Web Forms :: Can't Get Username And Ip In Iis7

Nov 9, 2010

i develop webpage to get the username and password for user who browse this page the logined user in pc.

ex. i login to my pc with domainwael as username and i have ip when i run this page on my pc inside VS2008 it is ok give me this information but when i published on proudaction server with win 2008 and iis7 64bit it not give me this information

the code that i used for retrive the username and ip is:


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Security :: Update Username Of Current Logged Username?

Mar 12, 2010

How to update username of current logged username?

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Configuration :: IIS7.5 For Use With URL Routing And Web Forms

Oct 19, 2010

i am running windows server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 (asp.net 4.0 - integrated pipeline mode) and a web forms application. now i want to work my site with the url routing feature.

i already defined some routes in the global.asax which work perfectly in my local environment with vs2010, but when i run the same things on my webserver i just get 404-errors from the browser.

here is my part of web.config:


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Web Forms :: IIS7 Response.OutputStream Does Not Work In IE7?

Apr 2, 2010

The application is hosted in Windows Server 2008 with IIS7.

I have a button that calls a new webpage (asp.net page, ext .aspx) that contains

Response.OutputStream.Write(blahblahblah) which then should prompt a download box to allow user to save an image.

Now the page basically creates a stream and then is supposed to output the stream to the user using Response.Outputstream.Write.

Then the user is supposed to be prompted to open or save the document. This works fine in Firefox but it does not work with IE7 or 8

Also this exact same code works with IIS6 on a Windows 2003 server.

So the only differences is the IIS6 and Windows 2003 Server to IIS7 and Windows 2008 Server.

And what happens is when I clicked the button, the page did pop up but disappear 1-2 seconds later without
prompting the download box to the user.

Here is the code that launches for Reference

//e.g file = 123424_43535.jpeg
FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath("mapImage/") + file;
using(var fs = myFile.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte[] buffer;
int read;
buffer = new byte[(int)fs.Length];
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + file);
Response.ContentType = "application/x-force-download";
Response.AddHeader("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fs.Length.ToString());
while((read = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
this.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);

I have tried to replace Response.AddHeader with Response.AppendHeader, however the result is still the same. Also, I have tried to replace the Response.ContentType with application/octet-stream and image/jpeg, I also faced the same result.

Is there any setting/modification on server/code that I need to look on?

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Iis7 - Is It Possible To Use Iis 7 To Manage Users When Using Forms Authentication

Mar 22, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that is using forms authentication. Everything is configured and working correctly. However, i'm dealing with the issue of creating and maintaining users and role membership.

I know that I can roll my own solution but I'm wondering if there is an alternative solution?

Does iis7 provide screens for managing forms authentication users? Is there a reliable, free solution that someone would recommend?

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Web Forms :: Server 2008 R2 - IIS7 And Running .exe Files

Dec 9, 2010

I'm using ASP.net 3.5 to run a .exe with Process.Start(). It works fine if I use the host that's built-in to VS2008, WinServer 2003 but if I use IIS7 it no longer runs. I am using the following code.

Process proc =
proc.StartInfo = psi;
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = args;

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Web Forms :: SSRS IIS7 Authentication Breaking Ajax?

Mar 11, 2011

Before I get started it's important to note that this issue only happens in IIS7 and IE7, which means it works fine in all our IIS6 environments and Chrome and Firefox hitting IIS7.

We have an ASP.NET 3.5 application that is doing a very basic window.open to open our report server.


window.open('http://555.55.5.55/ReportServer', 'Reports');

Once launched the user is prompted for their username and password. If the user selects cancel and goes back to the parent window they can use all the Ajax functionality just fine; however, if the user logs into report server then all the Ajax functionality on the parent window ceases to work (example error below). We changed the javascript line above to popup a window to google and everything worked fine. We even tried changing it to '_self' to act like a redirect and we had the same results, everything failed. The issue appears to be related to something in IE7 and the authentication popup.

We've already set the application pool hosting the site in IIS7 to classic mode and this did not resolve our problem.


Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by call to Reponse.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.

Details: Error Parsing near ' <!DOCTYPE html PUB'.

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C# - Get The Username In Forms Authentication?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm using Forms authentication.In Windows Authentication for get the user name of the PC i use: User.Identity.Name

I need this information also in Forms authentication but User.Identity.Name doesn't work.How can I get the User.Identity.Name without using Windows authentication?

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Web Forms :: Listing Files Inside A Directory, Iis7 Forcing 404?

Nov 3, 2010

I have some issues regarding listing images from inside a directory. What I want to do is to create a Default.aspx page that will search and list the images located inside a folder of my website (where I simply drop them in it). I tried with a treeview, DirectoryInfo and both worked when I compiled my website with visual studio, but when I access them via another computer, I get a 404 for the page. My bet is that iis7 is blocking my code from accessing the folder containing the images. Any idea of how to fix this and make it work ?the code I use to browse in my image folder

string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
DirectoryInfo diFiles = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"contentmiscimages");
foreach (var f in diFiles.GetFiles("*.jpg"))
Lit.Text += "<a href="" + f + ""rel="lightbox[img]" title=" + f + ">" + f + "</a>" + "<br />"; //I format the image as an url inside a literal

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Web Forms :: How To Retrieve The Username For The Foreign Key

Mar 1, 2010

I have 2 tables: Users and Accounts. The Accounts table has CreatedBy, UpdatedBy fields for audit purposes.

On my UI I need to display: ABC Inc. was last modified by "John Smith" - where John Smith is the UpdatedBy ID from the user's table.

