Web Forms :: Create A Calendar Which Does Not Popup?
May 26, 2010
I want create a calender which does not popup.
User should be provided with a text box which has format like " / / "
So that when user tries to enter date, he just go on entering DD/MM/YYYY without forward slash.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a problem on ASP.NET webpage for data input form. My form contains a TEXTFIELD(txtDateEntry) and a Dropdownlist (ddlRegistration).
dllRegistration should be populate its data base on date in txtDateEntry. I have added an image(imgCalendar) next to extfield(txtDateEntry) and attach javascript to load a Popup Calenday. In my page load(Register.aspx) I have added the script as below:
this.imgCalendar.Attributes["onclick"] ="javascript:window.open('../CalendarPopup.aspx?textbox=txtDateEntry','cal','width=250,height=225,left=270,top=180')";
and on CalendarPopup.aspx:
protected void calDate_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>window.opener.document.forms(0)." + control.Value + ".value = '";
strScript += calDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();
strScript += "';self.close()";
strScript += "</" + "script>";
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(),"anything", strScript);
My purpose now is that when user click on the calender and select a date, the dropdown list ddlRegistration will initial its data base on the date where calender is being selected. How could I do to reach this requirement?
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Jan 17, 2011
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May 26, 2010
So I have tried both the Ajax Control Toolkit (which didn't work -- page didn't even display, got an error message about assemblies not registered.
AND implement use of the JQuery datepicker. Which I do have working OUTSIDE of FormView. Once I put it in FormView it doesn't display. Spent all day on this crap and have absolutely nothing to show for it but a bunch of code that doesn't do what I want it to....grrr...my inadequacies are irritating me (can you tell?)
Any help to get it working inside the Formview and bound to the Date field for my insertemplate. The FormVendorVisit is only used to insert the following fields: vendor_visit_id (identity / pk / not even visible on the formview inserttemplate), vendor_id, time_spent, date(this is where I am running into problems getting a popup calendar to select the date. My "ButtonInsert" in the formview takes care of the rest and works perfectly if I enter a date manually.
Here's my code on my aspx page:
My code behind vb page doesn't have too much in it yet and nothing with the datepicker:
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Jan 27, 2011
How i display the details of event in popup on mouse over of any calendar date. I am populating the calanedar control from database and want to display the details of event in Popup on mouse over on particular date if there is an event.
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Feb 14, 2011
I am changing a vb.net windows form program to browers application using asp.net and code behind vb.net. The form has a textbox for a date, currently when user clicks in the textbox a calendar pops up to force the user to select from the calendar. How do I do this using asp.net/code behind vb.net.
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a Problem with my Javascript popup calendar when linked with a Text box inside DetailsView.It gives me the following error
Calendar.setup 'zapatec-calendar-1':
Nothing to setup (no fields found). Please check your code
popup calendar is working fine outside the Details view.
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Mar 13, 2011
I want to Customize ASP Calendar to view popup when i click on ASP Calendar Date Cell .... I want Popup not Modal Popup...and i want in that pop up appear 2 check box or 2 option start date and end ........ and when click to choose a option in the popup ....the popup is closed..and i want to get select value and selected date in the server side ........... so how can i handle that
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Is there a way to make this work?
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Nov 9, 2010
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Apr 7, 2010
I have a page where the calendar imagebutton and extendar are the first button on the page. I notice that when I hit enter on any of the fields (textboxes) that the calendar will open. How can I prevent this?
I tried setting a default button for the form, which works, but it then causes another problem in that it fires my validators when I hit enter on a field that triggers a button other than the default button. For example, I have a lookup field with a button and if I hit enter on this field the validators will flash quickly because the default button is the submit button and it's trying to submit the form.
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Aug 18, 2012
I have done like below code, but problem is, it is pop up somewhere in the page., not right below the textbox.(in Google crome only ) my code is:
<asp:TextBox ID="txt_apptdate" runat="server" CssClass="lefttd" Width="180px" Height="24px"></asp:TextBox> <cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender3" runat="server" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" TargetControlID="txt_apptdate" OnClientDateSelectionChanged="checkDate" PopupButtonID="imgCal"/><asp:ImageButton ID="imgCal" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/calendar.jpg"CausesValidation="false" />
Pop up is not getting below the textbox in Google chrome only ...
