(btn);//... invisible nodes
// Panel1.Controls.Add(btn);//... visible nodes

So I have one of the following problems:

1. Adding child to the ImageMap Control OR

2. Capturing the mouse X and Y Locations in the panel

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Set Overlay On A Page According To Page Height Using CSS?

Jul 29, 2010

In my web site I want to set a overlay above the page when JavaScript is disabled.Since height of every page is different so I am unable to set the overlay based on the page height.Currently what I am doing is that I am setting a fix maximum height of 2000px as follows:

opacity: 0.5;

But this not what I want.Because some pages have very less height than the mentioned overlay height and some pages have more, so overlay is not to much effective this case.I want to set overlay height according to the page height.Can any one tell me how I can achieve this with out using JavaScript?

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Web Forms :: Display Image In Image Conrtrol When User Select Image From Selection_Dialogbox

Sep 27, 2010

I want to achive on functionallity like below.

I want to Dispaly image after image selection.so Users can see image at that moment.

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Web Forms :: Image Display / Preview Image Whenever Browse An Image Beside It In An Imagecontrol?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a fileupload control in a contentplaceholder in a masterpage. I have to preview the image whenever I browse an image beside it in an imagecontrol.

My application is running on a different server .So I can't give the filepath of my local system.

Also I don't want to store the image in any location and i'm not supposed to use any session variable to pass it to generic handler.

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Web Forms :: To Set A Default Image For Image Control , When There Is No Image Availble?

Jan 15, 2011

I am trying to put a default image in an Image control in asp.net and it should show that particular image on the page when no other image is assigned or no image available in Database.

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Web Forms :: How To Display Image In Image Component After Uploading An Image

Mar 22, 2011

in my aspx page i have a file upload control and one image component...i want to display the image uploaded in the image component..

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Web Forms :: Display Image In Image Control From Image Path

Oct 1, 2010

I know how to display an image in gridview from image path in database. Now, I want to display an image in an asp.net image control from image path in database. Can anyone point me to a tutorial? I haven't been able to find one that explains how to do it when I don't know what the image path will be. The images are in the root folder.

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Web Forms :: Display Thumbnail Image In DataList Image Gallery And OnClick Display Original Image

Oct 12, 2012

I need to develop image gallery

Image saved in Folder called Images and image Name , Description saved in Database Table Images.

On Deafault.aspx

Thubnail images should display with out any change in Quality i.e by DataList Control

On Click of Thubnail images Fullview of image with width and height same as image width and height   
Next, Previous, Close Buttons on Popup window

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AJAX :: Uploading Image With AsynFileUpload And Changing Image Url Of An Image Control?

Jun 7, 2010

I Used AsyncFileUpload(one of Ajac Control Toolkit Controls) to Uploading User's Image. this works well. But i want to change the image url of an image contorl to uploaded image url. how can i perform that? I put Image control in a Update Panel:


in C# code I wrote these:


But it does not work. Image is like Previous. Note that ImageOperations.ResizeFromStream() method resizes and saves the image to a specefic folder. actually I should trigger a Postback to Update the Update Panel but How to do that. I usedUpdatePanelNew.Update(); but it does not work!

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Web Forms :: Display Image Immediately After User Browse The Image In Fileupload Control?

May 25, 2010

want a file upload control for uploading image in which when user select the image ,

i want to show it in image control after he finished browsing the image.

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