Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Frameset Contents?
Mar 20, 2010
I have two frames side-by-side in a .aspx webpage.The frame on the feft is set a source page called
category.aspx and the one on the left is set to data.aspx.Now,category.aspx has saome buttons and data.aspx has a datalist control to show data from a database table. What I want is that when the user clicks different buttons on the category.aspx frame ,the data in the data.aspx frame change due corresponding changes in sql query of the datalist in the right-hand frame.
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Sep 3, 2010
I am using AppCode and have 6 arrays of information I want to display on my web page. However I only want three to be visible at any one time.
| | | |
| | | |
button button button
i.e. a table like the above.
I have created the layout and the choice buttons etc I am using querystrings to pass the changes to the webpage.
The problem comes however when trying to write the code for the table diplay. Now each has a slightly different layout.
My initial thought was to write a function within the aspx/html page for each table, then in each column of the master table one of the functions can be called to populate it. Each of the functions will contain the HTML tagging for that information. However I dont seem to be able to achieve this as when I try to right a sub or function it doesn't like it. I have also tried to write the functions into the code behing but again this didnt work.
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Nov 17, 2010
for obvious reasons using master page instead of iframes is good in my view but the current project which is on Framework 1.1 has some some limitations to do any modifications as client is already using some 3rd party controls. Now, the issue i am facing is with page load event which is firing twice. see the below html code.
from the above code when eFolderTree.aspx is called with iframe "TreeAppFrame", the "page load" event in eFolderTree.aspx.vb is firing twice. I debugged for the issue and found that this is happening because of iframe "primaryAppFrame" which is calling "SiteFolder/ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>". when commenting the page reference "ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>" in iframe "PrimaryAppFrame", this is working correctly. What else do i need to do, to make sure that page load event fires only once in page "eFolderTree.aspx.vb"
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Nov 17, 2010
for obvious reasons using master page instead of iframes is good in my view but the current project which is on Framework 1.1 has some some limitations to do any modifications as client is already using some 3rd party controls.Now, the issue i am facing is with page load event which is firing twice. Please see the below html code.
from the above code when eFolderTree.aspx is called with iframe "TreeAppFrame", the "page load" event in eFolderTree.aspx.vb is firing twice. I debugged for the issue and found that this is happening because of iframe "primaryAppFrame" which is calling "SiteFolder/ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>". when commenting the page reference "ShowSiteFolderTable.aspx?Site=<%=sSiteId%>" in frame "PrimaryAppFrame", this is working correctly.What else do i need to do, to make sure that page load event fires only once in page "eFolderTree.aspx.vb" ?
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Jul 6, 2010
This is a very simple complexive query that I have.I need the solution.I have a youtube link:
<----- width="480" height="350"><---- src="http://www.youtube.com/v/OORDOd6wRrE&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="350"><---><----->
this is the modified link.Well,my problem is,that I want to change the size of video, means in the whole string I want to replace width="480" with width="250" and height="350" with height="250"
I want to change these parameters programmatically using ASP.Net
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Mar 3, 2011
I am creating sample application for master page layout, it contain three parts as follows
1. Header
2. Content
3. Footer
and wanted header and footer will be static content in web page.(Content will be scrollable)
For that I have found one solution in HTML (frameset and frame) but I am looking for pure ASP.NET solution.
So question is, Is there any alternative present in ASP.NET?
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asp code:
<asp:DetailsView AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="EmployeeTimeId" DataSourceID="sdsEmpTimeDetailsView"
DefaultMode="Insert" HeaderText="Add EmployeeTime"
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Mar 5, 2010
Afternoon, I am trying have an HTML file containing a frameset which contains two frames. I have populated the left Frame with a URL containing a TreeView with URL's for the nodes.
I would like the to be able to select a URL from the treeview in the left hand frame, and have it set the src of the right hand frame to be that URL.
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Apr 4, 2011
I have a web page in that page I'm using 3 frame set one for heading, 2nd one for left side navigation and 3rd frame for main page. When i click left side navigation automatically main page will be displayed.
My problem is i have a Log out button in frame one(head page).when i click the logout button the frame one gets logout and displays the login page. frame 2nd and 3rd still exist i want to close all the frame and displays a complete login page in the browser.
I'm not using link button...
I'm using Button(Asp.net)...
I need c# code only....
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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="display: none">
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Sep 9, 2010
A reply to the following post says not:
If it is possible, can anyone point me at an example?
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Feb 28, 2011
I'd like to have a standard sql select statement that depending on user input changes to alternative one.
I've written code similar to this:
if (something is true....)
SQLdataSRC1.SelectCommand = "Select *... etc";
// where SQLdataSRC1 is the name of the sql select statement datasource in the front end code.
I've put this code in the onload event and in the SQL datasource event handler but still it gets ignored - and only the SQL select statement in the front end code is recognised.
What am I doing wrong?
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Mar 19, 2010
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Jul 27, 2010
I've mad a function, that has a result of 24 rows.So the first row is LE1, the second LE2, the third LE3 ......But how can i programmically change the row.LE1 ? It should be LE + i ...Take a look at the code:
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm using jQuery thick box and I want to chaneg some url parameters dynamically. How can I do that.
I want to change the x and y values dynamically. I've try ths,
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Dec 8, 2010
I have website under "aaa.com" domain, and it's form authentication is working in that domain.
But when i call login page from "bbb.com" in frameset or frame, can't pass login page. İt's always redirect login page me.
internet explorer not working. But firefox work.
(There is no problem when i call "aaa.com/login.aspx" but if i call in frame "aaa.com/login.aspx" from bbb.com not work.)
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Oct 18, 2010
In my website I have <img src from code behind (created the whole table and css in the code behind). So for an image I added as <img src='../combox/img/products/prod1.gif">
So when I run this page and see the view source, I get the following path for my image: <img src = "http://localweb1/combox/img/products/prod1.gif">. Here localweb1 is my development server.
But I want to change this "http://localweb1" to "http://www.mypage.com/ so the img src will show as <img src="http://aeroprod.com/combox/img/products/prod1.gif">
How should I do this in my code? Do I have to parse? In this case how do I do it?
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Oct 11, 2010
I have created an aspx page that is displaying user profiles, and on that page I have an asp.net image control that I dynamically populate at runtime based on the users profile image.
I have created several themes, just modifying css to display the profiles with different background and different layouts.
For fun I have created one theme that is kind of like the matrix, and I would like to be able to take the users profile image and change it to a 'green scale' so to speak, or even just a straight up green color, more so this one #20f380. The profile images are just jpg, and are already cartoonish so they should change to green without the image looking to bad.
Is there a way to use code behind to change an image's colors?
C# or VB is fine, currently I've not been able to find any tutorials that work for me, or are close to what I am trying to do.
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