In my DataContext file I have removed all relationships. Can anyone tell me how to retrieve the username for the foreign key.

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Web Forms :: UserName Exist In Database Or Not?

Jun 9, 2010

How to check wether username exist in database or not in my regestration page? and plus i want to implement this feature also...suppose i allowed one user to select username as 'user01' and that user is still completing his form and same time another user tries to check whether 'user01' exist in database or not then i should show user as that 'user01' is not available for him and he should try to select some other username for him...

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How To Tell What The Username Is Of An Authenticated Using Forms Authentication

Jun 13, 2010

After a user is authenticated I store their username in session state but if the session times out, I want to create a new session for the user based on their username they authenticated with original. How can I get from Forms Authentication the currently authenticated user?

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Getting A Username From A UserID (guid) In Web Forms?

Mar 26, 2011

So I'm almost finished my project but I'm stuck. In my application's database I save some records that contain the currently logged in user's userID - and so when it comes to displaying these records, I've been just been outputting the userID whilst developing the rest of the application. Through googling I've found this line of code that will get the a username based on a userID:

Dim membershipUser As MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(New Guid(userGUID))

Which works great if I can supply it with a GUID - but I'm struggling to see how I can use this line of code if for example I want to show the usernames for comments on an article which are contained in a repeater control.Maybe it would be simpler to just merge my application's database with the asp.net membership database (ASPNETDB.mdf) so I can just select the username in SQL instead - but I'm not even sure how to do that.

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Web Forms :: Capturing Username & IP Addresses To .xls?

Dec 8, 2010

Below is the code of the actual login page I'm looking to modify. I'm wanting to capture the login name/account & ip address and automatically port it out to a spreadsheet. I'm a novice at .asp(x) and am looking at the following code:


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Web Forms :: Grab 2 Member's Username?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a page called rateuser.aspx. Basically, this page allows one user (eg. me) to give a feedback on another user (eg: user b). These username should been retrieved when i logged in and when i go to user b's profile page. how do i retrieve these 2 different member id without clashing?Also, when i want to insert the feedback, how do i insert these 2 different id into the rateuser table w/o clashing because my member id is retrieved from the user table.

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Security :: Forms Authentication Retains Username Only?

Feb 21, 2011

I had implemented the Forms Authentication for my application and used in-built login control for validating user credentials. I am creating persistant cookie using FormsAuthenticationTicket when the user checks 'Remeber Me' checkbox in login page.

Next time when I browse my application, it directly goes to resource access pages without redirecting to login page. This is the common approach in Forms Authentication with persistant cookie.

My requirement is, Is it possible to get username only in login page when using persistant cookie with Forms Authentication without redirecting into resource pages?

The same can achieve using cookies without using forms authentication. I need get the username automatically in login page using Form Authentication.

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Web Forms :: Can Validate Username In Aspx Page

Nov 16, 2010

I developed Registration Page like this.


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Web Forms :: Show Focus On First Field Of Div I.e Username?

Nov 29, 2010

i have registration fieldsi .e username email n all in div and i m displaying div on click on Register Field but i m disaplying div on LightBox.

i want show focus on First Field of Div i.e username but i am not able to.. may i know how u i can do that?

i have done all tradtionalway i.e tabIndex and focus but now working...

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Web Forms :: Get Username And Password From Gmail Account?

Nov 20, 2013

I want to create a login page in asp .net .... The username  and password are same as my gmail account username and password. When I enter the username and password it go to gmail server and check the username and password are available or not available means redirect a new page 

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Web Forms :: How To Consume A WSDL Service With Username And Password

Jul 13, 2010

how to consume a WSDL Web Service by passing a username and password to the service?

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Web Forms :: How To Set Focus To UserName Textbox In Login Control

Oct 15, 2010

how to focus cursor to UserName TextBox in Login control when page is loaded for the first time in browser ?

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Web Forms :: How To Pass A Login UserName From A Site Map Link

Aug 8, 2010

I have created a page that pulls some data from a database based on a query string parameter.This works fine.

Then I added some site login, created roles and configured access to folders. I then restricted access to that page in a secure members folder using securityTrimmingEnabled="true" in the site map configuration.

I'm sure this is very simple but what I'd like to do now is use the login user name as my query parameter. I've been going round in circles trying to add it in the Page_Load event but not having any joy.

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Web Forms :: How To Check Username And Password Stored In Database

Sep 15, 2010

i have login page. how check username and password store in database . plz reply with code.

i did it by form authentication b ut it not work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checking Username In Database

Apr 30, 2010

how to check if a particular data in the database already, for example, i want to check if a username already exist in database, then the user cant choose that username.

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Web Forms :: User For Sign Up Page With Same Username In Database

Jun 29, 2012

I'm currently doing sign up page where customer can sign up to use my website.however, when they type username, they will prompt that username is taken.how to check in database if the username is already been taken? i got 2 sign up page. 1st page is where the customer type their username, and password.2nd page is where they type thier personal particulars and then it will store in database..

below are my codes fot my 1st page

protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  { 
if (!Page.IsValid) {               
}  Session["username"] = tbNewId.Text;  
Session["password"] = tbConfirmPassword.Text; 
Response.Redirect("~/SignUp2.aspx");      }

this is my codes for second page

protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Connection"].ConnectionString;
String sql = "Insert into Customer (Name, Phone, Email, Address, Username, Password) ";
sql = sql + "Values (@Name, @Phone, @Email, @Address, @Username, @Password)";


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