Web Forms :: Display Confirmation Message From Server Side

Mar 11, 2010

On a check box check changed I want to test some conditions and based on that I want to display a confirmation message. Based on the user action, OK or Cancel I want to proceed or stop the process. How can I do that. I tried this,


Even I click Cancel the rest of the code also executed. How can I handle this?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Display Server Side Yes No Confirmation Box On DropDownList Change

Apr 16, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to capture the yes/no values on the server side once the y/n buttons are clicked on a javascript pop up?

I am displaying the y/n pop up while using a dropdown menu but pretty much all the solutions i have seen so far use button's onClick event.

By reading article: [URL]

I am able to see the pop up box with the yes/no options but after i click a 'yes' or 'no', i don't see  'You clicked Yes' or 'You clicked No'.

This is the code i have so far which has been taken from Muddassar's article that uses a button, not a drop down.

I can see for button the "Confirm()" is being called by OnClientClick event, but i haven't been able to make it to work in a dropdown.

On the aspx page:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlWorkBucket" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource8" DataTextField="workBucketName" DataValueField="workBucketID" Width="120px" onChange="Confirm()" OnSelectedIndexChanged="OnConfirm"></asp:DropDownList>

Also on the same aspx page is this javascript function:

 <script language ="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
function Confirm() {    var confirm_value = document.createElement("INPUT");   
confirm_value.type = "hidden";    confirm_value.name = "confirm_value";   


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Web Forms :: Display Server Side Yes No Confirmation Box On DropDownList SelectedIndex Changed

Apr 29, 2014

 I am trying to use Yes No Confirmation Message Box but the code below here which i found here uses a button to raise the confirmation message box but what i would like to use is a DropDown.  How can i modify the code and i use drop-down box instead of using a button? here is the javascript code: 

<script type = "text/javascript">
function Confirm() {
var confirm_value = document.createElement("INPUT");
confirm_value.type = "hidden";
confirm_value.name = "confirm_value";


but here is what i would like to use is drop-down instead of the button:

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl" Width="300px" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddl_SelectedIndexChanged">
<asp:ListItem Text="test1" Value="test1"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="test2" Value="test2"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Text="test3" Value="test3"></asp:ListItem>


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Web Forms :: Display Confirmation Message Box On TextChanged Event Of TextBox

Dec 12, 2013

I want to cheate confirmation msg box when user chane the date of text box "You changed the date do you want to proceed yes or no" ....

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MVC :: Display An Error Message From The Server Side?

Feb 22, 2011

I have this admin page where i want to throw an error if they select more than 5 items from the list. I was trying to do this on the server side. When the selected items is more than 5, I get an error screen.


Here is my code in the controller.


Here is my view.


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Display An On-screen Message Server Side?

Oct 15, 2010

What is a good way to display the message "your data has been saved" on screen (server side, not javascript) when a user clicks the Update button in a FormView control? I want the message to have a similar look and feel to the error message that displays when validation fails (only in this case, the message will convey that data successfully saved to the database).

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C# - Display A Message Box And Get Confirmation YES Or NO From Aspx.cs?

Aug 15, 2010

I need to dispaly a message box for confirmation to delete an Item or not but not sure how to do that if I use javascript alert, than how will I get confirmation?

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SQL Reporting :: How To Display Confirmation Message After Sending Mail

Apr 3, 2010

I am using Local reports(RDLC) for my reports in Asp.net

I have the following code in my button.I am able to send my pdf report as mail,and every thing is ok,But Problem is I am unable to produce a Confirmation message,like "Mail sent successfully".How could i change my code.


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Display Confirmation Message Before Deleting A Record From Database

Dec 12, 2012

I have a web in asp.net+vb code and sql database

Protected Sub movebtn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles movebtn.Click
Dim con As New SqlConnection
con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("26ConnectionString").ConnectionString
If persno.Text = "" Then
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "Forms", "<script> alert('Enter Pers No of Offr ..........') </script>")

[Code] ....

I want to add a confirmation before deleting the data and popup message box...

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Web Forms :: Assigning Confirmation Dialog Frm Server Side?

Jan 7, 2010

is it possible to assign the YES/NO or YES/CANCEL dialog frm server side & how to code for it.

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Server Side Yes No Confirmation On Page Load

Jan 24, 2016

The article described fine work on Button Click But I want to use On page Load [URL] ....

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Web Forms :: Server Error Message + Client Side Validation Message?

Apr 19, 2010

I have forgotte password page in my application,page have one textbox to insert email address,when user click on submit button if inserted email address (i.e. abc@gmail.com) does not exits in DB it will give custome error message like "Email ID not available".after that suppose user will enter inproper email address (aaa#gmail.com) than client side validation for regular expression will file "Email id not valid",at same both message be on screen,now i want only one message at a time.so please can you help me for same

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Alert - Confirmation Box From Server Side?

Feb 25, 2011

I want to show the confirmation box in asp.net from server side:I want to call it from server side because I have to take the customer message from server side. I am using the below code

string str = "Are you sure, you want to Approve this Record?";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "Popup", "return confirm('" + str + "');",true);
// More code ....

Now it is showing the popup and irrespective of what I click, whether "ok" or "Cancel", my code is executing. let me know how can I restrict code to be executed when user select "cancel" in the confirmation box.

