Web Forms :: Can Implement The Personalizable Attribute On A Text Box In A User Control Without Using Web Parts
Jan 26, 2010
I have a web user control that contains 2 text boxes. i would like to be able to have their values persisted using the personalizable attribute, but dont want to use my user control as a web part. Can i implement the personalizable attribute on a text box in a user control without using web parts?
What is the difference between the attributes WebBrowsable and Personalizable in a Sharepoint 2010 web part?
e.g.[Personalizable(), WebBrowsable] public string IconURL { get; set; } vs [WebBrowsable] public string IconURL { get; set; }
MSDN gives the impression that personalizable is per user, whereas webbrowseable is for all users - however it doesn't explicitly mention this and I would like to get this sorted in my head.E.g. can I set a user specific property on personalizable and web-part wide on webbrowsable?
I am having a problem setting the SystemObjectRecordID attribute of my custom control inside a repeater. Currently, the value winds up as zero in the database. Things I have checked:
1) The datatype of the DB column (bigint) and the datatype of AlertId (long) and the datatype of the getter/setter SystemObjectRecordID variable (long) match.
2) If I set '<%# ((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId %>' to the Text attribute of a label I get the expected results. So, it has something to do with my custom control and specifically how data isbound to the SystemObjectRecordID attribute.
Now, going to the server, below is what I have for databinding (The page is Default.aspx.cs and the namespace is Company.ProjectWeb.Profiles):
Currently I am trying to pass the value received from a literal (because I know that the values are received as expected here) to the SystemObjectRecordId object. Still isn't working. I am still getting a value of zero when I set a breakpoint and look at the value of SystemObjectRecordId in the codebehind of my control:
the Web Part for anonymous user and authenticated user is displayed differently. I faced this problem twise. First time when used Silverlight control in the Web Part and second time when used devexpress control in the Web Part. In both cases problem was with displaying for anonymous user. Silverlight control didn't display. Devexpress control lost it's styles. Both controls had properties that pointed to files. Silverlight control property pointed to the XAP file, and Devexpress control property pointed to the CSS file. It seems to me, that for anonymous user the Web Part cannot find this path or doesn't allow to link to other files.
I created a simple Master Page in Visual Studio 2008:
<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.vb" Inherits="MasterPage" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
and got green underlined 'Master' with two warning messages: 1.Validation (ASP.NET): This attribute name must be followed byan equal (=) sign and a value. If the value is in quotation marks, the quotation marks must match. 2. Validation (ASP.NET): Attribute 'Master' is not a valid attribute of element 'Control'.How I can get rid of the messages?
I have a web user control menu of page. Now I want HOME (which is an hyperlink text) in menu to be Bold at the time default.aspx Loaded (Load event)! How can I do that If any one can provide code! I am using VB .Net at back.
iam creating a customized dashboard using web parts and i am new in web parts..i wanna a way to store user setting in XML file .. how can i achieve that ?
need to let users to generate online questionnaires that could be answered by other users. I was wondering if this could be done using the WebParts.I have a custom application with already set up database. I do not use any form of Membership Provider (I have a custom made form of user authentication, I did not want to be bounded by the rigid frame of the ASP Membership). As far as I know Web Parts uses db (called SharePoint ?) to store the state etc. so this might be the first problem because I do not want to modify my DB just for the sake of WebParts (I assume it would require a whole lot of changes).So I was wondering if it would be possible to use Web Parts only as a form of "ASP code generator" e.g. I could create the questionnarie using WebParts and then export the result somehow (?) to print an ascx/aspx file or code.If this can not be done, can anybody tell me if there are any components that would be useful here? Some sort of toolkit where one could create asp code online? (with textboxes, checkboxes etc.).
I am using web parts using asp.net c# 2.0 with Ajax 1.0.
I am dynamically creating and loading web parts in my code behind. Some of these web parts are pure html others are user controls. Its all working well but with one annoying issue.
When I add a new web part / remove one ( from my web part collection) this change is not reflected in the portal. Say when you add a new web part you would expect it to see in the catalog. But its not there. When I remove a web part from my collection it still appears in the portal.
However, If I delete the user's setting in the aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser table then the change is visible!
I have a User Control (ascx) and a property which a want to display in my categories tab in Visual Studio in the category named "Styles".
And here is the problem: Actually I do not need a get, because I only have to set the property (write only property). But when I omit the get, the property is displayed in the "Misc" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio. Only when I code the get as well, then the property is displayed correctly in the "Styles" category in the categories tab in Visual Studio.
Does anybody know why? How can I display the category correctly only with set?
What if, I'm not using the LOGIN CONTROL but rather creating a Custom Control for Login. Is it possible to have user roles and a site map that redirects to its own destination when the user login?
I have created the user control and it has got one table with few rows in it. One row has got a text box with custom validaor and other row will have check boxes dynamically added through server side.
On the main page, i am loading that user control about 10-15 times depending upon the values from the database.
Is there any way of setting the properties of user control validator on the main page? Text box will only be validated if any check box is checked in the user control.
I am also not able to find the usercontrols through the main page.
I've created a dataset using a tableAdaptor in the code-behind as follows
which works great for the FormView in the aspx page.I would now like to use this datasource (or create something similar) to bind one of the column values to a label's Text attribute.Totally stuck here -- i understand i cant explicity bind to a Label as I could a dataview, etc, but i should be able to set the label1.text value using a datasource from the code-behind.
I have a webpart with asp.net control within.I would like to hide some parts of that control, some asp:net panels etc. regarding one of the TextBox's value. The issue is that I don't know to change the visibility of asp:panel wrapper without any postback, and how to refresh page to see the changes on the UI.I was trying to implement TextChanged event but it dosen't work.
I went to run it, I filled out the form and clicked register. I got this:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. and Line 127: _provider.CreateUser(userName, password, email, null, null, true, null, out status);
i have a link button thats text value is populated from a dataset value retrieved from a database. When the user clicks on this link button I want to somehow capture the text value. The trick is the linkbutton is within a usercontrol, and I want to do the processing from the user controls parent. I am able to get the ID of the clicked linkbutton with the use of Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"];, however i need the text value, in this case its a job number.
I may be able to do this via javascript with the OnClientClick;
When I do this I get a javascript error saying "M10725"(which is my job number being clicked) is ndefined. I dont know what this means. Do I somehow have to give the linkbutton being click a value?
I have a main web page and added a user control inside it. The user control has some textboxes. The problem I have is when I populate the textboxes with the data that is in the DB, they do not show the values. The strange thing is If I change the property of textboxes ReadOnly to TRUE, they show the values. The problem is that I need them to be ReadOnly=FALSE.