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May 7, 2015
I have used Ajax Modal popup extender for popup an the css for modal popup is as folows:
.modalBackground {
-webkit-border-radius: 12px 12px 23px 23px;
border-radius: 12px 12px 23px 23px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 12px 12px 12px 0 #946C10;
box-shadow: 12px 12px 12px 0 #946C10;
background-color: LightGrey;
filter: alpha(opacity=80);
opacity: 0.7;
And the HTML for modal popup is as shown bellow:
<cc1:modalpopupextender id="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" targetcontrolid="btncomplains"
popupcontrolid="panelstatus" backgroundcssclass="modalBackground" cancelcontrolid="ImageCancel1">
<asp:Panel ID="panelstatus" GroupingText="Submit Details" BackColor="WhiteSmoke"
Width="600px" runat="server" Style="border: thick solid #CCCCCC;">
[Code] ....
I have tried all sorts of z-index but nothing seem to have worked i have changed z-index from 0 to 99999999and nothing have changed and so I resorted to required field validators and watermark but how to show that on top of modal popup and if I am doing anything wrong I have also tried this script but didint worked:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function onCalendarShown(sender, args) {
sender._popupBehavior._element.style.zIndex = 9999999;
I have seen many website for this question but nothing seem to have worked and also there must be some error with css as i have described it above...
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Oct 2, 2010
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Feb 27, 2014
I want to create custom calendar. If the user wants to apply for the vacation he/she has to select date from 2 textbox’s i.e. Start date and End date. The vacation duration is for 30 days.I am counting days after user selecting the date from textbox’s i.e. Strat date and End date.Between this two dates there is a festival Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) which is expected to be on July 28 2014. My residing place is KSA, suppose holidays for Eid-al-Fitr starts from July 27 2014 to Aug 3 2014 duration of 7 days. I want to exclude these 7 days from the vacation days and display the count as 23 days .
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Dec 29, 2010
In javascript popup calendar, date is not showing in from_textbox and to_textbox ,after each postback.
Without script manager it is working properly. but i need to use script manager in that same page for another functionality. how to solve this problem..i want to show the date in textbox.
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May 7, 2015
How to display asp calendar in popup option in asp textbox?
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Sep 3, 2010
i have a gridview in each row of gridview row i hve 2 columns. in each row i need a button to enter date, when i click button one calender shld popup and data shld be display at end of the row
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Mar 12, 2010
If I have a calendar extender paired with a textbox, then things work as expected. I can set a date eg 03/10/2011. I can then type in the textbox to update that date to something like 03/12/2011 and the calendar updates as well.
However, the moment I add a button to pop the calendar up, the calendar doesn't change when you manually type a new date.
In the second example, you can set the date the first time. Any updates from then on have to be through the calendar though. I can type in the textbox, but it will not update the calendar. Am I missing something or does this calendar extender have a major bug? If anyone knows a clean elegant fix, I would be very appreciative. I am not all that excited about manually hooking up a change event to that textbox and then updating the calendar extender, but if I have to I will.
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May 5, 2010
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Nov 22, 2010
I'm need to create an app. to organize the tech assistance of the company. One thing I need to do, is to create some sort of planner, to set the interventions. It should be some sort of organizer, like in cell phones for instance, that should allow me to set day and time of the intervention and sort data by day. I know it sounds simple, maybe, but I'm quiet a newbie, and I have no clue how to start. I' m not looking for readymade solutions, although I wouldn't say no to a such offer lol, but for a clue on how to create something like that.
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Apr 16, 2010
suppose I have appointments and events on certain dates.I want to show this on a calendar that shows all 30 days by having the date bold.Further more, I want the user to be able to hover over that bolded date, and have a popout that will display the appointment/event name and details.
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Feb 1, 2010
how to create a popup box that is used as a wait box? This box has a circle in the middle that has a pointer that changes colors and spins when waiting for the next window or page to appear.Is this AJAX or a programming option?
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