Web Forms :: Dynamic Menu Display Behind Javascript Banner Rotetor In Firefox
Dec 21, 2010
I have added 7 banners on my home page and i am roteting them with using JavaScript. I have horizontal menu with submenus. and below that i have disply above roteting banner. now it works very well in IE but while in Firefox it diaply behind the banner. so that dynamic submenu can not able to disply. [URL] website url.
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When the box is checked, I want to display the length of Textbox1's value. The problem I encounter with the code below is that it gives error about object not found. It cannot find TextBox1 object. I try to replace document.forms[0].TextBox1.value.length with MainContent_TextBox1.value.length or with document.getElementById("TextBox1").value.length or with document.getElementById('<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>').value.length but none of those works. They all give the same error about Textbox1 object.
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Sep 2, 2010
I am doing a rework on one of my sites and I am attempting to use the asp:menu control.
I am using images in the static and dynamic menus. Hard coded at this point.
On my local machine it works fine but when I upload to the server, the image on the dynamci menus do not appear.
Instead I just get white space where the images should be.
Here is the code:
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Feb 22, 2010
i have many css problems with asp:menu /here is one of them
i use this slideshow http://www.codeplex.com/SlideShow
on top of it i have asp:menu
when i hover over the menu i didnt view the child item correct
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Jul 28, 2010
I know that the code depicted below will not work but I am including it to convey the idea of what I wish to accomplish. I want to use a different SiteMap to construct the menu on the displayed page for each of three different classes of service (COS).
I set a session variable named "COS" at the login and want to test its value prior to rendering each page. I want to display a menu based upon the appropriate COS. Here is my first stab at it but I know that I cannot include <asp:...> controls within the "case" statements. Can anyone suggest methods of doing this? I know C# and can use that but I do not know how to select the proper sitemap within the <menu> control. I am also using a CSS in my production version.
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Feb 22, 2010
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Feb 16, 2010
I am having an issue with the hyperlinks that are created as part of a horizontal menu control. You have to position the cursor in a very narrow range near the very top of the menu option to find the hyperlink associated with that menu option. This is only the case with Firefox and Chrome. You can try it for yourself at [URL] Try clicking any one of the horizontal menu options ("Services" for example. You will see that it is very particular where it will allow you to click to activate the hyperlink. Markup:
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Sep 2, 2010
Ok, everyone knows that the z-index is messed up in IE8 and that requires patches or workarounds...
What I can't seem to find a solution to is the white background on the DynamicMenu parts of a Menu control. Setting the background color to transparent or not setting it all doesn't seem to have any effect. This is only a problem in IE8, Firefox 3.6.8 renders the dynamic menus without the white background.
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May 8, 2010
I'm posting in this forum because I suspect that my issue is to do with how the Toolkit is handling Overflow, coupled with a subtle difference in rendering between IE8 and Firefox.I have a two level menu created as follows:
In IE8, the menu behaves as expected. In Firefox the behaviour is also correct, except that whenever a menu option is clicked (level 1 or level 2), a horizontal scrollbar appears. Once it has appeared, it remains in place until the screen refreshes or, oddly, focus moves to a completely different window. That latter point makes me wonder whether Firefox does something "odd" when an element has focus.The CSS is as follows:
So, not a showstopper, but an annoyance that scrollbars keep appearing in Firefox.
View 4 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
there's a label control on the master page..if its value is "Value1" ,I want this CSS Sprite to display on my webform..if the Value is "Value2"..the CSS sprite should use some different image..just the image needs to be changed ..nothing else in that Sprite..
I found out that I can use "FindControl" method to find out what value that Label Control of Master Page's currently got..
Now how do I change that image on the banner ?? How do I go about it ? Also that CSS Sprite now is a user control named "myBanner.ascx"(earlier was an aspx file)..Now do I need to make 2 diff usercontrols or I can implement some logic in one usercontrol itself ?
Should I make 2 copies of this "myBanner.ascx" with JUST the "image name" changed in its CSS ?
What I want is ONE banner which has been made using CSS Sprite ..Now if the "Label Control's "value in the master page is "Value1" then the image to be used on that banner is "IMAGE1" else if "Label Control's" value is "Value2" then "IMAGE2" should be used in that sprite..
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Feb 24, 2011
I'm using ASP Menu .... It Works fine in IE ...but The Problem in Fire fox ... i put the asp menu inside Table Cell and I give Alignment Property for that cell to be right .....the Alignment for Childs in IE is Right Correct but in FireFox is Left :-( so how can I change the alignment for Childs to be Right and to work in Firefox
The ASP Menu Code in ASPX is :
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May 9, 2010
I was trying to prototype some jQuery-based menu into ASP.NET MVC. Just to name two examples here: [URL]Their demo page looks great, but when I integrate their sample code into MVC, the script no longer works in IE and FireFox, but it seems to work just fine under Google Chrome. Can someone kindly enough to point out what I missed? I will be honest here. I am still new to JavaScript. I have placed a copy of my VS2010 solution zip file @ [URL] Here is what I did. In the Site.Master, I have something like
<div class="page">{truncated...}</div>
<script src=[URL]" charset="utf-8"></script>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ScriptContent" runat="server" />
And inside View file, I have the following
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<div id="original">
{some demo block, copied from javascript demo}
<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="ScriptContent" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.columnview.js") %>" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
Compiled the code and ran it under IE. Ideally, it should work like the demo in [URL], but in reality, it only displays unordered list in plain view. (If you download the solution file and run it, you should be able to repro this as well). Next, tried with FireFox, not working either, same result as IE. Finally, when I try it under Google Chrome 4.1 (lastest version), and the script displays just fine.
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Apr 24, 2015
I have placed an aspx menu control on my master page with orientation as Horizontal. Below is HTML markup.
HTML Code:
<asp:Menu ID="mnuMedChem" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="100%" OnMenuItemClick="mnuMedChem_MenuItemClick">
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="DynamicHover" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle CssClass="DynamicMenuItem" />
I have tried populating the menus from my database by using the
The menu items and the childs are populating correctly but then the menu is not being displayed on the menu control.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have seen tons of posting about how to fix the dynamic menu problem but none of them works for me. I have a web application with the menu in the master page and dynmic menu does not show up/partially hidden when not using IE8 comaptibility mode. Does anybody have a fix? I hae tried the "Z-Index" and CSS without any luck.
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