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AJAX :: Server Side Confirmation - Not Control Initiated

Sep 25, 2013

URL...In the above page, the button fires the javascript first, then the code-behind sub runs.  The problem I have is I am in the middle of a code-behind sub routine that checks if a user is logged on the a PC.  If there is a users logged on, I want the confirm popup to ask whether to reboot anyway or cancel.  The code needs to dictate whether to call the javascript, not some direct button click.  Then I need the remainder of the code-behind sub to execute based on the users choice. 

I can call the client script in the code-behind sub using 'RegisterStartupScript...'; then I can get the page's form value.  The problem is that the sub runs to completion without waiting for the javascript code to run.  This causes code-behind variable to get checked before it's set by the client and it nevers works.

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How To Get Return Value Of JQuery Confirmation Dialog From Server Side Code

Nov 15, 2015

I have JQuery confirmation dialog function that called by server side code (C#)how to get its return value of that function? in this case the return value would be either Yes or No.I called it in button clicked event as below:

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string message = "Message from server side, please select yes or no";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Popup", "ShowConfirmation('" + message + "');", true);

my question is how to get JQuery return value, in this case the return value would be Yes or No?

=== JQuery Confirmation Dialog ==
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.9/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.9/themes/start/jquery-ui.css"


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AJAX :: Show Server Side Yes No Confirmation Box Using Script Manager

Feb 5, 2014

I am throwing a alert box using scriptmanager like this based on some condition.

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Would you like to be put on the wait list?')", true);

But it has only "ok" button. Is there a way to display a message box which has yes/no buttons so that I want to check some more conditions in the code behind.

something like this.

DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you wanna do something?", "Warning",
MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if(result == DialogResult.Yes) {
//code for Yes
} else if(result == DialogResult.No) {
//code for No
} else if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) {
//code for Cancel

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Web Forms :: How To Show Message Operation Going On Server Side

Aug 3, 2012

I am uploading pdf file... if I click upload.. I will check the pdf file .. PDF file page size .... should show message size checked or else invalid size  if it successful size then it will check landscape or portrait.. and so on operation... but while checking the pdf file i want to show message to client  this operation is going like.. progress bar..

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Web Forms :: How To Show Confirmation Message

Jan 24, 2011

I have one page which contains 3 panels and 3 buttons. Each panel connects one button. When one button clicks, the relative panel appears and other panels are divisible. For each panel, I design a textbox, a merge button and a gridview. When user input information into the textbox, the gridview shows the detail data from the database and two checkboxes. The next step, user uses checkboxes to choose two different rows of data and click the merge button. I need to show a confirmation message based on the selection user made i.e. Are you you want to merge A to B.

write the code to show the confirmation message which is works perfectly in Page_Load() method. But the problem is the page contains 3 panels. Do I need to write code for each panel to show the confirmation message and put 3 sets of the code in Page_Load?

see my code below.





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Web Forms :: Friendly HTTP Error Message Feature On Server Side?

Oct 6, 2010

I want to show implement Friendly HTTP Error Message feature on server side. Anybody provide appropriate sample to show the custorm error page.

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Web Forms :: Confirmation Message Not Being Displayed In Label?

Jan 12, 2010

I have almost completed a competition entry form however i now find myself stumbling over a label which is to display a confirmation message that the entry has been received.

Stepping through the code using debug/breakpoints shows that the code is running the cycle but the end result of the form is just blank fields.

I have posted the code here:


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Web Forms :: JavaScript Alert Message From Server Side Makes Page Blank?

Jun 9, 2013

i have a button,i want when a button is clicked a alert message should be display, i wrote the code like this

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Your account has been created')</script>");

It work well, but when it pop-up background color become gray,i want when it pop-ups,the background should remain same .

like when we click on button which is associated with confirmbuttonextender..the background become fade but it doesn't go blank..

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Web Forms :: Include A Confirmation Message Upon Check Out Of Websore

Feb 25, 2011

I want to include a confirmation message upon check out of my websore. I have already included it in the load statement and the message box appears as intended. I still don't know how to obtain the value (true or false) so that I can continue with check out or return to page. I've been reading a lot about using scripts, but all the scripts that I've seen are in the main aspx page and not the code behind page. I'm using VB2010. give me an example of using code behind page in VB to filter the result of the confirmation box?

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Web Forms :: Popup Customized Confirmation Message, Then Do Postback?

Jan 27, 2010

I have the following situation I am having trouble with.

1) Users select some items from a checkbox & type a message in a textbox

2) The user clicks on a message preview button

3) Based on what they had selected, a message will be created. This message is stored in a database

4) I am using showModalDialog to display their message to the user.

5) The user is given two options, send & cancel

**Here is where the problem starts**

6) If the user clicks send, I want to call a server side method that sends this message to a portal (method already developed) I was trying to use "__doPostBack....", but this is throwing a javascript error.

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Web Forms :: Confirmation Message On Delete Link In DataGrid

Apr 13, 2012

How can I display confirmation message -"are you sure to delete click yes or no button" on user click on delete link  

<asp:ButtonColumn CommandName="Delete" HeaderText="Delete" Text="Delete" > 
<ItemStyle BackColor=GhostWhite /> </asp:ButtonColumn>

How can I do it if java script how can use script here

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview/DetailsView Delete Confirmation Message?

Dec 7, 2010

I have both a details view and gridview with deleting enabled. I'm concerned about users accidentally clicking delete, and poof, the record is gone. Is there a setting to get a confirmation message before the delete is actually done?

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